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    circumcised-dicks-are-ugly's profile

    circumcised-dicks-are-ugly Profile
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    About Me
    I have a huge fetish for women who prefer uncut cocks, even better if they ONLY like uncut cocks and hate circumcised dicks. I really love foreskin praise and uncut cock worship. I especially love seeing women make fun of circumcised dicks, and I think it needs to be done far more often.

    I also genuinely believe that lesbians and bisexual women don't actually exist and can simply be fucked straight.

    anti feminist , bwc , circumcised dick humiliation , forced straight , foreskin , humiliating lesbians , lesbians fucked straight , maledom , misogyny , objectification , raceplay , rough , sexism , straight women , tomboys , uncircumcised , uncut , wmaf , women who hate circumcised dicks , women who prefer uncut cocks

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    Gender: Male
    Sexual orientation: Straight

    Birth: 05/08/1995

    Location: Australia

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    circumcised-dicks-are-ugly's profile
    May 10, 2024
    Circumcised dicks are ugly and more women need to express this sentiment

    Sorry, circumcucks, but your mutilated dicks are just straight up ugly. They are. Circumcised dicks are gross looking as fuck. They're all dried out, cracked, calloused, scarred, disfigured, mutilated, desensitized, they look a burn victim's skin or an acid attack victim's skin or a skin graft or a scab in its final stages of healing or Freddy Krueger's face or a ghoul from Fallout, and the ugly as fuck scar looks like someone smeared a ring of shit around your dick. Fucking yuck. The ugly two-tone look makes it look like a Frankenstein's monster of a penis where you took separate parts of other people's penises and stitched them together. Circumcised dicks look like someone burnt them with a blowtorch. How can you not be grossed out by them?

    Any woman who tells you otherwise is lying to you. No woman on the planet actually likes circumcised penises, none, zero. It's a lie that is no different to when they claim to prefer dad bods. No woman on the planet prefers dad bods and no woman prefers circumcised dicks. They're just trying to virtue signal and look good in the eyes of others by pretending that they're able to see past the flawed ugliness of your disfigured, mutilated cock, but they can't, it grosses women out. All women can think about when they see your mangled dick is the image of a baby screaming in absolute hellish agony as the most sensitive part of his body gets horrifically sliced apart and mutilated with surgical tools and blood everywhere, and they just want the image to get out of their heads. No woman wants that image in their head when they look at your dick.

    Uncut dicks LOOK better, FEEL better, SMELL better, TASTE better, are more FUN to play with, and are actually MORE hygienic, since uncut guys actually wash their dicks, whereas mutilated cucks mistakenly think a circumcision is a replacement for a bath and that they somehow magically just never need to wash it. No, circy, you still need to wash your ugly, butchered dick. You can still get smegma, you uneducated cutlet. Uncut dicks aren't automatically dirty 24/7, and circumcised dicks aren't automatically clean 24/7, nor are they clean-ER by default either.

    Everybody, but especially women in particular, needs to start making fun of circumcised guys and saying things like "circumcised dicks are ugly and disgusting", "uncut dicks look a million times better", "I would never date a circumcised guy", "I only fuck uncut guys", etc. This will create a stigma around both circumcised penises AND the act circumcision of itself, which will in turn cause the circumcision rates to drop, as stigmatization is a very effective tool for getting people to change their minds/do what you want.

    The logic is simple: If women start saying that circumcised dicks are ugly and gross, and this becomes a prevalent opinion in society, parents will go "What? Women hate circumcised penises and think they're ugly? Well, no son of mine is going to have a gross, ugly, mutilated penis that women are going to be disgusted by! That settles it, we are not having our child circumcised! We want women to actually like his penis when he grows up." And it has to be mostly women expressing these sentiments, since when men complain about shit, everyone just ignores them, whereas if women complain about shit, people will actually listen to them and things will actually get done.

    Now for some preemptive counterarguments, since I already know what you're going to say:

    >"B-b-but, we shouldn't make fun of circumcised guys".

