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    When I Became Interested in Older Men (revised 7/9/2012)

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    Let me first point out, the following story is true, but it happened a couple of years ago, so the details are as I remember them. Of course for the sake of story telling, I filled in the gaps, but aside from tiny details, everything is as it happened to me. I’ve edited this several times, and continue to do so as I remember details, continue to story, and make what I’ve written more reader friendly.  I had never had a father. I’d simply never met my dad, but to me, it was no big deal. I didn’t miss having a father, since I never knew what it was like to have one. Over my life, a few people have pointed out, and I guess it’s possible, that I subconsciously craved the company of older men to replace what I’d never known. The truth is, I've been obsessed with much older men, typically over the age of 50, ever since about age 11. There was a middle aged man that owned a used car store a block from my house who would walk to and from work and stare at me whenever I was in my yard. Funny that a guy who sold cars always walked to work, but it's true. After a while he started smiling and saying hello to me.  He was a very thin man, in his mid fifties, always tan like he spent a lot of time at the beech, mostly bald, and only about 5 feet 7 inches tall, but still a little taller than me. After a couple of weeks of him saying hello, he began making small talk with me. I noticed he’d only stop when my mom wasn’t home, mostly in the evenings on his way home from work, since my mom worked nights at a steel mill. The car salesman, I won’t give his real name, would make small talk, like about how nice it was outside, or how cold it had gotten, or how pretty my mom’s flowers looked. After about a year of seeing him about once a week, except in the worst winter months when I wouldn’t go outside after dark, and he would drive to work, he started sort of flirting by inserting little comments into our small talk. He’d say things like, you’re really growing up to be a pretty girl, or I bet you’re driving the boys wild, as if he were testing the waters; but of course at the time I was more naive and I didn’t realize it. I just thought he was really nice.  As the months past, it was about mid fall when I noticed every once in a while he would make comments that would me feel a little uncomfortable. He’d say things like, I bet you look good in a bathing suit, or you should show off your legs more in shorter skirts; always giving me the impression he was just joking or teasing me. It was only a couple of years since I first started seeing and talking to him. Occasionally, when I was bored, I’d walk down to his office and sit with him, chatting, and eating up his compliments, while brushing off his off color comments. I remember while hanging out at his office one morning, he clearly said, if you were a little older I’d make you my girlfriend, but then he finished the comment by saying, well I’m not getting any younger; I should make you my girlfriend now.  After several months of him saying things like this and constantly telling me I should come over and try out his pool because he’d love to see me in a bathing suit, that I became completely comfortable with his comments. I expected him to say things like that, and in stead of making me uncomfortable any more, it would make me feel a little special. We had an inside joke that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, so when I’d show up at his office, when customers weren’t around, he’d always greet my by saying, hello girlfriend, and I’d respond with, hello boyfriend. He frequently made comments as to how sexy I would look dressed in certain garments and that if I were his girl he would buy me some really sexy clothes, but that I probably wouldn’t be in them long. I knew what he meant, but it didn’t bother me. That was just how he was.  It wasn’t long before I started fantasizing about him at night. While my friends were talking about other boys our age, I would join in as to not seem out of place, but I honestly had no interest in guys my age. I was secretly fantasizing about the old man. He kept inviting me over to his home, but I wasn’t sure he was really being sincere, so I never took him up on it. One evening, my mom was working a night shift at the steel plant. The sun was just starting to go down, and I was sitting on my porch when he stopped and asked me if I could help him out with something. He asked if I would help him move some boxes in his garage to the basement. He said he couldn’t do it without a little help, and his business partner was on vacation. I agreed and followed him about 6 blocks to his house.  We walked down the side of his house, through a gate in a very tall wooden fence, and into his back yard. Well, I commented, you do have a pool. It was the above ground kind with a deck that wrapped all the way around, so when you were on the deck, it made it seem like the pool was in the ground. We walked around to the other side of the pool and in through a door to his basement. I followed him up some stairs, into his kitchen, then through a door to the garage. I was thinking he had a couple of boxes to move, but there were two stacks of about a dozen large boxes just taller than me, all full of car parts, and a couple full of printer paper. It took both of us to carry most of the boxes into his house, and down the stairs to his basement. He carried the printer paper himself; they were too heavy for me to carry alone.  