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    Brothel prostitution is a very old and proud tradition in prostitution. A brothel, bordello, or bawdy house is a multi-room location for prostitutes to provide their sexual services. Most brothels are entire houses, either in the city center, the red-light-district, or more discrete, almost clandestine places. The brothel can be a town house, sometimes a big apartment, or a series of apartments, a solitary villa, even a big mansion, depending on the cheap or fancy character of the establishment. In a brothel several prostitutes work together or alongside each other. Quite normally the brothel is also a community of professionals, support or security personal, customers or Johns, and management. There are community celebrations, bordello fiestas, theme evenings, etc. The brothel stimulates group activity of two or several whores with one, two or even several customers. Group sex is quite a normal thing in the brothel. The brothel is an important institution of sex education. The girls working there can learn new techniques, sex positions, new fetishes, more perverted sex styles from the other, more experienced girls. The customers, clients, or Johns in the brothel will always learn new modes of sexual pleasure from the very experienced and perverted sex workers providing their services. In the brothel the prostitute is normally expected to provide the sexual services customers request from her. Sexual refusal is something not normally expected. Some of the girls may not provide all the services normally on offer in the brothel. But she is regularly expected to expand the spectrum of her services. She might refuse certain customers for reasons of health or cleanliness. Or she might suggest having a bath, massage, etc. first, before entering into outright fucking. This particular gallery here is coming from a brothel in Birmingham, United Kingdom. Brothels show different popularity in different parts of the world. The United Kingdom has a brothel culture of its own. French brothels, once famous for their extravagant services, fancy outfit, luxurious furniture, or perverted practices, have been forbidden after 1946, which was a fundamental loss to prostitution culture. In the UK brothels are legal, while in most parts of the U.S.A. or Canada they are completely illegal. Other countries where brothels are legal are the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Turkey, Bolivia, Colombia, Dutch Caribbean, Ecuador, Mexico, Nevada (11 counties), Panama, Uruguay, Venezuela, Senegal, Eritrea, Tunisia (since 2011 restricted to Tunis and Sfax), Bangla Desh, Lebanon, Taiwan, Australian Provinces of Queensland, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. But in many jurisdictions laws are not enforced or can be easily circumvented by corruption.
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