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    Rag doll

    This is based on a true story and contains some fantasy elements... but I am not going to tell you where the report ends and the fantasy starts... ;)


    Rag doll

    by Valeska


    In the 10th grade we made a school trip to Tuscany. It was the last year of middle school, and we were just a few month away from our graduation. Most of my classmates were 16 like me, few a year or two older, depending on their previous success in school.

    We stayed at a little hotel near the beach, not much more comfortable than a youth hostel, but the beach and a place to sleep were all we needed. I shared a room with 5 other girls and I was lucky enough to get one of the upper bunk beds. Most of the rooms looked the same.

    Every day we would make a trip to one of the historic sites, which interested me more than most of the others. And every evening we would party on the hotel terrace, get drunk on red wine that we were not used to.

    One night the party got relocated from outside to one of the boys rooms. Like every night a teacher would come to end the party:

    “Now everybody out of here who doesn’t belong in here! Go to bed!”

    Reluctantly people started to leave the room, but on one of the lower bunk beds, very comfortable and very tipsy, I decided that tonight I would like a special invitation just for myself before I gave up my place. But I must have been out of the our teacher’s site, so after everybody except me left he slammed the door shut, not without yelling:

    “Now I don’t want to see anybody on the hallway anymore!”

    To my surprise I was suddenly left in the room with the six boys that occupied it, and we all burst out in laughter at our new situation.

    We continued the party, just a little quieter to not attract any more attention by the teachers. So we drank more red wine, chatted, joked and laughed, but like every party it was slowly but surely leaning towards its end.

    That confronted us with a new problem though, if nobody was allowed on the hallway, I must stay in the room, and if I stayed, how would we all get ready for bed? And in which bed would I sleep?

    The first boy decided to go to the bathroom change into his pajama shorts, very much to the immature laughter of all the rest of the boys.

    The second boy chose to get changed in the room with his back to me, telling me I could watch and I would like what I see. And I did. I liked his ass and after a bottle of red wine I wasn’t shy in telling him.

    All six of them were regular teen boys, none of them I particularly favored or disliked, but that night they all looked good to me. I suppose besides the alcohol I was flattered to be center of their attention for once. I suppose I was an average girl myself, pretty but never the prettiest, smart but never the smartest, funny but never the funniest. The attention usually focused on others, but that night it was all about me.

    I suppose the boys tried to challenge each other, so the third got changed facing me, giving me a short glimpse of his cock. Again much to my approval.

    That must have inspired the forth not to bother to change at all, but to just pull down his pants and ask me if I liked his cock more.

    “Boys, I can’t see them very well from back here. You’ll have to come closer.”

    Sassy me. I’m usually not like that.

    Both boys came forward to show me their best part in detail, and soon the others felt brave enough to join, so that I suddenly found myself circled by six cocks.

    The sight of a cock was not unknown to me, I wasn’t a virgin anymore, but it still was something new and exciting to me, and six of them all lined up for me made my eyes widen in fascination. I stared at them, wondering about the different shapes and sizes.

    “Now which do you like best?”

    I heard the words, and it actually surprised me that there was somebody talking who was attached to that cock. I didn’t answer. I just instinctively reached out for a cock and took it into my hand. It grew rock hard in an instant, to the roar of the other boys. Of course everybody wanted me to touch it now. And I did.

    As every one of them got hard in my hands my own reaction started to change too. I seemed to instantly sober up, but all the energy of my body seemed to be sucked down into my lower belly, creating a powerful feeling of arousal.  

    Only one boy didn’t get hard in my hands, the one who had changed in the bathroom before. His face turned red in embracement, and some of the other boys started to giggle. Maybe I took pity in him too. Maybe I was annoyed my hand didn’t make him hard. Or maybe I just wanted it. But I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around his cock. It grew hard in a second.

    The other boys didn’t laugh anymore, they just silently watched me suck. The felling in belly just grew stronger as I felt their eyes on me. I teased the tip of his cock with my tongue and garbed his balls with my hands. It took him less than a minute to cum. He filled my mouth and I swallowed everything down, spilling not a single drop.

    The taste of cum was not new to me either, but it confirmed my experience that every guy has a slightly unique taste to him.

    “I think I like this one the best.”

    I hardly finished that sentence before five cocks pointed straight to my mouth to be the next one to be sucked. Soon it felt like a dozen hands on my body, pulling, tugging and ripping my clothes, buttons flying away. Every inch of revealed skin was instantly explored by another hand, touching me all over. Fingers started to rub my slit, not that it wasn’t already flowing with moisture, but the boys wanted to check for themselves before they entered me.

    The boys took turns at my mouth and at my pussy, with their young energy fucking me like rabbits, shooting their loads inside of me or over me whenever they came.

    My mind was far beyond any ration, it was overwhelming to me to be the center of all that sexual energy.

    Animal instinct. That’s what it was. Not only for me but for the boys too. These regular teen boys turned into a pack of wolves and they turned me into their prey.

    When the first guy entered my ass I wasn’t asked anymore, instead he asked one of the others to hold my arms secure. He wasn’t gentle anymore, he just forced into me. It was painful. And I would have screamed if not a cock was pushing into my throat at the very same moment.

    If I had asked them to stop they wouldn’t have. You could have called it gang rape. But I loved every second of it.

    They took turns on me over and over and over again. I lost count on how many loads were shot into my pussy, my ass, my mouth or on my face. After a while I just noticed it becoming less cum, I supposed they were wearing themselves out.

    And suddenly it stopped. Just like that. I got kicked onto the floor as every of their guys took their own bed. They switched of the light and went to sleep.

    I remember thinking about what just had happened as I lay down on the floor, but it was too much for my mind to process. In the end I was just exhausted, and it didn’t take me long to fall asleep.

    In the night I woke several times to one of the guys having another fuck or shooting his load into my face. I don’t know how often, I wasn’t sure if it was dream or reality and I didn’t care.

    I woke up again at the first sunbeam. As I stood up I could see myself in a mirror. Naked, my face and hair plastered with dried cum, bruises all over my body. I collected my clothes, tried to get some of them on but all were shred to pieces. Carefully I checked the hallway. It was empty and I hushed naked across it to my own room. I could feel my sore pussy and ass at every step I made, and cum was still oozing from them.

    I silently entered the room, all the other girls were sleeping and I hushed into the bathroom. I took a shower and dressed in a bathrobe. Nobody even noticed that I was gone for the night. That happens when you are not the center of attention.

      Posted on : Dec 4, 2011

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    MG3000's profile
    Comments: 543
    Commented on Jan 31, 2012
    Fascinating. I have similar memory, dorm , only one boy though. Loved the beginning. I really wonder where fiction starts. Maybe when they start fucking or maybe not so much happened or maybe they were even less charming with you. Who knows but you ^^
    squizzyt's profile
    Comments: 320
    Commented on Dec 5, 2011
    Great story very exciting. Love your work

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