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    Leo and the hidden house.

    Leo walked into the lobby of the hotel, where he worked as a security guard. The first thing he saw was a lady berating all the employees around her. He thought he should do something about it, but the. manager was there and deferring to her. So he went on his way.

    Later that night, while he was doing his rounds, he came across the same lady yelling at a maid. That maid just stood there and took it, then the lady slapped the maid very hard and stormed off to her room. The maid waited until she heard the door slam and then ran off, going past Leo, not even noticing him. Leo was incensed, the maid looked like a Spanish Princess, the kind that he instinctively wanted to protect and the lady had no right to do that to her.

    As Leo went about his rounds. He got madder and madder. He could not get the scene out of his mind. Until he decided to do something about it. He thought and thought, and eventually came up with a plan, whoever that lady was, she's going to pay for her actions. later that night, after he had completed his shift, he snuck into the ladies hotel room. When the lady came back to her room, she found him standing in her bedroom. “What the hell are you doing here?” She said, but his only response was to deck her and as she was trying to get a breath to scream. He hit her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Then from her back now, he put a cloth of chloroform over her nose and mouth, knocking her unconscious. Then he tossed her body into a trash can and rolled it out to his car. Knowing where all the cameras were, he was never spotted.

    Three hours later, she woke up chained in a outdoor pit. She screamed and screamed, but no one came. Eventually, she just shivered through the night, hoping someone would find her. Later that day, Leo came by “Hello” He said, from the rim of the pit.

    “What the hell, get me outta here? What do you think you're doing, my father is going to kill you. I know my rights.” She replied,

    “Well, first off, let's get some introductions done. What's your name?”


    “Well, Marjorie, I think you are unsure of what's going on here, first and foremost, you have no rights. You are scum and you will be treated as such. I have sentenced you to at least 7 days here and if you are non-compliant, it will be longer. Before we are through you're going to be begging me to rape you in the ass, mouth and pussy and you will be a very obedient slave, doing everything I say, when I say, how I say, why I say. By the way I am Milord to you and you will teach yourself to curtsy and kowtow today or you'll have a very rough time here. Well, you're going to have a rough time here anyway. You will have a rougher time.”

    “What, you're mad, my father will kill you” She said.

    But all he did was get up, whip out his cock and piss on her and walked away.

    “OMG you pissed on me” was all she could get out before he was out of hearing range.

    It was a long cold night for Marjorie. When Leo came the next day, she had a bit of an attitude adjustment. “OK OK I'll Fuck you. You can take me in the rear. I'll give you a blow job. Please let me out of here. It's ice cold.

    Leo came down into the pit with a strap. “You are so slow, I would think you were retarded if I didn't know better. You are scum. You don't consent to anything, if somebody wants to hit you.” He swung the strap and hit her for the first time. “They hit you, if they want to Fuck you, they Fuck you. The absolute best you can do is beg and plead for them to do something with you/to you and hope they take you someplace better to do it.” He then began to hit her repeatedly blow after blow after blow. She was hysterically crying when he finished and left the pit.

    The next day was a complete shock to her. He shot her with a tranquilizer and while she was a sleep stripped her, she woke up butt naked and frozen. The cu de gra was he put her clothes up where she could see them, mounted on a Scarecrow device, taunting her with them. He came down to the pit with the strap later that day. She was incoherent, but managed. “Please Fuck me, take me any way you like. Just bring this to an end, please. I beg of you. ”His only response was to beat her again for a half hour, blow after blow after blow. Not so much fun when you're on the other side of the coin, is it? Then he left.

    The next day when he came down with the strap, she just stayed there on her knees, waiting for the beating to begin, which it did. For another half hour. He simply beat her time after time again. She was crying hysterically when he was done. He just stood there waiting for her to compose herself. When she did, she got back on her knees and was waiting for the beating to resume. “Well I congratulate you. You seem to be learning a little, hence I will do something nice for you.” He then proceeded to a cabinet which he pulled out a box of cereal and a very large bowl. He poured the entire box in the bowl and set it on the ground and told her, “You must be hungry after four days of not eating. Stay on your knees and eat it like a dog.” She was starving and did not want to risk him taking the bowl of food away, so she did as she was told. He watched her eat until she licked the bowl clean. Then he put it away and left.

