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    One of my Fantasies

    I was sitting at the park, doing nothing in particular. My mother was at work, and since I spend my days home alone, I come to the park quite often. My mom works nights and sleeps most of the day. Once she heads off to work in the late afternoon I usually come here and hang out. Today I’m sitting in the grass, noticing a middle aged man, probably in his mid or late 50’s, who has been watching me from across the park. He is bald on top with salt and pepper hair on the sides. He has a very thin dark mustache, but no other facial hair. He is average build, but has a little bit of a belly. He is wearing shorts and a blue windbreaker jacket, and he’s sitting on a park bench with a camera hanging around his neck. Every once in a while the man would catch me noticing that I see him watching me. When our eyes would accidentally meet across the distance, I would quickly turn away, look at the ground, or in another direction, and act as if I didn’t see him. But, I could still see him out and the corner of my eye and realized, he never seemed to turn away. In fact, every so often he would lift his camera, point it at me, and snap a picture.


    It was starting to get dark, and I hadn’t eaten dinner yet, not that I was all that hungry, but I started walking home. I should have dressed warmer than just the shorts and a tank top I’m wearing because now that the sun is going down, it’s getting a little cool out, and I still have several blocks to walk home. I am only about two blocks from the park when I notice a white van following me. At least it seems to be following me since I am only walking and the van is keeping pace from behind, and never attempting to drive on by. This is the kind of van that a tradesman might drive for work, but there are no company logos on the sides. No real distinguishing features about the van other than there are no windows in back what so ever. The van keeps pace with me for another block when finally it begins to speed, and just when I think it is going to pass, it stops, the window rolls down and a voice says, aren’t you cold? I catch a glimpse of the driver, and it’s the middle aged man with the camera from the park. Again he says, aren’t you cold dressed like that? Yes, a little I tell him. I could give you a ride. I’m going in that direction any way. Besides, I’ve wanted to talk to you about your modeling career. What do you mean my modeling career? You’re a model aren’t you, he says. Surprised and embarrassed I say no. You’re really not a model? No; of course not. Well, you should be. You have the look of a young model. In fact, I beet you would be a really special model. What do you mean? The man says he is a photographer for a lot of famous models, and would love to hire me to model. Really? Sure, you would make a great subject.


    The man pulls his van over to the side of the road, steps out, and starts taking pictures of me right there. OMG stop, you are embarrassing me. He says, you shouldn’t be embarrassed, you should be paid. I tell you what, he says, hop in, I don’t live far from here, and I will pay you to model for me. Really, pay me? Yes, but I have some much better clothes in my basement studio. Sure why not I say. He seems very sincere, and also seems like a harmless nice old man. It’s Friday so you don’t have school tomorrow right, he asks? Nope. We climb into his van and he beings to drive. He starts explaining about how a modeling photo session should go. There are just a couple of rules. The photographer is like the director of a movie, and the model follows whatever directions I give them; agreed? Yes, sure, agreed, I said. Sometimes models don’t feel comfortable with everything I ask them to do, but a good model knows the director is always right.


    The older man asked me about myself, my hobbies, my school, my mom and dad, etc… I explained I’ve never had a dad, at least never met him, and I’m an only child living with my mom. He asks, have you ever had a daddy? No, like I said, never met him, it’s just me and my mom. Well there are all kinds of daddies, and every little girl should have a daddy, don’t you agree? I guess. He changes the subject and asks about boyfriends, but I explain I don’t have one. No boyfriend, no daddy, what a deprived little tart you are. Tart, I wonder what a tart is, thinking is must mean young girl or something like that? We continued chatting and I finally realized, we have driven a long time, not close by the park at all, but I don’t say anything, not wanting to offend him.


    Finally, we turn down a country road, and up a long dirt driveway. He parks in front of the house and says we’re here, hop out. I follow him up to the front door. He opens the door and says, after you. The sun is nearly down, and it’s starting to become dim outside. CLICK CLICK CLICK, I hear him snapping pictures of me from behind as I enter his dark home. He says he doesn’t want to turn on the lights because he doesn’t want to get his dog barking, which is chained out in the back yard. He takes me by the arm and says just follow me, as he leads me to a door. He opens the door and flips a switch that lights a set of stairs leading down to his basement. Go on down he says and I’ll be right behind you, CLICK CLICK CLICK, as I walk down the stairs. The stairs end in a cozy room, where there is a couch, a tall stool, and what looks like a round padded foot stool, which is sitting in front of a painted canvas where there is a camera on a tripod. Go ahead and have a seat and I’ll be right back. I sit on the couch and notice it’s pretty warm for a basement. There is thick carpet on the floor, and I notice a couple of doors, so there must be different rooms down here since this is a pretty big house.


