Suggestion to make the site a better place

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Suggestion to make the site a better place

Postby fapper435 on Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:45 pm

I suggest not to delete the whole gallery, but just the pics that seems to be the problem.

Apparently, I submitted some copyrighed content, and it was deleded. Since I download stuff in a bulk (many sets in one gallery) - I have no idea what pics are caused the problems. And therefore easily can do it unknowingly again. So I'd appreciate if you send me a link to the pic that is copyrighted and I would delete it and all the related pics from the set in this particular gallery. And then I would know what is copyrighted and don't download it ever again, and that means less work for you to do. That's a win-win situatuon. Less work for you and no deleted galleries for me. It's not right when because of one or two copyrighted pics the whole gallery (150-300 pics per gallery) is getting deleted. I'm working hard to bring the best stuff I could find to the table, and it would be good if my work would be appreciatted.

I got 4 galleries deleted so far and don't want to go down this road any further. It's time for a change (c). Thanks in advance.
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Re: Suggestion to make the site a better place

Postby longhairfish on Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:29 pm

This has been tried and failed, at least by me, on many occasions. So I give up. I have messaged people on occasion and just get ignored. Example: Had one guy with over 3000 galleries. I'd say 90% of his stuff was on the forbidden list. So I message him and let him know. The dolt messages me back and says 'But I have over 3000 galleries!'. I respond 'Well, you have a lot of work to do'. Not only does he not get rid of the offending galleries, he keeps posting more daily. Then this one is classic. I have not flagged her account only because she cracks me up by mentioning me in her profile.

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This dammed asshole of longhairfish flagged most of my galleries! Fuck him ! So I decided to delate all my galleries in my profiles Liza Love and Liza Love 2. Thank this motherfucker of admin…..

She was also told about forbidden galleries. And she did nothing to fix it.

Now I don't know how other mods flag galleries. But I will look at one that has (say) 90 pictures. And flag 3 or 4 out of the bunch that are on the forbidden list. That is fair in my opinion. Now if the Admin decides to wipe out your whole gallery because of just a few picts that do not belong, well that is up to him/her. In reality though, I don't believe the Admin is going to pick out just a few pictures from a gallery and let it go at that. My guess is that it might not even be possible to do it that way. Not sure.

Sure. Some people would be willing to respond to emails (messages) and take the right actions. But sorry to say most of the people on here think with their cock or pussy. And when that happens, all bets are off. So in the end, its all up to the Admin to make the final decision. I agree with all of what you say. But it is what it is.
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Re: Suggestion to make the site a better place

Postby rougefemale on Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:42 am

im still trying to figure out how that would be less work. and as longhairfish said... messaging people does not work... nor does flagging a couple of images. several times i have flagged one or two images in a gallery and they just reupload them.

here is how i do it. and i seriously doubt im going to change... i check out the first page of gallery. if i flag one image on that first page of 24, its fine... if i flag 2, i check out the next page... if i flag 3 images... i flag the gallery. im NOT going to go through all those images.

none of us has the time to commit to messaging a user. if your so upset because a gallery of yours has been flagged and deleted, for what you say, is just a couple of images out of 150-300 ... YOU need to go through you images and remove the ones that are getting them deleted. if people would police themselves, maybe we could change and message a user to delete a couple of images. but most users dont. you said it yourself, you download in bulk and dont know what content you have. which means, YOU HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA WHAT CONTENT YOU ARE UPLOADING.

you are responsible for what you upload. if you can't take the time to go through the images you are uploading, why do you expect us to do it?

the rules are clear on what cant be uploaded... the forbidden list is there FOR YOU to check. if you can't or won't check you images... i dont want to hear another complaint on how we enforce the rules.

you are right about the time for a change. you got it wrong on what needs to change.
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Re: Suggestion to make the site a better place

Postby longhairfish on Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:09 am

I would say that the uploaders not put all their eggs in one basket. OK, not everyone knows what that means. If you are going to post a gallery with hundreds of pictures you increase your chances of posting something on the forbidden list. So if I happen to flag (say) 5 pictures in your gallery of 100 or more and then the Admin just flags the whole gallery all I can say without being too much of a dick is 'Too bad for you'.

While I am here. I can usually spot the copyrighted material a mile away. That is mostly my thing. So easy to spot. Mostly because the so called pros who take pictures for profit like to turn the girls ORANGE when they process the images for publication. Damn..when will they learn. LOL!
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Re: Suggestion to make the site a better place

Postby Silversleeves on Mon May 31, 2010 1:18 pm

longhairfish wrote:I would say that the uploaders not put all their eggs in one basket. OK, not everyone knows what that means. If you are going to post a gallery with hundreds of pictures you increase your chances of posting something on the forbidden list. So if I happen to flag (say) 5 pictures in your gallery of 100 or more and then the Admin just flags the whole gallery all I can say without being too much of a dick is 'Too bad for you'.

While I am here. I can usually spot the copyrighted material a mile away. That is mostly my thing. So easy to spot. Mostly because the so called pros who take pictures for profit like to turn the girls ORANGE when they process the images for publication. Damn..when will they learn. LOL!

How about picture dimensions? First out of the box (ie, right off a paysite gallery put up by a major CP), most every time the pics' height and width are multiples of 8. Secondhand (such as sites that deal in material from pro sites that have gone 404, or original material from Usenet and the chats), it's almost never that way.

Now it's up to the peanut gallery to puzzle out whether or not I'm showing my own hand. :)

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