After we finished, we went back up stairs and through a set of sliding doors in his kitchen, which led out onto the deck of his pool. It was dark now, and the only light was the blue reflection from his pool. He told me to have a seat in one of the lounge chairs, and said I deserved a cold drink, and if I wanted, a dunk in the pool. He asked, you won’t get into trouble if you have a drink will you? I answered no, my mom is at work, but she really doesn’t care what I do. Good, he said, then I’ll be right back. Before I could respond he disappeared into the house through the sliding doors.  I sat in the dim blue light for about ten minutes before he came back out, wearing only a red Speedo bathing suit, holding two glasses, and a piece of grayish silvery, somewhat shiny stringy cloth in his fingers. He sat in the lounge chair directly in front of mine. He was muscular in a very thin sort of way, and his skin was a dark golden brown, and slightly creased around his stomach as he sat down. He handed me my glass and I took a sip of the most awful harsh tasting thing I’d ever drank. He said the rule with rum and coke is you have to drink the first one down fast, then the second one tastes much better. We both drank our short cold glasses of horrible tasting liquid down in one long gulp. I started coughing and my eyes watered when I finished. It was horrible, and I could instantly feel my face become very warm and flush, and my fingertips and lips seemed to go numb.  He leaned forward towards and handed the cloth to me while explaining that he’d bought this just for me at the beginning of summer and couldn’t wait to see me in it. Please put this on and I’ll go make us another drink. No one can see you out here, and I won’t peek. Again, before I could answer, he was gone inside the house.  I went as far into the corner of his deck as I could get, where the deck met the house and a large wooden wall blocked the neighboring yard. It was dark, so I figured I’ll just be quick. I quickly took off my t shirt, shorts, and panties, and held up the odd shaped bathing suit. At the time I had no idea what it was called, but have since seen on imagefap other ones like it called a sling shot bathing suit. It was a little awkward climbing into it, but I still quickly got it on. Oh no way was I wearing this in front of him. There must be parts missing, I thought to myself. It barely, and I do mean barely, covered my private areas, and covered pretty much none of my butt. It was nothing more that a small triangle of fabric which split into ribbons which ran up my stomach and across my very small chest. It served to cover just barely more than my nipples. The back was even worse, as it was no more than a thong which became only slightly wider as with climbed up my back and split to wrap over the tops of my shoulders. I quickly put my shorts on over it, and went back and sat where I had been.  He came back out with our second drinks, handed me mine, and asked, what’s with the shorts? I just shrugged, feeling uncomfortable, and hid behind my drink as I sipped. This one, although even stronger than the last, didn’t bother me as much, but it still burned and made my eyes water a little. Well, we’re gonna have to work on that, he said, pointing to my shorts. He straddled his lounge chair and sat down He began complimenting me on how I looked, and that I should never be embarrassed around him, that I was perfect no matter what I was wearing. He followed by saying, although you’d be more perfect wearing nothing at all, as he sipped his drink, peaking over it’s edge to see my reaction. I didn’t give a reaction, but rather remained partially hidden behind my glass as I sipped it, almost afraid to take it way from my face until the awkward comment had faded. Luckily, it didn’t really seem as awkward as its initial impact. He continued to tell me how special I was, and that I should be willing to show off my legs, especially to him.  It wasn’t long before we finished the second drink and I was for the first time in my life, very numb, very relaxed and somewhat drunk. Another, he asked, as he grabbed my glass, and again disappeared into the house. While he was inside, I thought about what he’d said. I liked him and didn’t want him to dislike me, or think I wasn’t very cool, so without getting up, I arched upward slightly in my lounge chair, and slid my shorts off. Now I was wearing only the bathing suit. I sat leaning forward with my elbows on my knees, feeling completely self conscious, as to still hide myself a bit. He walked back onto the deck in front of me and handed me my third drink. I sipped as he noticed what I’d done for him, and he said, well that’s much better. See, your completely beautiful, not making too much of it, he sat in the reclined lounge chair directly across from me, leaning himself back into it, with his feet still on the deck on either side of the chair.  My older friend continued to talk about how he had always admired me and always looked forward to my visits to his office or seeing me in my yard, but as he talked his voice became distant. I noticed I had slipped much deeper into the feeling the drinks were providing. It was as if I was dreaming the entire moment, as if my mind was wrapped in a thick cloud, and everything seemed very surreal. I could see his shape in the light as I would occasionally take a sip of my drink and peak over my glass to catch a glimpse of him, with feet still planted on the deck, which offered an uncomfortable view of his bathing suit.  