    The next three days were about the same as the first four, except he fed her every day. The 7th day, he came down and beat her. Then said, “Due to your noncompliance the first two days I have decided to extend your stay in here a day, I suggest you think about your actions and how to rectify them. With that, he left her crying on the floor.

    The next day, he came down without the strap. “Now remembered you shall be seen, not heard. You'll do what I say, when I say it, how I say it. No ifs and's or butts about it and you don't ask questions.” He then unshackled her. and took her by the ear and dragged her out of the pit, from there he took her to a hose and water spigot and told her to clean herself off. When she was done, he said “Okay, now stick it up your ass”

    Confused she said “what?”

    Which was met with a slap and then a backhand to her face. “Do that again and it's another week in the pit for you, stick it up your ass” Terrified, she did as she was told. the process was relatively quick. Her bowels filled up in a matter of seconds, and then all the crap that was there came out. ”OK you can pull it out now.” She did and all the Clear water came out. “Now you best remember to do what I want, when I want, how I want, or I will take a metal bar and shove it up your ass and then throw you in the pit.” With that, he spun her around and slapped some lube on her butt hole and then a sodomize her. When he was done, he pulled out and told her “This all better be going in your mouth, or you will be back in the pit.” With that, he shoved his cock in her mouth. She blew him for about 10 minutes, and then he came, she drank it all down, terrified of the consequences if she didn't. “Good good good you're learning, get on your feet. We're going to take a walk.”

    He pointed to where she gave herself an over glorified enema and asked her, “what is that?”

    “my feces”

    “Yes, you're shit and it would be in your mouth right now if you hadn't done what I told you to do. Do it again, and I'll let you learn the hard way.”

    “yes Milord” He smiled, It was the first time she used the title he had given himself.

    They walked for about An hour and a half. They were on an island in the middle of the canyon. There were no bridges to it and there was a straight drop down. When they were back outside the house. He stopped and said. “Did you see any bridges?”


    “Do you know how to fly?”


    “Good, That means I'm your only way on or off this rock. I highly suggest you do as you're told.” He then took her by the ear and half dragged her into the house. From there they went upstairs and he threw her into an over glorified closet. He shut the door and locked it. There was one light with no way to turn it on and off. It would just stay on unless he turned it off from the outside. The only furniture that was in there was a chamber pot, so she could relieve herself at night. Other than that she had nothing. A half hour went by and he came in with a bowl of cereal, he put it on the floor and let her eat. She wasn't taking any chances, at least the insinuation was she was going to sleep inside tonight. She got on all fours and ate like a dog. When she was done, he picked up the bowl and left, locking the door again and shutting off the light this time. She laid down on the floor and went to sleep. Exhausted from the last weeks events.

    The next day he came and gave her, her a regular beating. Then he dragged her by the ear to another closet. “Now you get something to do, these are the cleaning supplies I have bought for you, you will clean this house from top to bottom, if you miss anything it's the pit for at least a week. For every day you do not finished the house. You will be beaten at night as well as during morning. Get to work.” With that he went off to do whatever he did during the days.

    It took her three days to finish the house, it was a large house. During that entire time she did not have a stitch of clothing. She worked butt naked, but very diligently. The beatings were quite harsh and the work was very hard, but she did it all by herself. It was the first time she could remember finishing anything like that in her entire life. She was quite pleased with herself for getting it done. She eventually told Leo that the house was clean, almost with a smile, but not quite.