    It’s about 5 minutes, but seems like twice that when he walks back in with a tall glass. He hands me the glass and says, here, drink this. What is it? It is a drink I made special for you. It will help you be a good model. I take a sip, but wow, it really harsh and burns my throat. He says, go ahead, drink. Like I said, I’m the director right? Ya, I agree, so I start to take another drink. Before I could pull the glass away from my mouth he reaches in and tips the bottom of the glass up, forcing me to take a huge gulp. My eyes start to water from how strong the drink tastes. Wow, that stuff is harsh, I say. Yes but just what you need, he says. He sits on the couch next to me and starts to explain what kind of poses I will be doing. I suddenly start feeling very hot, weak, and dizzy. I sink back into the couch without even noticing I had changed my posture. He reaches over and lifts the glass to my lips again, forcing me to drink, and drink, and drink. What a great model you are going to be tonight. You think so, I seem to whisper. Oh ya, he says. I struggle a little to lift myself up up from the back of the couch. Are you okay, he asks? I think for a moment, ya, just feel really really strange. That’s how a good model should feel he says. I don’t go into details with him, but It feels like I am in a deep deep dream that is wrapped in a thick fog.


    The man stands and walks across the floor and picks up a cardboard box and carries it back to where I am sitting. Let’s see what we have for you he says. Every modeling session has a theme he says. I think tonight we will do a bound tart theme. What’s that I ask, forcing to get the words past my very relaxed and somewhat numb lips? Well, you’ll see, it will be fun. Just do what I tell you and you’ll be perfect for this. He reaches in the box and pulls out a wadded up cloth. Here, put this on, he says, then he leaves the room. I struggle to pull off my tank top. I don’t wear a bra since I really haven’t developed very much. I then struggle to pull off my shorts, many times falling backwards into the couch, and then struggle to lift myself back up. I’m not wearing panties, but I don’t think I have enough strength to wrestle out of them. OMG I think to myself. Whatever he had me drink is so powerful. I hold up the item of clothing he handed me so I can see what I am putting on and if I have it facing the right direction. It’s mostly thin strips of cloth, almost nothing to it. I start feeding my legs through what I think are the correct straps, but I am not having much luck. Struggling, I collapse on the couch again, but continue my week struggle. This must have done on for several minutes before I noticed that the old man was kneeling in front of me, helping me into the strips of cloth. I was so out of it I had no sense of modesty or embarrassments that he was helping dress my naked body. Then he stood, lifted me to my feet, and told me to stand. I managed to balance myself. Although the lighting was very dim, I could see that I was wearing a strip of cloth which stretched behind my neck, ran over my collar bones, just barely covering my nipples as its strips proceeded down and disappeared into a V between my legs, up behind me, through my bottom with my cheeks exposed, and then around my hips meeting back in front. Oddly, I was still extremely warm, almost to the point of sweating. I am usually pretty shy, especially about my body, but no modesty even entered my mind. I was relaxed almost to the point of feeling like I could melt.


    The man took me by the hand and started to lead me, but my legs wouldn’t follow. He swiftly picked me up, carried me over to the padded cube like foot stool, tipped me onto my stomach on top of the cube, so my knees were on the floor and my body supported by the cube. CLICK CLICK CLICK I could hear the camera. CLICK CLICK CLICK as he walked around and around me, then silence. I could only hear his breathing. Smack his hand went on my bottom. Lift this up for me. Smack, again his hand went on my bottom. Then he grabbed the stips of cloth between my legs and with just a little pressure, pulled upwards, my bottom following. There’s my little tart, he said. CLICK CLICK CLICK. CLICK CLICK CLICK, the sound came from behind me. Smack, much harder this time. Hold it up there for me, he said as he pulled on the traps of cloth between my legs much harder this time, causing them to dig in a little.

    Suddenly, he gently takes me by the back of the hair, tilts my head back and lifts the glass to my lips again, this time until I was almost out of breath. Thankfully the glass ran empty down my throat. He turned the cube I was resting on until I was facing about 3 feet from the wall. Reach out and touch the wall he said, so I stretched both arms forward trying to reach the wall. CLICK CLICK, I heard, but this wasn’t the click of his camera. This was something he quickly fastened around each of my wrists. He then pulled my arms out in front of me by some sort of strap or rope, far out in front of me so my knees were straddling the foot stool. He fastened my arm retraints to the wall. Click, Click, something went around my lower thighs just above my knees, then pulling one far to my left, then the other far to the right, my chest and my inner thighs resting on the foot stool. There, he said, that’s a much better pose. CLICK CLICK CLICK went his camera form all angles. OMG I have never felt so vulnerable, but the thick dreamlike cloud covering my mind kept me from feeling any distress.