Will you please do me a favor, he asked. Before I could answer he continued, please stand up for me so I can finally see what you look like in that beautiful bathing suit. I took another long sip from my glass, sat it on the table next to me, and shyly stood up with my arms folded over my stomach. The bathing suit covered nothing except my nipples, and a small triangle between my legs. The sides were non existent, so there was nothing but bare skin from my shoulders down my hips, all the way to my feet. Standing in front of him at his request only added to the feeling of being almost completely naked. If I had a normal amount of pubic hair, the bathing suit would have done nothing to cover it, but since I’d never really grew anything more than slight peach fuzz, it was the only thing the suit adequately covered.  See, nothing to be ashamed of, he said. You are a very beautiful girl, and with that comment, I let my arms slide down to my sides. Come closer so I can see you. I took a step towards the end of his long chair. Turn around and let me see the back. I did it, and he kind of whispered in a low voice, you look fantastic. I know lots of girls wear thing bathing suits to the beach, but at that moment, I was asking myself, how in the world do they feel comfortable? I stood that way for about thirty seconds while he looked at me, and then I started to step away towards my seat.  Put your hands on your chair for me, he said. I started to take a step forward to get closer to the my chair, but he stopped me. No, please do it from where you’re standing. I turned towards him, and shyly gave him a look as if to show my disapproval. Just make this old man happy, and do it for me please. I turned back around, bent forward a couple of feet and put my hands on the seat of my chair. What a good girl, he said. I felt both sexy and humiliated as he looked at my butt, with me bent over, and with only a thin ribbon of cloth appearing from between my cheeks.  I started to straiten back up, but he kept insisting I stay that way. He told me I could continue to drink my drink, but I could tell it was more of an order than a passing request. I had to put one hand down in the seat of the chair and lean even farther forward, while reaching over with the other hand to pick up my drink from the small table. I stood upright, and just downed the second half of my drink, sat the empty glass back on the table, and resumed my position. It was very dim his direction, but I glanced back to notice him quickly sort of pushing his parts down through his Speedo with his closed fist. The lights behind him from the pool I’m sure illuminated his view of me far too well, and finally I just stood back up, and turned around to face him.  I could mostly only see his silhouette lying back in his lounge chair, because the lights were behind him, but he could see me dimly lit by the bluish pool light. He stood up, and brushed the back of his hand across the flat part of my stomach. He said, I’ll get us another drink, as his hand rose up taking my chin in his fingers while looking at me with a coy smile. He then grabbed our glasses and walked into the house. I stood there in my surreal dream state waiting for him, both completely petrified and excited at the same time, all the while in disbelief at what I’d just done in front of him.  I don’t know how long he was gone, as I’d lost any sense of time. I was literally shaking from being so nervous. I heard the door slide open, then closed and watched him walk towards me in the blue light. The blue light showed slight details of his body, but I could clearly, while inside he’d removed his Speedo. I tried not to look at his man parts, but it was too late. I’d seen him, and he saw me looking. He lifted my glass to my lips, holding it, some dribbled down my chin, while half the drink went down my throat. It burned going down and sent a warmth through me like I was on fire from the inside. I could barely see from the water in my eyes, but before I could wipe them dry, the glass met my lips again, and again he poured the reminder of my dink into me, some running down my chin, neck, and chest. It was all I could do to not spit it out all over him, but I managed to hold it down. I was burning on the inside, but as the burning subsided, I felt the cloud like dream state become even thicker as it seemed to wrap itself around and through me.  It was as if I’d lost all sensation of my feet on the patios surface; almost as if I was floating an inch above the ground, as I struggled to maintain my balance. He sat my glass aside and lit what I thought at the moment was a cigarette. It wasn’t, as I could tell by the way he was inhaling it. I then knew what it was as he leaned in towards my face, his lips so close to mine as he exhaled. Again, he took a long slow draw from his smoke, and exhaled to my lips as I breathed it in. His body was so close to mine, I was terrified his penis would brush against me. I didn’t know how to handle the situation if it did, so it made me so nervous.  