    Yes we should. Especially since in doing so, it will lower the circumcision rates, which is a noble enough reason in and of itself to do so. Nothing else will work. Educating people on the matter only has limited potential. Stigmatizing everything surrounding circumcision will lead to greater and quicker results. Sorry, but you're wrong. It just will. Besides, circumcised guys don't get made fun of enough. What, they can say whatever they want about uncut dicks without repercussion and uncut guys just have to sit there and take it, but as soon as an uncut guy retaliates and says something bad about circumcised dicks, the little circy becomes a victim, even if he was being antogonistic for 5 hours straight and started this whole thing in the first place? Fuck off, he's not a victim, he's an asshole who deserves to be put in his place. What the fuck's with this idiotic double standard? Knock it the fuck off.

    Also, do you not realize how fucked up it is of you to allow potentially millions of babies to continue being circumcised, simply because you didn't want to hurt the feelings of a few circumcised losers who can just suck it the fuck up and learn how to handle having their feelings hurt? How do you not realize that allowing babies to continue to be circumcised is the far more egregious offense in this situation? Who could possibly think that hurting someone's pwecious widdle fee-fees is somehow worse than a baby having its penis horribly fucking mutilated and disfigured, which is a million times worse? What kind of ass-backwards way of thinking is that? What the fuck's wrong with you?

    >"Women's preference shouldn't matter!"

    Yes it should. It absolutely should, and it does. All women on the planet, without one, single exception, should all prefer uncut dicks and ONLY like uncut dicks, as that's the default state of things and is the default preference anyway. They should all be grossed out by circumcised dicks and hate them. And why wouldn't you be grossed out by a missing body part? It's only natural that we feel disgust towards such things. You can say it's mean, but who gives a fuck? It's your instinct to feel revulsion towards missing parts of the body. You should feel the same type of disgust for circumcised penises that you feel when you see a guy who's missing an arm, or half his face, or is a burn victim. That's why no woman should ever say she has no preference between cut or uncut. Bitch, you do have a preference, and you prefer uncut. Stop trying to be nice.

    >"B-but, a-a-all penises are gross".

    Nope. Only circumcised ones are. Uncut dicks are perfect and are superior in every way.

    >"Cut and uncut penises look the same when the foreskin is retracted!"

    No they don't. One has a gross, ugly, unsightly scar on it that looks like a ring of shit was smeared around it, is cracked, calloused, dried out, emasculated, desensitized, gross, and looks like some Frankenstein's monster abomination of separate penis parts that were stitched together, the other is an uncut penis that is aesthetically pleasing to look at, is smooth, supple, soft, sensitive, primal, masculine, sexy, and is way more visually interesting and appealing. Also, uncut dicks look better when the foreskin still covers the head completely and isn't pulled back at all or is only pulled back a few millimetres so the glans just slightly pokes out of the foreskin. Not enough people express that opinion and people need to do it more often.

    >"Well, I'm a woman and I thin-".

    Nope, you're not a woman at all. You're a mentally ill troon. Shut your mouth, your opinion is worthless.

    "Well, I've been with uncut guys who..."

    You've never once been with an uncut guy in your entire life. Shut the fuck up and stop making shit up. Even if you had, whatever problem they had was specific to them and not representative of all uncut guys. Stop being fucking stupid. Imagine if guys did that... "Yeah, I slept with this one chick who had a smegma ridden pussy, that must mean that literally all women have smegma ridden pussies". Do you see how dumb that sounds? That's what you sound like when you say shit like that. Knock it the fuck off, you braindead idiot.
    "Well, I'm still gonna like circumcised penises anyway (for some bizarre reason)."

    Why? What's the point? I've already given you reasons for why you shouldn't like them and you should be intrinsically disgusted by them by default. Why choose to like something that's ugly and disgusting? Are you just trying to be nice? Don't be. There should be no part of you that even WANTS to like circumcised penises. None. Not one single part of you. Every fiber of your being should make you want to hate circumcised penises. It's only normal.
    "Uncut penises can have phimosis, though!"