    After several more minutes of him clicking away, I turned my head to find him and watched him walk to the corner of the room, pick up some sort of small box, like the size of a cell phone, but with long wires hanging from it. He walked behind me out of my view, then suddenly, snap, he pulled violently on the cloth between my legs with such quickness it snapped in half before it had the chance to hurt too much. Cold and sticky I felt him stick the adhesive covered end of one of the wires to my tiny anus. Then he stuck another between my parted lips, and I don’t mean the ones on my face. He then walked around and put a cloth around my eyes and tied it in back to blindfold me. Wow, now you are the perfect bound little tart. Are you ready to be directed, he said? I don’t remember answering, but I think I did. ZAP! My body jerked hard and a scream escaped my mouth. What the fuck was that, I said? ZAP! Again, my body jerked hard as a shot of electricity bolted through my anus and exploded in front between my legs, again causing me to screech a short high pitched scream. ZAP! Again my body jerked violently and another scream escaped. What the fuck I said! No, no, no, we can’t have this he said. He then shoved a rubber ball in my mouth and tied a cloth around to hold it in. ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! I couldn’t control the violent jerk of my body caused by the shock. It wasn’t overly painful, but very disturbing how I couldn’t control my own body. It stopped for a moment, as I heard the CLICK of his camera again and again. Smack went his hand on my bottom. This time I felt the electricity, but not as a quick zap. It was a faint tingle which seemed to go on and on and on, causing my muscles to tighten and forcing my back into rigid arch. Through my clouded dreamlike state, I could hear a moaning in the background. Long drawn out droning moans floated though the air. My ears seemed to focus on the moan, but suddenly I realized, it was me making to sound. The electric tingle began to intensify, more, and more, and more, until all the muscles below my waist were flexed tight, then ZAP! It shot through me violently again, causing me to jerk enough to bounce an inch off the foot stool. Just as suddenly, the electricity was gone and my body was limp. I felt a warm wetness running down the inside of both my thighs. I realized I had peed down my legs. Oh, what a shame he said. CICK, CLICK, CLICK went his camera. The last drink forced down my throat took me so deep into a helpless vulnerable dream, and kept me from feeling I was threatened or in any danger. The camera click stopped. ZAP! And jerk went my body. ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! OMG I could feel my pee running down my legs, and I could hear very heavy breathing; my own, as if I had just sprinted a mile. Oh, I’ll get that for you, he said. I felt him kneel down behind me. I could feel his hot breath on my bottom, warming my cheeks, then down between my legs, feeling is breath on my inner right thigh, then inside my left thigh, but no touch from the old man. For several minutes, I just felt his breath moving from place to place on my exposed body from behind. Then, a touch inside my thigh; ever so slight. Another; just as slight. Then the touch went between my legs into my lips, but so slight it was like a tickle. Bam his face went deep between my cheeks, his tongue strong and deep into my little girl hole. Deeper and stronger, back and fourth. OMG, never have I ever heard of such a thing. For the first time I was feeling like I was doing something very wrong, so very very wrong, but at the same time, I didn’t want him to stop. No, I heard myself say just the one word. Deeper and more forceful his face went between my ass cheeks, then he stopped. My breathing was so very heavy, almost to the point of hyperventilating. ZAP! The strongest shock so far ripped through my anus and exploded at my little clit. My body jerked so violently my ass slammed against his face where his tongue was position to go deep into me. ZAP! Again slamming my body into his face and my hole onto his mouth. ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! Each time slamming my body against his face. OMG! What have I done? What have I gotten myself into, I thought?


    It stopped and I heard the man get up and walk to the other side of the room. I heard him rummaging through something, then heard his feet shuffle back towards me. I felt him untie the gag around my mouth, and pull out the ball. Just as I was trying to adjust my jaw, he slid something that felt like a smooth thick rubber pipe into my mouth, much thicker than the ball. Suck the dildo my little tart, he said. Slowly he slid it to the back of my throat until I gagged, then withdrawing it almost to its tip. Good little tart, he said. Then pushed it again to the back of my throat and again I made a gagging sound. Again he rewarded me with his praise of being his good little tart. Repeatedly he made me gag until tears were running down my cheeks, but still he continued. Then he pushed it to the back of my throat and held it there. I couldn’t inhale or exhale. I couldn’t breathe at all. He held it and held it until I started to panic and struggle. ZAP! The electricity bulleted through my bottom parts as he withdrew the dildo. I was gasping for air, as if I stayed under water far too long. ZAP! Again he hit me with the shock, and a scream come from my lips. He then said, try this one, and he began forcing a much thicker rubber shaft into my mouth. My lips stretched all the way around the rimed head, but it was too thick to go past my teeth. He pushed a little, but it was far too thick. Well I can see you still need some training, he said. He put the ball back in my mouth and retied the cloth over it.