As it turns out, my fear of an awkward moment due to a touch from his man parts was about to completely eliminated. He slid himself behind me, as he took his next drag, pressed himself against me, took my chin in his hand, and turned my head back over my shoulder. His lips brushed mine as he exhaled the heavy smoke into me. Again and again he did this, each time me breathing in his smoky breath, thinking this would be the time he was just going to kiss me, and trying hard to mentally prepare myself, but he never did. I was floating on the feeling of the smoke and alcohol, and his forceful maneuver just added to the surreal feeling of it all.  I don’t know how I managed to stand, as I felt so limp, but still shaking from excitement and fear. I then became aware of the details of his body against mine. He continued to smoke and exhale into my mouth, and I felt his feet between mine begin to force my stance apart. I believed he thought I wouldn’t notice as he continued to pump my lungs full of smoke, but all I could think about was his body against mine as is feet slowly inched mine apart until I was standing with my feet a bit wider than my shoulders. His free hand went flat against my stomach and pressed me against him. I could feel him growing against my body. I could feel his dark tanned manhood rising up between my legs from below. My arms hung down by my sides, and it was a moment before I realized my hands weren’t on my own thighs; they were on top of his, as he stood pressed against me from behind.  As he breathed another batch of smoke into my lips, his left hand grasped the two thin ribbons of cloth rising up across my stomach from the tiny triangle that diapered between my parted legs. With my neck turned back towards him, I continued to inhale smoke from his lips as I felt the strip of cloth gradually being pulled up between my legs. I realized it was his hand pulling on the bathing suit, forcing it up into my slightly parted slit. Higher and deeper the ribbon was pulled between my legs. I could feel the cloth had disappeared between my lips and was no longer covering me. I could feel him fully erect between my legs.  My right hand left his thigh to tactfully examine what was going with the bathing suit, but as my hand swept by my parts, I felt the tip of him poking through. There was no denying what I’d touched, as it smeared a sticky streak of his juice across my fingers. I was so embarrassed that I’d brushed the tip of his cock. For a second I hoped he didn’t notice, but I knew he felt my hand. Then the feeling of being glad he knew I’d touched his cock rushed through my mind, and seemed to relax my muscles. In my mind I was begging, please just shove your tongue down my throat, please just kiss me hard.  My hand returned to his thigh, and his left arm strongly forced me even harder against him. He pulled suddenly upward on my suit, causing a burning sensation between my legs, and my bottom bucked slightly against him. He whispered, do you like that, but in my mind I pretended he was talking about the smoke he’d been pumping into my lungs, and I answered in a sort of low, u-hu. You are such a beautiful little girl, he whispered, as his manhood slowly slid back and fourth, brushing my exposed girl parts with each subtle stroke. I remember thinking, I was all his, and he could do whatever he wanted. I had no doubts where this was going. I didn’t know specifically what he had in store, or what he expected of me, but I knew I had been fantasizing about him for a long time, and I wanted him to take my virginity.  At home, I had often masturbated with my fingers and at times the handle from my favorite hair brush while thinking of him, so physically I no longer had virgin parts, but in reality I’d never been with a man. As he continued to force himself against me from behind, using my parted girl parts to stroke himself, I finally felt his tongue against mine. I’d wanted him to kiss me for the past half hour, and finally his tongue was entering my mouth. He wasn’t pressing his lips against mine, but rather prompting me to gently suck on his invading tongue. At least, that’s what I thought, so that’s what I was doing. Finally he forcefully kissed me while his left hand released its grip from my bathing suit, glided up to my shoulder, and slipped the thin strap of my bathing suit most of the way down my arm. My small left breast was now completely bare, while he repeated the motion with his other hand, allowing the other thin strip of fabric to fall down my arm, completely exposing my top half. He continued to kiss me deeply from behind while both if his hands covered my breasts. I’d only been developing for a short time, and normally would have been very self conscious at how small, almost nonexistent, my chest was. For some reason, I was so high, drunk, relaxed against him, and believing every praise he spoke about my body, I never gave my inadequacies a thought. My mind was filled only with the feeling of him.  Since there wasn’t much of my chest for him to handle, he concentrated on my very erect nipples. I’d never felt such a sensation before. There was a tingling that climbed over my shoulders to my temples, but even more intensely descended down my stomach and between my legs, all the way to the hole in my bottom. His feet forced mine farther apart as we kissed, and just for a moment, I withdrew my hands from his legs to allow the bathing suit to fall completely off my arms before returning my hands to his thighs. Now the only thing holding the bathing suit was the thin strip forced between my wet pussy lips and my checks, as his stiff cock continued to work against it. It wasn’t long before his motions freed the wet cloth from between my legs, so as it fell free of my girl parts, the thin straps of useless cloth dangled from my outreached. Now nothing served as a barrier between our slippery wet parts. I didn’t need to check to feel that I was soaking wet down below. I could tell how lubricated he now felt sliding back and fourth between my legs. He was intensely pinching and rolling my nipples between his finger, deeply forcing his tongue to the back of my throat, and gradually increasing the force at which he pressed against me with each inward convulsive stroke of his body.  