    “Good good.” Leo said. “Follow me.” It was the first time Leo had not dragged her by the ear where they were going, so she was very curious what was going to happen. They eventually went into one of the rooms, where there was a outfit laid out complete wit shoes and underwear. She had hand washed everything in the house, so she knew they were there, but never expected to get to wear them. For the first time in a long time, she got really excited, she did not know if this was a promotion from dog status, but it would be lovely to wear clothes again. “Put that on.” Leo said and she most eagerly complied. This was the first time she wore clothes since he stripped her in the pit. She could hardly contain herself. “Okay, this is how things will work from now on, after your morning beating you will clean everything that was dirty from the prior day. Then you will clean the clean stuff. You will only stop cleaning when I am using you for something else or you are cooking, Understood?” She nodded her head in acceptance. “Also it is best you remember that you own nothing, those clothes you have on there are on loan, rebel in any, way, shape or form and their gone.” Subdualy, she nodded her head in acceptance again. “Good, get to work.”

    This went on for several weeks. She still had no clue why it was happening to her. She was not allowed to ask questions, so she just did what she was told, hoping to stay out of the pit, one day she heard “scum come here.” It was the first time he called for her, so she ran as fast as she could to the living room, when she stopped it all came together. Though her head was lowered, she could see Annabelle was standing there, the maid she had hit in the hotel Hallway.

    Annabelle was in shock, when Leo told her he had the bitch captive, she thought he was joking, it would be a punching bag or a cardboard cut out something she could let off some steam on and then he was going to try and get laid. Her shock turned to anger. She started breathing very heavily, her shoulders came forward, like she was a bodybuilder and she just stood there Huffing and puffing glaring at Marjorie. “She is in the exact same position that you were in, that night she slapped you. She cannot defend herself, nor begged for mercy. She just has to take whatever you dish out.” That was all it took, Annabelle snapped, she lunged at Marjorie and using fists, knees, elbows everything she could think of to hit her, she hit her with, if she could step back and think a little she probably would have hit her with the furniture too. Eventually, Marjorie fell on the floor and was knocked unconscious, but Annabelle just kept on hitting her over and over again. Eventually, Leo stepped in. “She's unconscious now, you're wasting your energy.” That brought Annabelle back to reality, she had played that night over and over again in her head. She probably would have killed Marjorie, if she had a weapon, but Annabelle caught her breath and stood up and simply looked at Leo. “That bitch hit me.”

    Trying to move on, Leo did not want a murder on his hands. “Well, it seems you have incapacitated the closest thing we have to a servant. I guess we will have to fend for ourselves until she wakes up. Can I interest you in some wine?”

    It took about 1/2 hour, but Marjorie eventually woke up. she woke up to Leo and Annabelle talking and drinking wine. “she is completely broken, she will do anything and everything you tell her, No matter how humbling or degrading it is. There is not an arrogant bone left in her body. Oh, look, there, she is waking up.”



    “Get on your knees.” Marjorie complied.

    “Stand there” Annabelle positioned herself where Leo was pointing.

    “Worship her ass”

    Annabelle's face went to shock. “No, that's not ness”, But Marjorie was too quick for her, up went her skirt, down went her panties and in for the anus went her tongue “OOO EEE HAAA” No one had eaten her ass out before and she could not describe the sensations she was feeling, but Marjorie quickly brought her to one climax after another.”

    “Ohh, that might have been a mistake, you have washed down there since the last time you used the restroom. Haven't you?”


    “Ohh good, she's still kissable.”... “Well, I think you've had enough of that. Marjorie back off. OK Annabelle, please turn around. Marjorie worship her pussy”

    Annabelle was already positioned for body worship, so she had no time to prepare. When Marjorie went between Annabelle's legs and locked lips with her holy of hollies Annabelle's just lost it. She grabbed her head and pushed her harder into her crotch. Having one climax after another much more volatile than the ones from the rear. Leo was quite amused, Annabelle was not even trying to protest anymore. She was doubled over, eyes closed and moaning like crazy. You would think it was out of a Porno movie. Leo let Marjorie go until Annabelle fell on the floor. Then he waved her off, Annabelle just laid there with a bird fed smile on her face, rolling back and forth. Leo didn't know of course, but he was pretty sure he just gave Annabelle the best sexual encounter of her life. He looked towards Marjorie “Go Cook dinner.” and she was off.