    And? In 99.999999999% of cases, phimosis isn't even an issue and isn't even "true" phimosis. And even in cases of "severe" phimosis, it's very, very, very easily treatable with some gentle stretching for a few weeks. And if that doesn't work, you can just use a steroid cream for a few weeks. Problem solved, no surgery necessary. Wow, that was easy. And even in some extremely rare case where those solutions don't fix the problem, circumcision still isn't necessary, since you can either just deal with it like a normal person and stop seeing it as an issue, or you can get a dorsil slit. Personally, I would just deal with it, instead of having any part of my penis sliced apart.

    Speaking of dorsil slits, can you fuckwits seriously stop recommending them as a first resort instead of a last resort? Like, dude, the amount of times I've seen some absolute fucking braindead moron be like "Bro, just get a dorsil slit! Huh? You can fix phimosis just by stretching your foreskin, making a dorsil slit redundant...? Well, still, just let them needlessly slice apart your dick, bro. Come on." No, you fucking dipshit! If you can fix a problem WITHOUT surgery, then don't get an unnecessary surgery! Simple as that. How fucking dumb are you to not realize such a simple idea?!
    "It's more painful to do it when they're older!"

    1. No it isn't. Babies are much more sensitive to pain than adults are.

    2. Even if it was, that's not a justifiable reason to circumcise someone.

    3. Stop implying that they're somehow going to inevitably "need" to be circumcised eventually anyway, when they fucking won't. Uncut guys aren't constantly walking around with foreskin problems, you brainlet.

    4. Circumcised dicks still get complications, you moronic fuckfaces. In fact, most of the time, it's the circumcision itself that directly CAUSES complications.

    5. If you're capable of recognizing that circumcision is painful, and that it is ultimately unnecessary, then why even go through with it? Are you really just that evil? Are you really just that much of a monstrous child abuser? What the fuck is wrong with you? You are pure evil. Absolute scum.
    >"Y-y-you're c-c-coping, a-anteater-dick!"

    What would I possibly have to cope with? My uncut, natural, normal dick looks a million times better than yours, feels better than yours, is more fun to play with, is more hygienic, and is preferred by women. Your dick, on the other hand, is ugly as fuck, repulsive as shit, and was mutilated at birth at the behest of the very people who were supposed to protect you. Your insecure father had your penis disfigured because he couldn't bear to let you have something that he didn't. Classic fox without a tail and crab mentality. And yes, it was your FATHER who wanted you circumcised, not your MOTHER. You circumcucks always use this as a coping mechanism, and your line of reasoning is "Well, I may be circumcised, but at least it's because a WOMAN wanted it done, even if it was my own mother." It gives you this false idea that your mutilation was done because of female preference (even though it wasn't because of "female preference"), and that somehow makes it justified in your mind. What a weird way to cope.

    Also, less than 0.1% of circumcisions are performed due to female preference. Not that any women actual does prefer them, mind you. The vast majority (80%+) are done because the father is circumcised, a further 10% is because of religion/tradition, 5% is because of the hygiene myth, 4% is for conformity, "Uncut dicks smell and are prone to STDs".

    The genital hygiene of someone is going to come down to the individual, not whether he's circumcised or not. Most uncut guys, meaning 99.999999%, wash their dicks and they never smell or get smegma. And speaking of smegma, did you know that you can still get smegma if you're circumcised? Yep, that's right. So your mutilation was ultimately for nothing if it was done for "hygiene purposes". Circumcised dicks can still get dirty. They're not somehow magically clean, 24/7, 365 days of the year. If a circumcised guy goes a day or two without washing, his penis will stink and become dirty.