My legs were spread far enough that he could have entered me at any time, but he continued to drive me crazy with his slow forceful motions. He’d press so hard against me I could feel my anus kissing his pubic skin with each inward push. He reached for my right hand and guided me from his thigh down between my legs. His hand remained on top of mine as his cock slipped in and out from between my fingers and soaking wet lips. As he pressed my hand upward into our slippery parts, it forced the tip of his cock to brush my hard clit with each stroke. I was feeling things I’d never felt before, but along with the physical sensations was this overwhelming sluttiness that was taking control of me. I’d felt lust from the time I was 11 and first started fantasizing about him, but this was different. This was all consuming and had me now wanting him to do vile things to me.  The breathing through my nose as he kissed me was so intense and loud, was interrupted only by an occasional grunt escaping my throat, then all at once, he stopped and stepped away. I stood there, panting as if I’d run a mile uphill. I put my legs together trying to maintain my balance, and I remember thinking I was breathing so hard, but wasn’t at all out of breath. I was breathing hard because I was so engulfed by what he’d just done to me. He then scooped my 85 pound body up in his arms like I was nothing and carried me into his house, down a long dim hallway, and into his bedroom.  His room was almost completely dark except for one burning candle on his dresser. It then occurred to me he’d lit the candle during one of his trips into the house to get us drinks, so he’d planned on bringing me here all along. It only served to make me feel even more special that he had a plan for me. He laid my down on his bed, and as my eyes began to adjust, I could see a tall four post bed, and could feel the very thick over stuffed pillow top mattress which seemed to almost swallow me. He excused himself to get us another drink and walked into the dark hallway.  I sat up on the edge of his bed, and hung my legs over the edge. The bed was a little higher off the floor than normal, so my legs just dangled. I let my eyes adjust as I looked around, and even as dimly lit as the room was, and in my drunken and drugged state, the terrified feeling I had nearly an hour ago crept back into my chest as I saw on his nightstand, just inches from my left leg, a blindfold, black fur-lined handcuffs, and two penis shaped rubber dildos; one thick and black, and the other purple and nearly a foot long. I reached over and touched the purple member to see what the texture was like, and the terror built inside me even further as I felt tiny rubber spines all over it. I quickly moved towards the end of the bed, farther away from the collection on his nightstand, hoping he wouldn’t know that I’d seen them.  He came back into the room, wiggled his legs between my knees, and again with his own hand, spilled half the drink down my burning throat. He reached over and set my half full glass on his dresser, then stood up and drank down half of his. As he was drinking, standing directly in front of me he began to massage the back of my head with his left hand. He pulled my face closer to his stomach, and then began gulping down the remainder of his drink. I began kissing his stomach, as I assumed that what he wanted me to do. He placed his glass on his dresser, leaned over to the night stand, and picked up the blindfold. As he placed it over my eyes, and pulled the elastic strap behind my head, it excited me that he didn’t ask if I minded; he just did it, knowing I would follow wherever he led me.  I felt the tip of what I knew was the black rubber dildo on my mouth. I could smell its rubbery smell as he rubbed it back and fourth across my lips, then I slowly opened my mouth and tasted its tip with my tongue. In a soft low voice he began to say, that’s right. What a beautiful girl you are. That right, you know what to do. What a good little girl. His words excited me to the point that I strained to get my lips around the black rubber toy. He continued to reward me with his words as I struggled to get it as far in my mouth as possible. Mmmm what a sexy little cock sucker you are. I tried as much as I could to get it as deep in my mouth as I could, but it was so thick I could only manage an inch or two past its lifelike rimmed head. He told me to lay on the bed facing him, and he guided me on my stomach with my chin resting on the edge of the bed. I could hear his breathing as he stood there working the rubber cock in my mouth again. That’s right, mmmm, that’s right. Suck it like a good little girl does.  