    From then on life went on pretty much routinely, for two weeks she did nothing but clean cook with the occasional sexual encounter. Then one day Leo came to her “I like to think of myself as a hard ass, but I do have one deep weakness, that's children. Today I saw your child crying for you and it just broke me up. If you promise not to tell anybody about this place and what happened to you here, I will let you go.”

    Marjorie thought hard for a minute, she had started liking the place since the encounter with Annabelle, but he mentioned the one thing that never left her mind, her child, after a few moments, she nodded yes, and said “yes Milord, I will keep quiet.”

    “Very well, come with me.” He led her outside where there was a wheelchair waiting. He strapped her in, then chloroformed her. Three hours later, she woke up in the same room she was abducted, at first she started to scream, but no one came. It was an expensive floor and very rarely filled. She was alone. The first thing she did was called the front desk, telling them she didn't know how she got there and had everything turned on in the room. The second thing she did was call her son. They had a very tearful reunion. All she would tell her kid about her time away was never be a bully. You never know who's watching.

    Three weeks went by very, very quickly. Marjorie busied herself with her kid and with buying the floor that she was abducted on. She expected Leo or Annabelle to come by and make sure she was acting correctly, but they never came. She knew they were there because she saw them a couple of times in the hotel. She even locked eyes with Annabelle a couple of times. But they never approached her or said anything. Marjorie got tired of waiting and eventually asked their bosses to send them to see her.

    When they came for the audience, their bosses came with them, very concerned that somebody of her reputation was upset with their employees. She looked up and spotted them as they came into her room. “I just wanted to see Annabelle and Leo. What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you two?”

    “We were just concerned you were having problems with them. We heard. through the grapevine you had issues with them and we wanted to apologize and find a way to rectify the situation.”

    “No no no, I do not have any issues with them, they might have issues with me, I've been a total bitch to them, but I'm very satisfied with their performance, as a matter of fact, as long as you're here, I would like to give you these letters of appreciation.” Marjorie got up and went to her desk where there were two envelopes waiting. She pick them up and gave them to their bosses. “Now, if you would please leave us alone. Our business is quite personal, I would like to conduct it privet. “

    Both the bosses nodded to her and left, when the door was shut behind them, she addressed Leo. “May I lock the door.” He nodded yes, after she locked the door, she took off her outer coat, revealing she was dressed in the servants clothes that she acquired at the house. She then took out two pieces of paper from the dress pocket and made sure she had the correct ones in a hand. She then approached both of them and got on her knees, handing the pieces of paper to them, saying “I am very sorry for the inconvenience that I have put you through. Please accept this as an admission of my complete and utter guilt, perfuse confession that I am sorry and my promise to be better in the future.” Leo and And Annabelle looked at each other confused then took the pieces of paper. Annabelle took a step back as if she was hit and whereas Leo stood his ground, he was equally as confused. “Do you have a mill I mean two million to give?” This was their first introduction to how rich Marjorie actually was.

    “Yes, my lord. My father left me $5 billion dollars, three residences and two businesses when he passed. I can more than cover that, I chose $1,000,000 because it seems to be the number most thrown around on TV, but I can do more if you believe I should.”

    Leo trying to think. “Father?”

    “Yes. My real father, he died when I was very young. You're thinking of my stepfather, he is very nice and very protective, but I did not come from his loins. Would you like another check? And if so, how much?”

    “No no. But this is a lot of money and as you said, we could ask for more if we need to. I was wondering what you expect back for this.”

    “No, nothing, no strings attached, but I was mostly humbly wondering if I may go back to the house”

    This hit Leo like a lead brick. “The house, are you mad?” … “That's my personal fantasy island you are opening yourself up to every vile and sadistic thing I can think of, why the hell would you want to go back there?”

    She was looking down at his feet, but he could tell that she smiled at the question. “This is hard to explain, especially if you don't come from my background. First it feels like home, I know that's odd for you to hear, but in all of my houses there are plenty of rooms and wings I have never been in. I know every inch of that place, except for the doors you kept locked and I would expect to know what's in there one day too. The second, it is the first place where I began and finished something. Everything else I have done in my life, I have had help, someone was always there looking over me that knew better, more capable. I cleaned that house from topped to bottom, with only me to rely on. I would like to keep it clean.”