    Oh, and just as a personal pet peeve of mine... Ladies, when you say you like uncut dicks, can you please stop adding the unnecessary caveat of "well, as long as it's clean". You sound fucking stupid when you do that. First of all, it IS clean. Second, you should just automatically expect it to be clean by default. Why wouldn't you? No guy does that with your pussies. No guy feels the need to, because we automatically assume that your twat's gonna be clean. Why wouldn't it be? And we do so even though we have way more reason to be concerned with YOUR hygiene, since vaginas get dirty quicker and able to get dirti-ER. So you're in no position to say "as long as it's clean". Yeah, it fucking is. Assume it's clean by default, like we do for you, you retarded assholes. Again, why wouldn't it be? It's not like there's some sterotype of men being dirty or unable to wash themselves, so you should just automatically assume by default that their penises are going to be clean, since there's a 100% chance that they are. Stop being dumb, you fucking idiots.

    And third, there's this implication that you either think circumcised dicks are always clean (they're not) and can't get dirty (they can), or that you would be fine with a circumcised dick, even if it was dirty. So stop saying it. It's unnecessary and moronic of you. And if you are gonna say it, at least add the caveat of "as long as it's clean" to circumcised dicks, as well, okay? Also, there's nothing wrong with genitals being a little dirty. It's actually better when penises and vaginas have a bit of a smell to them. Stop being OCD, germaphobic retards about something that isn't even a big deal.

    Also, when talking about foreskin, say the full fucking word. Why does everyone seem the have an aversion to saying "foreskin"? Why does everyone feel the need to shorten it to "skin" or "the skin or "your skin". Just say "foreskin", say the full word. It's so unsexy when you just say "skin". "I love your skin". No, say "I love your FOREskin". Is that really so hard? It shouldn't be.

    As for STDs and STIs, circumcised dicks are actually more likely to contract and spread diseases and infections, as the abrasive, rough, dry texture of the exposed, keratinized (calloused) glans can cause minor lacerations to occur and cause bleeding which could get inside their body, potentially infecting them. Uncut penises physically can't cause this problem, as the foreskin is designed to remove all friction, and the texture of the foreskin is extremely smooth like silk, making it impossible for it be abrasive. The foreskin also contains Langerhans cells which actually PROTECT you from things like STDs and STIs, whereas circumcised penises are missing this function. Myth debunked. Eat shit.

    >"My wife prefers my mutilated dick!"

    No she doesn't. She fucking hates your ugly, inferior, circumcised dick. She cheats on you and cucks you with uncut dicks because she prefers them and only uncut dicks can satisfy her. She fucking hates your worthless excuse for a dick.

    >"Wow, this dude's so obsessed with other men's penises!"

    ...*Sigh* Good comeback, bro... Good comeback... Don't worry, I'm sure you'll "totally fucking own me" with something better next time... Seriously, that's a pretty fucking weak comeback after I trashed the everloving fuck out of you in a way that you'll literally never be able to recover from. Like, really? That's all you had to say? THAT'S the absolute best that you could possibly come up with? THAT?! Okay, man... Whatever.

    >"Who cares about this anyway?"

    I do, and you should too. Apathy isn't the correct position to take on this matter. Why would you think that it would be? You don't sound cool, detached, and stoic, you just sound like a heartless, compassionless moron who had nothing to say, but still felt like saying something solely for the sake of saying something. Don't do that. It just makes you sound dumb. It's also not a subject that you should be indifferent about, you sick fuck. Stop being evil and start caring about circumcision, you evil, evil person. You're a bad, evil, horrible person if you don't care about circumcision. I know you don't want to accept that you are, but you fucking are. You are scum.

    >"There's no difference! Cut and uncut feel the same!"

    Nope. Blatantly false and is demonstrably false. Biomechanically speaking, it is actually physically impossible for uncut and circumcised penises to feel the same in any way. The foreskin adds so much to the penis, and the removal of said foreskin takes away so much from it. For example, the foreskin adds extra actual physical sensation that the woman can feel inside her vagina. She can feel the texture of the foreskin and the different parts of the penis. The texture of the foreskin is very smooth and silk-like, and the woman can actually feel the silky smoothness of the foreskin when it's inside her. A circumcised penis feels very coarse, dry, abrasive and rough, almost like sandpaper.