I could feel the warm skin and wet tip of his dangling cock leaving slimy patches as he brushed it against my cheek and nose as he stood with his body near my face. Again, I opened as wide as I could, letting him force the thick black rubber as deep in my mouth as he could, but still I could only open enough to get two or three inches in. Still it felt so very sexy and erotic.  My drunken dream state added to the sensuality of what he was having me do for him and my inhibitions were lost. He pulled the black rubber dildo from my mouth. I could smell myself on his body as his cock brushed my lips, and all I wanted to do was let him in. I opened my mouth, and waited for what seemed like minutes for him to enter my mouth, but he just stood there with the smell of his manhood only teasing me.  He again told me how beautiful I am as he was obviously just watching me with my mouth open, so I kept it open. My arms tucked under my chest to support me as I my neck held up my waiting mouth. I let my tongue slip into the open air, and finally it met the slippery precum on his tip. That was all the invitation he needed as he slid his cock across my tongue, trailing a stream of slimy and salty precum towards the back of my throat. I didn’t close my lips around him, as I wanted to feel him push himself all the way down my throat. Slowly he worked himself back and fourth along the length of my outreached tongue. Back and fourth, each time slightly deeper, and wetting my tongue until I could feel my saliva and his precum mixed together and start to drip from my chin.  Very very slowly, deeper and deeper he went until his tip brushed the back of my throat, causing a reflex in my jaws, almost gagging me, and my mouth closed around his meat. I was in heaven, as he continued to praise me for being such a good little girl, a good little cock sucker. This was so much of what I’d fantasized about. I knew none of my girl friends had ever experienced anything as wonderful as this. It was so much more than the physical act. It was all about me doing and being whatever he wanted, pleasing him in every way.  He leaned forward and began to fuck my open mouth. Then SMACK, I felt his hand land on my left butt cheek, aggressively grabbing a handful, and then letting go. He continued to very slowly and carefully, fuck my mouth for another couple of minutes, then SMACK, again on my bottom, and again aggressively grabbing a handful of me. This was what I was meant for. I loved everything he was doing, and on the third SMACK, I parted my legs wide as I sucked this beautiful old man’s cock. SMACK his hand landed between my cheeks with a finger connecting with my anus, causing me to roll my hips into the bed, and part myself for his hand.  He leaned a little farther over me and forcefully grabbed both of my cheeks with his hands. Oh baby, what a good little girl you are. That’s right, suck my cock like a good little girl, he verbally rewarded me as he slowly needed my ass like firm dough with both hands. I loved the feeling of how strong his hands felt squeezing and pulling apart my bottom, as if to expose what he wanted to get at. Then one hand SMACK, on my bottom again, as my breathing instantly became intense and I more vigorously struggled to force my throat over his cock.  As his hands pulled me apart, his fingers began to explore in between my legs. Both hands had fingers pulling at my ass and wet hole, and it was as wonderful and slutty as I’d ever felt; far beyond anything I could have imagined. The middle finger of his left hand began sliding in and out of me, I felt him lean to one side, then straiten back up again. SMACK came a sound from my ass, but this was no hand that had landed on me. Then, I felt it. The rubbery spines from the purple dong ticked the inside of my thighs.  His left hand fingers parted my bottom, and I felt the soft prickly length of the strange toy slide across my ass, and in reflex, I parted my legs further. Then he leaned again to the side with his cock still in my mouth, and I heard him slide open the drawer of his night stand, then it closed and he resumed his position deep inside my mouth as he leaned over my body. I heard a faint snap, then felt a cold sliminess running down between my legs. Snap, went the top of whatever he’d opened and drizzled between my legs, then his hands instantly warmed the slippery liquid as he spread and massaged it all over my parts. I could smell its very sweet odor, like some sort of candy syrup. SMACK a hand landed on my now slimy bottom, and fingers began to tickle every inch of me down there.  I had never imagined my anus would be so wonderfully sensitive, but his fingers circled around and around causing me to arch slightly. All at once he stopped and told me to turn around and face the other direction, so I did as he commanded. As I maneuvered myself around, he continued to massage my slippery bottom with one hand, all the while telling me I was gorgeous. Now pointing away from my host, I laid face down on the bed, but before I could get comfortable, his hands slipped under my hips and pulled me to my knees with my bottom up. He was so skillful as he then reached in between my legs and with one swift motion, forced my knees far apart with his forearms before gently lowering me back to the bed. His arms then reached back between my legs as he took my nipples between his slippery fingers, pulling downward forcing my back to arch downward, and my chest and face to the bed.  