    Leo and Annabelle exchange. incredulous looks. Annabelle eventually walked in front of Marjorie. “Look up”...When Marjorie was looking her in the eye, she. said. “They say a mother's kiss cures all.” Then she gave her a slap and backhand that knocked her both ways, but not quite off her knees. She then bent over and kissed both cheeks. “I hope that helps. but if you will excuse me, I am extremely nervous with this money not in a bank account. I need to go deposit it. You have come a long way Marjorie, don't stop now.” With that, she turned and left the room, leaving Marjorie and Leo alone.

    Leo looked down on her. “Well, I cannot claim to be much better than her, I do like to think I'm a badass, but having a check worth $1,000,000 that any thug can destroy is very nerve wracking. I intend to go back to the house this Friday, If you meet me at my car, I will take you. It is the black Ford Mustang in the security parking spot, just to the left of the kiosk as you drive in. I suggest you think about this very hard. You do not need to put yourself through that again. You have paid for your simple crime. a million times over.”

    Leo then turned and left. For the first time since she met him, she thought he was walking fast. That Friday, she met him at his car as he requested. For the first time she was awake as they drove to the Ultralight pad, to fly to the Little Island in the Canyon. When they got there, he took her in the House and told her. “You can sleep anywhere that it seems comfortable. I would normally do things that would entertain me now, but after 8 hours of work and a 3 hour drive I'm tired. We shall pick this up again where we left off tomorrow.” With that, he went to bed or so she thought. Three hours later, she woke up and she was in the pit, chained back to the wall. This was the last thing she was expecting. She started to scream and scream and scream. But once again, nobody came. She eventually just curled up on the floor and cried.


    That immediately got her attention. She spun around and got on her knees and said, “I know I'm not supposed to ask questions, but if you would please tell me what I did, I will correct it. I did not mean any harm.”

    “Ah, yes. The infamous question 'why am I here'. Well, the asshole response is because you were born. The reality is because I'm an ass”

    “May I ask how long I will be in here?”

    “05, maybe 10 more minutes more. The fun part was when you were panicking. Now you're like a bump on a log. Nothing big, nothing exciting, nothing entertaining. Play time seems to be over.”

    Leo then went over to her and unshackled her from the wall and took her back to the house. He half encouraged her to go upstairs with him, which she did very happily. He took her to the room she was in when she was a captive and when he opened the door, she saw it furnished like a real bedroom. You could turn on the light from the inside, bed, a dresser everything you would expect a human being to have. There were no closets in the closet, of course. But he put up a rack and hung some dresses on it.”

    She could not have thought of a nicer thing to be done for her, She started to cry and hugged his neck. saying. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

    Marjorie had a hard time sleeping that night, the episode in the pit was too vividly in her mind. She eventually passed out and slept very deeply for the remainder of the night. She got up late at 9am, very shocked she was not receiving a beating. when she went down stairs, she saw Leo sitting in a recliner. He smiled at her and she began her morning chores.

    This is one of those stories that can go on and on. I thought about putting all three of them in the House and having a sadistic orgie . I also thought of Marjorie buying the island in the Canyon and giving it to Leo, also putting solar energy and indoor plumbing in the house. Those are just a couple of my perverted thoughts on the subject, but you have to finish sometime. Hope you enjoyed the story. Leave a comment if you did.


      Posted on : Mar 17, 2024

    Add Comment
    badboytoie's profile
    Comments: 2
    Commented on Apr 2, 2024
    / would describe it as the bitch who gets her captains, but everyone is entitled. to their opinion, thanks for the comment
    badboytoie's profile
    Comments: 2
    Commented on Apr 2, 2024
    / would describe it as the bitch who gets her captains, but everyone is entitled. to their opinion, thanks for the comment
    scudtwo's profile
    Comments: 5,201
    Commented on Mar 17, 2024
    I enjoyed it very much. It's very much like a parable! Thank you for sharing.

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