    Okay, but you want to say that cut and uncut dicks feel the same, huh? Okay, imagine a silky smooth cloth going inside a vagina... How do you think that would feel? Well, it would be very soft, smooth, and have basically zero friction, wouldn't it? Okay. Now, imagine a piece of sandpaper going inside a vagina... How the fuck do you think that's gonna feel, huh? It's gonna be rough, coarse, abrasive, and have a massive level of friction, isn't it? Well, that's basically the difference in feeling between a cut dick and an uncut dick. It's not even close. And to the one dipshit who's gonna say "What? You think a circumcised dick is 100% exactly like sandpaper?!" No, fuckhead, it's called an analogy. Get a fucking brain. So, yeah, it's actually physiologically impossible for cut and uncut dicks to feel the same, as they have completely different textures to them.

    The foreskin is also designed to limit friction as much as possible, which is just one of many of its 16+ functions. It does this through it's gliding mechanism, silky smooth texture, and keeping the female's natural lubricant inside the vagina. Circumcised dick's don't have this function and instead scrape out the vaginal fluids and dry out the vagina with every thrust outwards while also causing abrasions. Ladies, if you've ever felt sore after sex (you're not supposed to, by the way, that isn't normal), it's because your partner is circumcised, not because he's big. Uncut dicks don't cause this problem.

    So, not only do cut and uncut dicks not FEEL the same, they don't even FUNCTION the same.

    >"Circumcised dicks are just as sensitive!"

    Nope. It's literally physically impossible for them to be as sensitive. The glans (head) of the penis contains 4,000 nerve endings, the foreskin contains 20,000 for a total of 24,000 nerve endings that are responsible for allowing you to feel pleasure. To put this into perspective, the clitoris contains 8,000 nerve endings, with the clitoral hood and labia adding around another 5,000-7,000 nerve endings, totaling 13,000-15000, nerve endings. Now, what do you suppose would happen if we took away those 20,000 nerve endings that are responsible for allowing you to feel pleasure in the first place? Will it:
    A) Make your penis much less sensitive?
    B) Make no difference?
    C) Make it more sensitive?

    That's right! The answer is "A) Make your penis much less sensitive." If you take away the very thing responsible for causing pleasure in the first place, then how can it possibly feel no different when you literally don't have the very thing that's necessary for you to even be able to perceive pleasure in the first place? You have less signals going to the brain now. Arguing that it would make no difference would be like saying removing one of your ears won't negatively affect your hearing. Yes it fucking will. There's no way for it not to. So, no, circumcised dicks are not "just as sensitive", and that's not a good thing to not be sensitive, just so you know, which I shall address in my next point.

    >"Circumcised dicks last longer!"

    1) That's not true. In fact, counterintuitively, one of the main problems that circumcised guys have is premature ejaculation. The lack of foreskin actually makes it harder for them to perceive when an orgasm is coming. And I know you're a bunch of morons who can't possibly wrap their brains around how what you think is "merely a flap of skin" could ever possibly be responsible for assisting in control of your orgasm, so I'll explain... But, firstly, you should know that the foreskin isn't "just a flap of skin", it's actually one of the most complex parts of the entire body, and more complex than your heart, lungs, and kidneys combined. In fact, it's so complex that only recently have they been able to design dildos with moveable foreskin, and even then they can't get it 100% right due to how complex it is (99% of dildos are uncut, by the way, they're simply designed with the foreskin retracted). So, no, it's not just "a vestigial piece of skin", it has 16+ functions and is more complex than most other parts of the body, so much so that it's actually easier to create an artifical heart than it is to create an artificial foreskin due to how complex foreskin is in comparison.

    Now, to get to the point, one of the foreskin's 16+ functions is that it has sensory capabilities that assist in orgasm control. This allows uncut men to properly gauge how close to orgasm they are and gives them greater control over their orgasms and allows them to last as long or as quickly as they want. Now, this isn't entirely lost in circumcised men, but it is still VERY severely stunted in them, which results in their propensity for premature ejaculation. Circumcised men are also 5-7x more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction due to the lack of blood flow caused by the removal of their blood vessels during circumcision.