    He moved back behind me between my legs. ZAP! My bottom slammed against his waiting hand. Drip, I felt a warmth gush all over my cheeks, run down between my legs, and down my thighs, as he described how the warm oil looked soaking my parts. I felt his hand caress my cheeks. Oh so slippery he said. Smack! his hand went hard burning my right cheek. Smack, again. The third smack landing between my legs on my hole. I muffled scream tried to escape my mouth. Smack again on my hole. Smack, very hard again on my hole, and again a muffled scream came from me. ZAP! His electric torture shot through my young clit. Lets see how you like this my little tart. I felt the smoothness if his dildo touch the top of my back, then slide very very slowly down. Slowly down, between my shoulder bladed, down my spine. Down the dip in my back, then down, down, down, until is reached the part in my cheeks, down slowly, down, down, now sliding slippery across my anus, pausing to make a slippery circle, then down, down, now against my little girl hole. His breathing was intense, but probably not as intense as mine. Little slippery circles he made with the tip of the dildo around my hole. Now you are going to be more than a tart baby. You are about to become Daddy’s little slut. As his words made my heart beat faster, I could feel the tingle of the electricity start, very slight at first, increasing, increasing, increasing, causing my muscles to tighten and my back to arch my bottom upwards. I couldn’t stop my muscles from forcing me. More intense the electricity grew, and more my back arched, forcing my bottom higher and higher. Until, as if a feeling of flip the head of the dildo popped into me just past the opening of my little girl hole. More intense the electricity became and the deeper my body moved onto the dildo. Deeper, deeper, OMG, never before, OMG, OMG, deeper, deeper, then it stopped. Breathing as if I had just run a mile at full speed, he withdrew the rubber cock. Then again, the electricity began to subtly build, until flip, the dildo popped past and into the opening of my hole. Deeper as the electricity intensified, all the way until my body was contorted, my back arched to the extreme and by bottom high, forcing me onto the dildo the old man was holding, then gone was the electricity, and my bottom fell back into place as the rubber pipe slipped from me until its tip rested against the rim of my wet hot hole. ZAP! My body slammed hard onto the hard rubber cock. So deep onto it I went that I could feel his fist that was holding the other end of the dildo slam against my bottom. ZAP! Again, and I screamed as my body jerked hard onto the rubber cock. ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! OMG OMG OMG went through my cloudy intoxicated mind. Then it stopped. Smack! went his hand on my oiled ass. Oh my little slut, your ready for more aren’t you. I’m gagged and cannot respond, or even protest. I feel like what he is doing to me is turning me into something I can’t describe. Like I am becoming something that belongs to him, and his pleasure is my pleasure.

    I feel what I know is the other much thicker dildo straining against my hole. He pushes with steady pressure and I can feel myself burning as I am being stretched wide open. Pop it suddenly slipped past the opening of my hole. Deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper until it is forced against the end of my insides. It won’t go any farther and all I feels is intense pressure. Oh my beautiful little slut he says. Oh what a good little slut for daddy. Then the electric tingle begins, Oh no, Oh no, Oh no I think. My body tightening, sliding harder against the huge rubber post that is sticking out of me, no more, no more I think, but more intense the electricity becomes, and harder onto the shaft I go, then as if it all went away in an instant, the electricity stops and he rips the massive pole from me.

    I don’t remember the next few minutes. My mind went completely away.


    Slowly I again become aware. I don’t know how much time has passed. I no longer have anything tied in my mouth. Nor am I blindfolded, but the room is very dim. I can hear a low repeating moan over and over and over again. Ohmmm, Ohmmm, Ohmmm, Ohmmm, over and over and over. I suddenly realize it’s me moaning. I also realize I am still tied, and being shoved from behind over and over, matching each of my moans. I turn my head slightly to look back and see the old man, completely naked and all sweaty, with his hands tightly gripping my hips as he is slamming his body against mine. Welcome back princess he says. Smack, he slaps one side of my bottom. Thrust, thrust, thrust, against me, dripping sweat on my ass. Something different than the rubber of the dildo. Something much warmer, much stiffer, and reaching much deeper into my soul is being slammed into my hole. Smack his hand goes again against my bottom. He then picks up his pace, dripping more sweat on me, more intense and deeper, harder, thrust, thrust, thrust, faster and faster, harder and harder deeper and deeper, more and more into my being. I know my purpose here. I want this. I am here for him, he has me, and can do what he pleases to me, and I want him to.