There I was, blindfolded, face and chest flat on the bed, bottom up high, knees spread wide, completely exposed to him, and at that moment, feeling like I was his property. I wasn’t in that position for but a few seconds before his hands tactfully secured one of the fur lined cuffs around my right wrist. He gently pulled my arm up on top of my lower back and softly ordered me to give him the other. Without thought I offered my left arm behind my back, and click click click went the cuffs, making me completely and totally his toy.  I could hear the pleasure in his voice as he told me how beautiful I was. The most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. With both hands, he began massaging my cheeks again, needing and pulling and spreading them in all directions as his fingers brushed over and poked at my holes. My legs were so far apart I was only inches from being split down the middle, and I struggled to open them farther when SMACK, both hands landed hard on my cheeks, then went back to aggressively massaging, squeezing, pulling, and teasing. Again, SMACK and more aggressively his hands pulled my bottom apart as I felt his tongue begin lapping inside me.  I didn’t feel his face near me, or his tongue enter me until he was already as deep inside as he could lick. He was so aggressive with his mouth, and I could hear what sounded like a deep moaning, like an asthmatic dog struggling to cool herself, and I realized it was me making all the noise. The more noise I made, the more he tried shoving his face inside me. Even with him causing some slight pain from his aggressiveness, the incredibly intense and overwhelming heaven I was feeling overshadowed the rest of the world. He could spank me, call me names, drug me, tie me up, and inflict anything he willed, as long as this feeling remained. Nothing else mattered to me at that moment except I was his, and he could have me any way he desired.  Deeper he forced his face as his thumbs pried my anus apart and his nose tried to force its way in. This was it. This was what I was put on earth for. I was meant to be like this, in this position, my ass in the air with a perverted older man doing very nasty things to me. SMACK, his hands met my ass, as I struggled to force myself wider apart to let him in. His tongue started lapping at all my parts, my clit, my wet holes, up and all around his hungry mouth went. Then SMACK went the odd purple dildo against my anus. I then felt the slimy sweet smelling syrup being drizzled down between my cheeks again, and his fingers gently spreading it over my holes before his thumb rested on my anus. It was as if his thumb was throbbing against my tightest hole, not forcing to enter, just throbbing against it like a bounding heartbeat, as if knocking on the door. Then, I felt the length of the spinney purple shaft gliding against my pubic area, and back across my clit until the head came to rest over my dripping hole. I froze with my back completely arched downwards, and he held it there for a minute, with his thumb still throbbing against my anus.  I concentrated on the feeling of these things wanting to enter me. There was nothing like it. The anticipation was as intense as my breathing, and he just stood there enjoying how he’d transformed and objectified me from the little girl on the porch, into this gasping, drunken, and drugged little object. With his thumb pressed flat against my second hole, his hand cupped and massaged my cheek. Do you like that, he asked. Yaaaa… I responded. Ya, such a good little lover you are, he rewarded. I couldn’t get enough of his words. Every time he praised me, it just made me want to do so much more for him. Do you like being my girlfriend, my slutty little girlfriend? Yes, I whispered. Then tell me you’re my slut, he commanded. I responded with another whisper, I’m a slut. No! SMACK, went his left hand on my slippery ass. Tell me you’re MY LITTLE slut, he insisted. I’m your little slut, again I whispered. Keep telling me, over and over. I whispered over and over, I’m your little slut, I’m your little slut, I’m your little slut, until my droning voice sank into my own head and I was just panting the words, without thought.  His left hand fingers pried apart my cheeks even farther, and he leaned forward swirling his tongue in my little anal hole, as I continued to chant, I’m your little slut, I’m your little slut. As if driven by my words, the prickly purple dildo began slowly entering me. As soon as it began to fill my wet hole, my chants turned to incomprehensible whimpering moans, as if my breaths begged for mercy. I wanted so badly for him to just freeze and give me a moment to compose myself, but he didn’t. He just continued his incredibly slow push into me with the purple rubber creature. I could feel all of its rubbery tentacles entering me, as if each was popping its way past my stretched opening. All I could do was continue my moaning cries.  