    2) Even if you did last longer, lasting longer isn't a good thing if you're circumcised, especially for the woman. The most common complaint that women have with circumcised men is that if they last too long, sex ends up becoming very uncomfortable and even downright painful for them and makes them sore, since, as I explained before, circumcised penises scrape out the natural lubricant and the texture of the circumcised penis, and the lack of foreskin, causes friction inside the vagina, drying it out and causing the woman pain. This isn't a problem for uncut men, though, as this problem simply doesn't occur with them.

    >"Bro, you're a fucking schizo, take your meds."

    Oh no, how dare I talk at great length about a subject that I'm extremely passionate about... Boy, I sure am an unhinged, c-raaaazy fucking schizo for making a long post... Yep... It totally doesn't get more schizo than that... Look, everyone, I made a really long post about something! Aren't I just a raving lunatic? How dare I speak passionately about something in a way that no one else does or will unless I take the initiative, since they won't. *Sigh*

    That really is one of the most annoying things about this... the fact that I have to be the one to start and spread these ideas, since the rest of you won't take the initiative yourselves to do so and people won't adopt these ideas until I in particular spread them. I really wish you brainless dickheads would just have these opinions yourselves by default like I always have.

    >"I'm against infant circumcision, but I think people should be allowed to choose to get circumcised as an adult!"

    Then you're a dumb fuckwit with shit opinions and you should put a bullet through your skull. I've never understood this idiotic line of reasoning... Why would you recognize that infant circumcision isn't okay, but then FAIL to realize that adult circumcision also isn't okay? Why does someone simply being older suddenly make it okay to mutilate their flesh in your eyes? Dude, the problem with circumcision isn't the age of the person being circumcised... The problem with circumcision is the act of circumcision ITSELF!!! It's not okay for ANYONE of ANY AGE to be circumcised and you shouldn't be okay with someone getting circumcised as an adult, simply because they're an adult. That doesn't somehow make it automatically okay, simply because they're now an adult fuckhead! Jesus Christ! Be against adult circumcision as well.

    Why don't people understand this simple point? And why do people insist on fighting back against it? It makes no fucking sense. None. You shouldn't even want people to be able to get circumcised. It just shouldn't even be an option for anyone, period. And even if for some bizarre fucking reason someone wanted it done, they should just be denied! They shouldn't even be allowed to get it done in the first place or even so much as ask for it! And if someone wanted an adult circumcision, you should do everything in your power to stop them. They're clearly fucking mentally ill. Only mentally ill people want to cut parts off of their own body. Why are you okay with that? What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you see no problem with it? I fail to see how anyone could be against my position on this matter, especially when this is such a good fucking point that no one else on the planet ever brings up, besides me! I'm literally the only person who takes this position and I just cannot understand how anyone could have a problem with my position. It just makes no fucking sense.

    I'm literally saying that people shouldn't be able to do bad, harmful things to themselves, and you dumbasses want to sit there and be like "Well, hey now, hold your horses. That's a bit extreme don'tcha think? Wait a minute... You DON'T want people doing stupid shit to themselves, especially if it's harmful? Sorry, man that's too unreasonable". God, you're all so fucking stupid. How the fuck is it unreasonable to suggest that someone shouldn't do something harmful/stupid to themselves? And even if it was "unreasonable", who gives a fuck? There are certain things in this world that we simply SHOULD be unreasonable about and circumcision is one of them, because being unreasonable about circumcision and not allowing it to exist is the only reasonable position.

