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    New Installation

    Hello again.

    So a few weeks ago my gf and I decided to go out to the local hardware store and buy a hook. I used a studfinder, and drilled it into a beam above the center of our bed. We already had a noose made out of a nylon rope (complete with safety knot to keep it from tightening fully), and now we could loop it through the hook above our bed! Oh what fun we've been having ever since. I also have a small pulley that I used to try to build a small pulley lift in the garage, but never had the time or patience to complete, now its gone toward a whole different project...

    Now, because of our addiction to socks (actually, it used to be just my addiction, but now she's been hooked too!), and actually also due to their extreme versatility during bondage, we often use socks as well as wear them. They make excellent, soft ties that rarely leave ligature marks, great for fist mitts (which further prevent marks, and also prevent escape), and of course look so cute and sexy on her pretty little feet. So she tied a pair of very soft, very thick socks around her neck to cushion the noose and to keep it from leaving marks. 

    [once, as I was about to put some socks on her, she asked me if I would kiss and lick her toes! I had of course heard of this fetish, but had never actually been asked to participate. I had no particular qualms about it, especially since she had just showered, so I thought, what the hell, and gingerly started kissing her toes. I started at the tips, and noticed she started to moan as I kissed near the bottom of the base of her toes. The more I kissed, the more turned on she got, and by this time had her eyes closed, breathing heavily, and making "mmm" noises that REALLY turned me on! So I realized that she has actually very nice, soft feet and it was not unlike kissing her hand and fingers! So needless to say, often before we get socks on her feet, I'll take some time to pay attention to her cute little toes]

     I put on her a pair of soft, thigh-hi socks with multicolored pink stripes, and on top of those, a similarly pink striped pair of knee-hi socks. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw in our sock pile a pair of pink and white striped footie socks that I thought were so cute so I put those on her too. Then I got a pair of soft, pink over the knee socks and put them on her hands. Mischeivieous thing she is, she will often pull on the knots and get her hands untied, but with her sock-mitts, she is much more secure. I then used one sock from another long, soft pair like we tied around her neck to tie her hands behind her back. Then I used the other sock to blindfold her with. Whenever I blindfold her, she always breathes in sharply, like she's being dipped in cold water. It gives her a thrill that makes me feel the same. 

    I put the noose around her neck and secured it over the socks. I sat her butt on the edge of the bed, got on my knees, and started kissing her clit. She always jumps and gasps lightly when I kiss her there. Sometimes, I just breathe warmth on her and she gets a shiver through her body, and a gasp. Today I went straight for the kiss. As I kept lightly kissing and grabbing her clit with my lips, she began rocking her hips, breathing. It was time. I pulled my end of the rope through the pulley and tightened the noose around her neck. She started to gasp, but it was caught in her throat. She breathed out and it came out a raspy, choked "uhhhggkk"...

    Trying harder to breathe in, she jerked her arms up, trying to reach the noose and pull some pressure off ther throat, but her bonds kept them behind her. I could see the outline of her fingers writhing in the sock mitts as she tried to wrench both arms around her left side, but to no avail. But there were her fingers, reaching. Breathing in forcefully, she managed a "grrrk" of breath as her torso jerked a bit, an effort that did nothing to relent the noose from choking her. I bore down with my tongue to her favorite spot and masaged in all directions. Her torso jerked back and forth several times as she forced small, hoarse noises out her nose, and her tongue began to fill the small space between her lips. After a few minutes, Her face reddened and the movements and twitches of her arms became more spastic and purposeless. I loosened the rope and allowed her some heaving, hacking breaths, but did not let her completely off the noose. Still pulling, I took off her blindfold and looked into her eyes. I saw weary consciousness and focus return to them through her stridorous breaths. 

    She looked at me, gasping lightly, face red, smiling. This cycle continued several more times. She would come close to orgasm, I would pull harder, she would pass out and choke and twitch while I licked her. Then I would let her come back to again. She came several times during this process, sometimes while awake. A few times, she came as she choked out. Its quite a thing to see your beautiful girlfriend's unconscious body having an orgasm on top of you, strangling and jerking at the end of a noose, tied up in long socks, then seeing her wake up and smile at you through sleepy eyes and telling you how much she enjoyed it before letting you hang her again.

    I then entered her from underneath her as she straddled me. I positioned the noose on her neck and pulled her in to kiss me passionately. She loves the hard, passionate kisses you see people doing at the end of the action film as they escepe the fiery explosion that defeats their nemesis and ends the conflict. I pulled her head in close to mine, kissing her with one hand, then slowly began pulling the noose with the other hand. I kept her down, kissing her while choking her with the other hand. After a bit, I let her go and pulled her upright by her neck. She coughed and sputtered, but continued thrusting her pelvis on me. As I choked her with my right hand, I started touching her clit with my left hand. She gasped and began to thrust harder and faster. The force on the noose was considerable. My hand began to ache from the rope. Yet through the tight noose, I heard her gag, "ggghhhardergg". I began ramming myself into her with all my might as I pulled even harder on the rope. Her face became darker, and I heard the occasional rasp of air sputtering through her lips as she swayed and thrusted. She was trying to swallow, but could not. As her tongue became visible, she began to drool onto her chest. Soft noises came into her throat, cut short and muffled by the tight rope, which by this time, had become buried somewhere in the folds of socks, pulled up into the angle of her jaw, strangling her throat tightly. She kind of opened and closed her mouth, it looked like she was trying to yell, and I could tell she was orgasming by the way her thrusting became more like rhythmless jerking.

    She blinked, as in disbelief, staring straight ahead. Her arms, still tied, began to relax as her torso continued its thrusting motion. I untied the sock that bound her hands, and her arms flopped limp to her sides, still wearing pink sock hand mitts. Every so often, she would pull one or both of her socked arms up as if to reach for the noose around her neck, but would only let it spasm there into contorted positions for a few seconds before it flopped back down at her sides. In between spasms, my thrusting made her hands flop around, almost as if she were still struggling, but I knew despite her high-pitched, rasping, choking breaths that she was out like a light, dreaming the sweet noose dream...

    I let her down to regain consciousness. She sometimes laughs a little as she comes back to. She awoke to me kissing and making love to her. She looked around, dazed for a moment before suddenly realizing again the pleasure she had been feeling, as she rolled her eyes, moaned and whispered "oh my God". "Did you like that, baby?" I said, smiling. Her eyes still wide, she whispered heavily, "that was incredible!". I kissed her again deeply for a minute, then pulled the rope again. Her last breath usually gets caught by the noose and she makes a gentle "agkkk" sound as it tightens. This time, her hands are untied and she reaches up to the noose, trying to grab it. After a few flailing attempts, she finally gets a grip on the noose from the sides, but I have already tightened it. She chokes and thrusts a few times as her grip weakens. She seems reluctant to let go, because her arms don't simply drop to her sides, she lowers them down slowly as her arms and body convulse gently. I let her down and we come together as she's coming back to. A very good time to come, she tells me!

      Posted on : Feb 20, 2011

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    bravo12345's profile
    Comments: 0
    Commented on Apr 29, 2011
    wonderful..and a nice girlfriend too..but why dont you make a video or some photo of the noosplay. It would be great to watch

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