    You like Daddy’s cock princess? Oh yes, I reply. Tell Daddy, you want his cock. Give me your cock Daddy. Give it to me. Give it to me! Give it to me. My moans have turned into begging over and over for his cock to thrust into me. Suddenly I tighten, rushing all over with something so intense. More than the electricity, more than anything I have ever experienced. Oh yes princess, come for Daddy. Come for Daddy princess. Oh yes, Oh yes, OMG OMG OMG OMG I pant. Ohhhhhhhhh. He’s spanking my ass with all his might, matching each of his forceful thrusts. Burying his hot Daddy cock in me. Smack, smack, smack, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, he cuts my arms loose, and I grab the sides of the foot stool, forcing myself against him as I have the most intense orgasm I could have ever hoped for. He rips his cock from me, quickly moves in front of my face and shoves it in my mouth. My hands go to his body, pulling his cock into my mouth deeper, the other hand around his dangling balls pulling him into me. Here it comes Princess…. Ohhhhhhhh I feel a hot ness shoot down my throat, gagging me, but I’m still sucking with intense hunger. Then he shoves it to the back of my throat and holds it there, still jerking against me and grunting, spilling his love down my throat.

    You are the best model I’ve ever had. The best little slut I could hope for Princess.

    I now go to the park every day. I haven’t seen the old man since, but every time a van passes by, I feel a pounding between my legs. I wish he would come back and pick me up again.   

      Posted on : Mar 7, 2010

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    BwcOrsonInDenver's profile
    Comments: 1,335
    Commented on Nov 25, 2018
    Princess needs Daddy cock! What a lovely, hot, and horny-pornographic confession, my little dear.

    A True Daddy will make this -m and much much MOAR - cum truth for you and for a long time to cum.

    Because daddy Truly luvs his baby girl - heart, mind and fuck . holes!

    --Daddy Orson
    infman4x's profile
    Comments: 1,474
    Commented on Oct 5, 2014
    i put the dido away, now i lick kiss and suck your toes, i lick kiss and suck your titties, i taste u licking and sucking your pussy, i kiss u your ears and i enter u, fucking u slowly passionately holding your waist while i thrust inside your sweet pussy, u feel so good 2 me, i want it 2 last, i keep riding you and kissing u, your moans make me more passionate, i keep thrusting your sweet little pussy, it seems we both have peaked and i fill your pussy with my warm cum, hugs!
    infman4x's profile
    Comments: 1,474
    Commented on Oct 5, 2014
    now i get the big rubber cock, i spank your pussy good then i spank your titties and then enter u with the rubber cock, in and out in and out until your cum cover the dildo, 2 b continued, hugs!
    infman4x's profile
    Comments: 1,474
    Commented on Oct 5, 2014
    u cant move, i can do what i want, i will pinch pull and twist your nipples, then lick kiss and suck them until your pussy drips, 2 b continued, hugs!
    infman4x's profile
    Comments: 1,474
    Commented on Oct 4, 2014
    i put away the olive branch and your pussy is wet, so i finger fuck u gently until u orgasm, then i lick kiss your tummy and tongue your belly button, 2 b continued, hugs!
    infman4x's profile
    Comments: 1,474
    Commented on Oct 4, 2014
    so i finish licking and sucking your toes, now i get out my olive branch and i spank your legs your ass your moist feet and i tease your pussy with the end of it, i spank your tits and? to b continued. hugs!
    infman4x's profile
    Comments: 1,474
    Commented on Oct 4, 2014
    now i have u tied up in my rented van, with my hands all over u, rubbing your tits, your pussy and all u can do is wiggle, i am in control of u, i slip your shoes off play with your feet, lick and suck your toes and 2 b continued. hugs!
    infman4x's profile
    Comments: 1,474
    Commented on Oct 3, 2014
    im going 2 rent this old beater van, ill have some rope and tie up points in it and a nice big clean rubber cock, then i will abduct u from the park bench and drive u 2 a secluded area and? hugs!
    DOMan1960's profile
    Comments: 0
    Commented on Jun 21, 2013
    great story
    jesse4445's profile
    Comments: 193
    Commented on Aug 20, 2012
    Great story, well written.
    I am reading your next one now.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Alpha1919's profile
    Comments: 15
    Commented on Jun 24, 2011
    great your imagination
    j o guy
    j o guy's profile
    Comments: 19,177
    Commented on Mar 7, 2010
    nice fantasy! hope it cums true for you

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