    And speaking of what's unreasonable, I hate this moronic idea of "their body, their choice". Now, look, I get that you're trying to be fair and reasonable by still allowing circumcision to exist in some form, I get that... I know you THINK this is the correct position to take, but it isn't, and it's not the position you SHOULD take, either. And I'll tell you why... BECAUSE CIRCUMCISION ISN'T SOMETHING THAT ANYONE SHOULD TRY TO BE FAIR AND REASONABLE ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!! END OF STORY!!! Why would you even WANT to be fair and reasonable about something like that? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are there any other horrible things that you think we should be fair and reasonable about? What about people cutting themselves with razor blades? What about someone swallowing broken glass? Oh, wait, no, of course not. For some fucking reason, you're able to perfectly recognize why those things in particular are bad and why we shouldn't be fair and reasonable about them at all, but with adult circumcision in particular, and literally OOOOONLY VERY, VERY SPECIFICALLY adult circumcision IN PARTICULAR, that's the one bad thing that you think people absolutely HAVE to be fair and reasonable about and have to allow to exist... for some reason.

    I don't understand what compels you people to think like this. I swear to god, it's almost like you have some invisible force controlling you whenever the subject of circumcision comes up and it does everything in its power to harden your heart make you okay with it. It's so fucking bizarre.

    But, going back to the "their body, their choice" point. The saying should not be "their body, their choice", the saying should be "their body, their choice, BUT ONLY WITHIN REASON!" or "their body, their choice, BUT THERE'S A FUCKING LIMIT!" That's what the saying should be. Wanting to be circumcised is not within reason. It's beyond the limit. Also, you fuckwits take that saying way too far and too literally to the point where you think it applies to everything or that you think it means you should just let people do whatever they want to themselves without restriction. It's not how it works! You're not just supposed to be okay with literally every single little fucking decision they make! There are certain things where you have to put your foot down and say "Yeah, I'm not letting you fucking do that. I don't care if it's your body and your choice, it's a dumb fucking choice, and I'm not gonna let you do something fucking stupid and irreparable to yourself."

    There are so many things in this world that you should not be okay with people doing to themselves, and circumcision is one of them. Also, I don't see you applying this logic when people do OTHER stupid things. Like, you seem to understand that there is a limit to what you should be okay with people doing to themselves, which is why I find it so odd that you can't extend that limit to include circumcision. Again, you can do it with everything else... EXCEPT for very specifically circumcision in particular, and ONLY circumcision, for some bizzare reason, even though it's 1,000 times worse than some of the other shit people do to themselves that you're not okay with.

    Like, for example, how are you able to recognize that someone setting their hand on fire for a measly 2 seconds is bad, but can't recognize that someone getting circumcised is bad, too, and actually much worse? Seriously, circumcision is 1,000 times worse than someone lighting their hand on fire for 2 seconds. At least any damage they suffer would heal quickly, whereas a circumcision is sliced apart, mutilated flesh which will never heal. Like, how do you see a minor burn that will heal in a few days as being worse than mutilated flesh that will never heal? It makes no sense. You people are fucked in the head. You're retarded.

    So, can we just stop with this "their body, their choice" bullshit and realize there's a limit, please, and that circumcision is over the limit? Infant circumcision isn't the only form of circumcision that's bad, adult circumcision is bad too, as are all forms of circumcision. So, please, for the love of fucking GOD, stop being okay with adult circumcision. Be against it, just like you are with infant circumcision, okay? Again, I don't understand why this position is so hard for people to get behind. In fact, there are some brainless, braindead, fuckwitted idiots out there who would actually want circumcision to still exist and/or be an option in a world where the practice of circumcision was never a thing and nobody would ever want it anyway. I'll say it again, wanting circumcision to still be an option for someone is not the fair and reasonable decision, as circumcision is inherently unreasonable. I hold the superior position in this argument and I always will.

    To conclude: Circumcised dicks are ugly, circumcision is evil, uncut dicks look better, feel better, are cleaner, are more fun, and all women prefer uncut dicks and hate circumcised dicks, as they should. Any refutation you make to anything I said is automatically wrong, by the way, as I'm always 100% objectively correct about literally everything, no matter what, and I can literally never be wrong about anything, no matter what. I'm a gigachad, you're an incel. Deal with it.
    circumcised-dicks-are-ugly's profile
    Mar 27, 2024
    Literally all women on the planet prefer literally everything about uncut cocks and hate circumcised cocks.