Deeper and deeper the thing went, and gradually my moans became higher in pitch, and horribly off key. Oh my God, I thought, what had I gotten myself into. This was so deep. How much more could there be, I feared. What a good girl, he began praising. Over and over, what a good little girl, taking all of this for me. I tried concentrating on his words and his soothing voice. Tell me, he said. I tried continuing my chant, I’m your little slut, I’m Ohhhhhh your little slut, Uuuuuuum your UUUUUUUU little slut. We’d hit a point where neither of us could go any farther. No more was fitting in me, nor could I have stood any more. I could feel the purple bulb being forced against my cervix, as he began a very subtle stroke. He wasn’t pulling, nor pushing on the dildo. He was just sort of bouncing it against my cervix, and listening to my off pitch pleading moans. As he stood up to get a better view of my condition, his thumb again began circling and poking against my other hole. His voice, his thumb against my anus, the dildo’s subtle thrust inside me, all consumed my mind and body as I lay with my back contorted into a sloping arch, my chest on the bed, my arms cuffed behind me, my face buried in the wrinkled comforter, my eyes blind to my surroundings, and my knees spread so wide my hips ached and presenting him with my most vulnerable parts. Oh baby girl, you look absolutely gorgeous, he praised.  He began slightly longer strokes with the dildo, and it felt so intense. Longer and longer his strokes became until it felt as if my insides were being pulled out, then shoved back in. There was a slight dull pain, but it was coupled with a feeling of ecstasy, lust, and purpose. The purple dildo had become so slippery from the syrup and my own juices, it slid freely now, as if my parts finally gave in and decided to welcome it, then all at once, it was pulled out quickly, and I gasped. Again he got to his knees and became so aggressive in forcing his tongue and face into my empty gaping hole. He had me spread so far, I could feel his facial stubble burning just beyond my opening. He pulled and pried at my cheeks as if he could force me to open further. I truly wanted to open as wide has he wanted me, and began trying to help by forcing myself back against his face.  His saliva was dripping and running down the insides of my legs. He began forcing his right hand fingers into me; first one deeply forcing its way against my cervical opening, then two, then three. He tried inserting a fourth finger, but it was not getting past my burning opening.  The perverted old man picked me up slightly and shoved me forward, way from the edge and towards the center of the bed. Oh my baby girl, he said as he climbed behind me, his knees outstretched and straddling the outside of mine. With his inner thighs pressed firmly against my outer thighs, he took me by the hands with both of his. His cock rested on top of my ass, and as he stroked it back and fourth, I could feel his balls suction against my wet hole, pulling away, then sticking again as they slapped against my wet gaping hole, over and over. I could feel the wetness as his cock dripped precum on my lower back. I wanted so badly to see what we looked like together, so I just imagined the picture in my mind.  Longer his hips stroked his cock against me, slapping his sack against my parts, then after several minutes, slowly he withdrew, and let his cock inch its way down my slippery crack, pausing at my little pucker long enough to feel him contemplating me. His cock then slipped farther and farther down as my mind imagined a close-up of his dripping tip teasing it’s way towards its destination until it rested against the hole that was truly meant for him. His precum dripped down as strings of it fell from my clit.  His hands let go of mine, and grasped the bend of both of my hips. Then, as we both let low pitched Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, be buried himself so deep inside me it felt as if my insides were being pushed up into my stomach. He was thicker than the purple thing with which he’d spent several minutes violating me. I pictured my hole stretched to its limits around this kind, perverted, old man’s cock, and I was in heaven. With low bear like grunts, and very short hard thrusts, his hands pulled on my hips, forcing himself deeper as his cock head punched forcefully at my cervix.  With no prompting from my lover, I started again my chant, I’m your little slut, I’m your little slut, interrupted only by frequent grunts bellowing up from my chest. He began very long, very slow,  and very deep strokes. With each slide out, his hands would leave my hips, and pry at my ass cheeks to expose my anus, his thumbs parting the opening ever so slightly, then back his hands would go to my hips, and deep his cock would journey until he was again forcing my insides to ache. To be continued…  
      Posted on : Jul 9, 2012

    Add Comment
    BwcOrsonInDenver's profile
    Comments: 1,335
    Commented on Dec 20, 2018
    I'm amazed that there are so few comments here (unlike your first post). Have you published this delicious, delirious account elsewhere?

    "To be continued…"

    Have you? I'd love to edit (and gently collaborate) on your further work in erotica 1
    rosiewilletts27's profile
    Comments: 57
    Commented on Aug 11, 2017
    Its so lovely finding a girl so much like me, i will reply properly later if thats ok.
    arseholeaddicte's profile
    Comments: 1,164
    Commented on Nov 29, 2016
    That was a wonderful read. SO well and erotically written. I loved it and now must pay some attention to my own cock.
    daddyxxxxx's profile
    Comments: 16
    Commented on Apr 26, 2013
    Incredibly erotic story. Made my cock hard and throbbing with desire.
    jesse4445's profile
    Comments: 193
    Commented on Aug 25, 2012
    I pictured my hole stretched to its limits around this kind,
    perverted, old man’s cock, and I was in heaven.
    Well written, loved it.
    WOW!!!!! Let this old man know when you continue------PLEASE!!!!

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