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    yteboi4blk's profile

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    donnah's profile
    <3,188 fans>
    22 Jan, 2024
    I cant belief its 2024!!!!! Omg I'm so fucking old lol I'm 34 now!!! Total MILF LOL or is it cougars I all ways get them mix up. My gf Keisha sort of broke up with me like she still fucks me but has other gfs 2 not exculsive + I feel like im not even 1st choice any more but I'm still total in love with her so it sucks but im trying 2 b so good she wants me back. I still live wit her but alot of nights I have 2 sleep on the couch in the orherroom b case she's fucking an other girl. I don't know what 2 do. My life is all ways fucked up. Some times u feel like I should stop doing drugs + try 2 b straight + live a fucking white life + find some fucking white boy 2 marry me excetp I HATE WHITE EVERYTHJNG. I don't know. I'm depressed I guess. My sister told me im fucked in my head + need therrapy + medds. I went off the medds I was on. I guess I should be kn them + probalby others ones 2. I don't know. I fucking hate life. I hate being whitr. I hate being me. I hate being old. I wish I was young + BLACK + fucking loved life or ehat ever it is normal people do. Does every 1 hate her self like I do??????? is it normal????? I feel so fucked up some times. Some times I feel like I should just suicide. I don't think any body would even care not even my parents or sisters. I don't even know if my daughters would care they don't even see me as there mkm since I am not the 2 raising them. I'm unfit they said + my parents r raising them even thouhgu therr half black. I'm such a fucked up peoce of shit. Why the fuck do I even live

    donnah's profile
    <3,188 fans>
    20 Dec, 2023
    I havent been on here in a long time lol sorry not sorry. My gf Keisha basicly owns me like a white slave now lol but I fucking love it. I basicly do what ever she tells me 2 do. I'm like white skin proerty. Like fucing furtnature. She loves 2 slap me around + I love 2 b used + abused by BLACK POWER. She doesnt realy hurt me allot though except in October she broke my nose + 3 of my fingers when she was mad at Jews for Isreal fighting Pasteline in Gaxa or what ever. I had 2 go 2 the hosptial but wasn't there a long time just 2 get fingers like bounded 2 gather while they heal . They didnt do any thing 2 my nose realy its been broken so many times by BLACKS lol its all fucked up no matter what. I guess if I got a nose job they could make it look better. Lucky i am kind of hot for my age b cause I work out + box + exercize + dont look that Jewish.

    donnah's profile
    <3,188 fans>
    7 Sep, 2023
    So...I went off all my medds.... i guess that was fuckin retarded... I'm so fuckin stupid. I hate my self. I hate being stupid. I hate being white. I fuckin hate my life. Ekon divorced me. Fuck thats not even true it turns out we was never legal married ?!?!?!? He told me I'm 2 old. He wants Young girls 2 breed + give him black moslem babys. Im 33 + he says im a left over not worth keeping. I dont know what 2 do. He kicked me out. I can't afford 2 pay 4 a place. Do u remember i got my ass beat by a black girl????? Shes letting me stay with her. I'm basicly her slave. When shes in a bad mood she likes to make me lick her pussy + Rim her ass hole with out cleaning. I'm so fuckin use less + dirty i feel like I belong this way. Im.white. we're trash. I fuckin hate my race so every time I lick her dirty ass hole I feel like im in my place as a fuckjng inferior white race pieces of shit. She all so likes 2 slap me around when shes mad. She couldnt find her car keys the other day and took it out on me basicly using me as a punching bag. At least I'm not stupid enough to fight back lol so I guess I laerned some thing. Im not aloud 2 leave her apatment with out her permission. I sleep on the floor when she's mad but when she's not she let's me sleep in her bed. She tells me she owns me + doesnt want me fucking any more men + tells me im.pretty 4 a white girl + may b she will make me her girl frind.

    donnah's profile
    <3,188 fans>
    22 Jun, 2023
    I must b fuckin retarded. Like im.white so I'm always gonna b weaker then an other race girl. I know. I fuckin hate my inferior white skin rave. We're so fuckin looser + weak. But I still box with girls + allot of them aren't white......y the fuck do i think I can fight like a BLACK girl????? do I WANT 2 b beat up bad? I cant even fight a chink or mexican girl lol how can i fight a BLACK the strongest power race????? So on Monday I fight a strong muscler BLACK mouth guard got knock out + she didn't stop 2 let me put it back in instead she fuckin fought me HARDER + hit my stomach so bad I thought im gonna throw up + all most went like limp + when I did she hit me twice in the mouth + fuckin knocks my 2 front teeth out they went right down my throat I swallowed them!!!!! She hit my face again a bunch of times when I chocking on my own teeth + broke my fuckin nose and a bone around my eye....I really got the shit beat out of my white ass.......but part of me I think likes it like its punish 4 being a fuckin WHITE RACE girl..... any way I had 2 go 2 hospital + have 2 recover b 4 I can go 2 dentist 2 get implant teeth so I look like FUCKIN WHITE TRASH HILL BILLY lol with no front teeth.... I can't belief what a fuckin retard I am 2 try 2 fight an other race who will ALWAYS BEAT WHITE. But I feel like I desrve it 4 being WHITE. THE WORST FUCKIN RACE U CAN BE.