    Every girl thinks circumcised dicks are fuck-ugly, wretched abominations that make them want to gag. Any woman who says otherwise is merely virtue signaling to make cutcucks feel better about their fucked up dicks.

    No woman wants your ugly-ass, degloved dick that looks like someone burned it with scalding hot water and poured acid on it.

    To women, uncut cocks LOOK better, FEEL better, TASTE better, SMELL better, are CLEANER, and are way more fun to play with.

    You will never be a real man.

    You will never be a complete man.

    You will never have a whole penis.

    You will never experience TRUE sex.

    Your partner will never be satisfied by your poor excuse for a dick.

    You will always be a mockery against nature's design.

    Comments (0) (See All Comments)
    dumbdawn's profile
    Comments: 2,047
    Commented on May 16, 2024
    "is lesbians didn't want cock, why do they always have a dildo?"
    circumcised-dicks-are-ugly | May 18, 2024
    Exactly. Deep down, lesbians are just confused straight woman who desperately want to filled with a big cock and fulfill their biological duty of being bred. Their "sexuality" is a farce, and purely exists as foreplay for men's entertainment.

    Rutensven's profile
    Comments: 3,446
    Commented on Mar 27, 2024
    "Circumcision is mutilation. Circumcision is pointless and senseless. It serves no real purpose. It is a totally unnecessary procedure. It is religious superstition. They cut something from your body almost as soon as you're born and you can never get it back. And last but not least, it is a barbaric offense against the innocent. Circumcision is a crime against humanity."
    circumcised-dicks-are-ugly | Mar 27, 2024
    Based. I agree with everything you said. Fuck circumcision and circumcised penises.

    dikletti's profile
    Comments: 61
    Commented on Mar 10, 2024
    "I love my frenulum. So glad i didn't born to any barbaric society like USA and try to survive my childhood without being mutilated."
    Rutensven's profile
    Comments: 3,446
    Commented on Mar 9, 2024
    "I, as an uncut European, share your sentiments regarding the barbaric practice of Circumcision. It should be outlawed, especially since the one most concerned is not in a position to consent."
    circumcised-dicks-are-ugly | Mar 10, 2024
    Even if they could consent, it still shouldn't be allowed. One of my biggest pet peeves regarding circumcision is when people are only against infant circumcision, but are perfectly okay with adult circumcision. Just because an adult can consent to be circumcised, that doesn't make it okay. It's still horrific and evil and shouldn't be allowed to be performed on consenting adults either.

    chastesubboi's profile
    Comments: 65,158
    Commented on Mar 9, 2024
    "i am a TOTAL faggot-slut for uncut cocks......."
    para3032's profile
    Comments: 68
    Commented on Mar 9, 2024
    "very nice dick i have too operation circumision,,, my dick loks ugly too i can show you fotos and posted my story trauma"
    circumcised-dicks-are-ugly | Mar 10, 2024
    What the fuck do you mean "very nice"? That mutilated monstrosity is a fuck-ugly abomination. It's one of the most revolting circumcised dicks I've ever seen. It's fucking gross, dude. And no, I don't want to see your disgusting dick, bro.

    Galleries (5) (See All Galleries)

      more straight conversion for lesbians and bisexual women 
     2024-05-16 07:01:12 
      straight conversion for lesbians and cucks 
     2024-04-23 07:02:00 
      circumcised guys, no woman likes your ugly, mutilated dicks 
     2024-03-26 22:15:23 
      circumcised dicks are ugly 
     2024-03-09 12:52:12 
      Lesbians and Bisexual Women Don't Exist, All Women Are Straight 
     2024-03-08 09:35:36 

    Favorites (3) (See All favorites)

      Lesbians turned straight - Captions collected from bdsmlr 
     2021-07-15 22:13:27 
      Turning Lesbians Straight 3 
     2022-01-04 08:46:52 
      Turning lesbians straight 2 
     2021-12-20 10:28:07 

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