    donnah's profile
    <3,188 fans>
    22 Jun, 2023
    I must b fuckin retarded. Like im.white so I'm always gonna b weaker then an other race girl. I know. I fuckin hate my inferior white skin rave. We're so fuckin looser + weak. But I still box with girls + allot of them aren't white......y the fuck do i think I can fight like a BLACK girl????? do I WANT 2 b beat up bad? I cant even fight a chink or mexican girl lol how can i fight a BLACK the strongest power race????? So on Monday I fight a strong muscler BLACK mouth guard got knock out + she didn't stop 2 let me put it back in instead she fuckin fought me HARDER + hit my stomach so bad I thought im gonna throw up + all most went like limp + when I did she hit me twice in the mouth + fuckin knocks my 2 front teeth out they went right down my throat I swallowed them!!!!! She hit my face again a bunch of times when I chocking on my own teeth + broke my fuckin nose and a bone around my eye....I really got the shit beat out of my white ass.......but part of me I think likes it like its punish 4 being a fuckin WHITE RACE girl..... any way I had 2 go 2 hospital + have 2 recover b 4 I can go 2 dentist 2 get implant teeth so I look like FUCKIN WHITE TRASH HILL BILLY lol with no front teeth.... I can't belief what a fuckin retard I am 2 try 2 fight an other race who will ALWAYS BEAT WHITE. But I feel like I desrve it 4 being WHITE. THE WORST FUCKIN RACE U CAN BE.

    donnah's profile
    <3,188 fans>
    28 Apr, 2023
    Omg I cant belief it 33 yrs old thats fuckin CRAZY!!!!!! am I officaly a MILF yet lol????? Update is there isnt alot of news. Im still married 2 Ekon + coverted 2 ISLAM + paying reperations 4 being WHITE .... we moved 2 a better condo but we get free rent basicly bc I suck r landlords cock regular....hes some kind of Arab? His dick is sooo gross hes small + hairy + his dick is like purple color lol!!!! He likes 2 cum down my throat or in my eyes + hair + face. I hope Ekon will get me pregnant b 4 I'm 2 old. He got another white girl preg she's like 22 or what ever, I guess I'm just a old milf 2 get fucked but not 2 breed any more but I want more BLACK BABYS

    donnah's profile
    <3,188 fans>
    5 May, 2022
    Omg u cant belief how many nigger ducks I sucked 4 Ekon!!! Lol I'm a fuckin white slut whore 4 niggers!!!!! My husband likes 2 make me suck off his freidns 2 show my humility 2 African supwrority race + white weakness. I swear 2 g-d I must of sucked off a 100 niggers in the last couple of months. I swallowed most of they're cum 2 lol. I feel like it's natural 4 me 2 b used by niggers as a fuckin white suck toy lol like I'm just a mindless piece of shit white who does what she's told 2 obey the black race. I love 2 b put in my place as white inferior 2 black. Am I fucked up???? I love 2 b they're slave.

    donnah's profile
    <3,188 fans>
    16 Feb, 2022
    So Ekon + his cousin + they're freinds were so celebrateing when the Rams won the Super Bowls they basicly passed me around as a fuckin sex toy basicly it's "Donnah suck this niggers dick donnah suck that niggers dick lol .... We all got soooooooooo fucking hi. I must of swallowed at least 12 nigger cum loads!!! Omg it was all in my hair + all over my face + cloths + body....i got fucked by at least 6 of then but I dont really know bc I was SOOOOOOO HIIIIIIII LOL. there is something so hot 2 just b used as property of BLACKS!!!! like they dont give a fuck what I think or feel im just there 2 b used if they want... Like total pay back 4 what white race did 2 black slaves!!!!!!! But all so its so hot not 2 have 2 think 4 my self + just have a strong black dominate me + put me in my place + tell me what 2 do.....its so nature....i think woman wants 2 b dominate by man.... I dont tjink we r smart enough 2 make good decisions 4 us....its just nature....strong men own us...+ BLACK MEN R THE SUPREME MEN so all woman wanrs a BLACK to power over her. Omg getting use like a fuckin dumb white slut party favor is so fucking hot.....2 have all these niggers just use me is so hot.......i hope we do super bowls partys at r place EVERY YEAR lol.....may b we can get in 2 more sports where we can have party's + invite all these thugs over again + again lol......o I'm such a fuckin whitw trash slut.....BLACK CUM SLUT LOL

    donnah's profile
    <3,188 fans>
    28 Jan, 2022
    Omg Ekon's cousin visited us + basicly Ekon shared mw with him. Like his white whore. I guess it has been a long tjme since hia cousin has got any pussy so Ekon made me suck his cousin's dick allot + let his cousin fuck me allot of times. He didn't watch or any thing + hes not even jeallous bcuase he fucks a lot of other white girls any way even though he says I suck cock bwtter then any of them young white bitches. But Ekon's cousin didn't use any condoms so if I get preg I wont know if the baby is his or Ekon's but Ekon doesnt seem like he cares. Him + his cousin r really close. I was a little afreaid when Ekon joked about selling me 2 his cousin! He seemed serious like he would do it 4 real!!! Lol ....but it was so hot 2 b used like a fuckin white white with one nigger just giving me 2 an other nigger 2 do what ever he wants 2 my white body like I'm just properties ITS SO HOT 2 B OWNED BY A BLACK!!!!!!

    donnah's profile
    <3,188 fans>
    1 Jan, 2022
    Happy new year except to WHITE RACE. happy birthday 2 me. Can u belief im 32 today???? I feel so fucking old?!?!?! All white boys i want u 2 make a resalution 2 b castrate or at least get vaswctomie so ur balls can't make baby's. All whitw girls I want u 2 resalute NO WHITE COCKS. R WHITE RACE SHOULD B BREEDED OUT THIS YEAR!!!! My resolation is 2 get preg by Ekon + 2 castrate a white boy lkke my fantasies!!!!