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    Mother daughter part two.

    Greetings from the Great South West again. No one commented on my first story. So I don't know if you want this or not, but since it is already written, I shall post it anyway. I hope you enjoy it. Please leave a comment. Here is a link to part one. If you're interested.

    Mother and daughter two.

    16 years later.

    Rachel is 19 years old now and has claimed her rights as an adult. Denise came home at 10:00 o'clock when her daughter was supposed to be home, but she wasn't. Pacing back and forth over the living room. She worried and worried and worried to the point she almost called 911 to report her missing. she came home at 1:00 AM drunk and Disheveled.

    Denise was livid. She had never been more scared in her life. “Where the hell have you been? You said you would be home by 10:00 o'clock, it's 1:00 AM and you look like you've been in a fight. What's happening here?”

    Rachel looked at her mother with bemusement. “I'm an adult now, I can come home when I please, and no, I wasn't in a fight. It was simply a rough party that got out of control. for a bit.”

    “Why didn't you call at least, something to let me know you're OK, It's dangerous out there You could've gotten hurt.” Denise was at her wits end

    “I wasn't thinking about that at the time. I had some work to do and was busy” Rachel retorted, obviously getting angry now.

    “Work” Denise was aghast. “Work, what the hell kind of work could you been doing at this time of night?”

    Rachel looked her mother right in the eye. “Haven't you noticed I haven't asked you for any money for the last year, I'm a whore”

    Denise was stunned, that knocked her back a few steps. All of her defenses went down. She couldn't believe her ears, What?”

    “I'm a whore, I spread my legs for money. I want to be a prostitute and this is my first step.”

    “What, what the hell, why?” Denise was lost, Rachel was supposed to be a good girl. Go to college, get a job, marry a nice guy and have a family. How is this possible?

    “Because I want to be like you. You were always there when things went wrong. You always make things right and you always cared. I want to be like that.”

    “Wah Wah What do you mean? what do you mean you want to be like me? You don't know what I do? I've always told you it was a secret.”

    “Mother don't lie. It's obvious what you do. I see the bruises on you. I see the gate in your walk when you come home. There is no doubt what you do. Hell, I even remember the first day you came to pick me up from school and your face was devastated. Your a whore, a whore for some very mean people. I can take that.”

    Denise backed up again, hitting the door with her head. It was as if Rachel physically hit her. She didn't know what to do. “I know it's cutting hairs, but I'm not a whore, I'm a slave for some very wealthy people. I do what they say, when they say it and I take what they give me, end of discussion. You can't wanna be that”

    “You're right, it is cutting hairs very fine hair, but Yes, I do.”

    Denise, body froze up, she looked at Rachel like she had been shot. Her whole world had just collapsed. Then all of a sudden she launched herself at her Slapping her face as hard as she could. “Put your hands behind your back. Slaves don't get to protect themselves. Just take it, take it.”

    Rachel surprisingly did what she was told. It was only about 10 minutes, and nothing was broken, no blood was shed, but her face was pretty messed up. Nonetheless”

    Everything had turned to anger in Denise. She had to convince her daughter somehow this was not the way to go. “So you want to be a slave, OK. You don't get to have any friends, you don't get to go out and party, all you do is stay here unless told to do something else and clean. You clean the entire house top to bottom, laundry, dishes everything even the refrigerator and when you're done, you start cleaning the clean stuff, Understood.”

    Rachel nodded yes, then Denise stormed off to bed. She cried herself to sleep that night, the first time she did that since she got the job with the Duchess. She always felt secure with the Duchess, confident that she would be taken care of, she was totally lost now and really didn't know where to go or what. to do.

    Unfortunately, the first week went fine. Rachel did exactly as she was told and when Denise got home from work, she spanked her, tortured her breast or feet, and then went off to watch TV. Then one day she got home and Rachel wasn't there. She was very surprised, she called her number and called and called and called and nothing. It was like the first night again. She was terrified and didn't know what was happened to her daughter. Rachel got home at 3:00 AM and she was a mess. She definitely had been beaten up.

    “What happened, where were you? Why didn't you answer your phone? I called and called and called.”

    “My pimp found me, he beat me up, took my phone and forced me back to work. He said if I didn't things would get bad for me, and you, especially you, he basically said he would kill you in a very painful way, if I didn't turn tricks for him.”

    Denise was crushed again, she had just started thinking about how she would introduce her daughter to the Duchess and now this, she started to shake uncontrollably and then she did something she had never done before. Call the Duke.

    “What's wrong?” He answered

    “I am so sorry to call you at this time of night, but I'm in Trouble. My daughter has gotten involved with a pimp and now he's foreseeing her to turn tricks for him. I thought I had gotten her to quit, but he has literally started forcing her to work under threat of killing me. If she didn't”

    “Fuck, I hate pimps. What's his name and where is he at?” Denise asked Rachel. and then responded.”Marcus Weber, he's on the east side.”

    “Don't worry, I'll take care of it. If he shows up Before I get to him, Charlotte will deal with Him, I'll warn her. Go, to sleep. See you tomorrow.” With that he hung up.

    The next few days went quietly. When Denise got to work the next day she got a particularly wicked spanking. but she expected that, the Duke had a fondness for abusing her rear end and used every excuse possible, even none, but nothing was said about the call. One day, Rachel was going to the store, she went in a out of the way route to avoid seeing her pimp, but there he was on a set of stairs outside an apartment building. When he saw her, he panicked. He got up and hobbled into the apartment building, he had a cast and crutches now and he stumbled into the door of the apartment building. She could hear him telling them. “I didn't touch her, I didn't touch her. Your witnesses. I didn't touch her.” She went up to a working girl that was on the steps with her pimp and asked. “What's up? He beat the shit out of me last week, now he's running.”

    “Your new pimp found him and convinced him to let you go. He was over here because he was trying to avoid you. It's also why he's on crutches.”

    Rachel was confused. “I don't have a new pimp, I'm out of the business technically...” Then it came to her, her mother's call. “My mother.” Was her only response and then she hurried home.

    She told her mother that night about the day's events and Denise said. “Thank you for telling me, I wondered what happened after the phone call. You'll only get orders there or they take their pleasure anything other than that you don't need to know, and they don't tell you. Be ready at 9:00 AM. Tomorrow you're going with me with Charlotte.”

    When Denise brought Rachel to the car in the morning Charlotte look confused, but open the door and let them in anyway. “OK remember when you're in this house, you curtsy to everybody the moment you see them, even Charlotte, She may relieve you of this obligation, but don't second guess her, wait for her to articulate it. On the outside of the house, you curtsy to the Duke and Duchess and anyone there with them. Never speak before being spoken to. Never ask questions. If you have a question about an order you may ask it, but expect retribution. We are objects to be played with, we are there for their amusement, never forget that, I have never seen somebody fired, and I don't want to. They will attempt to verbally break you, let them. It's okay to cry, scream, wine, beg, but never talk back And never expect them to give in to your pleading. They won't, they think it' s all a part of the game. Do exactly as you're told. If you're told the strip, you strip, if you're told to clean the restroom, you clean the restroom, if you are told to go rake the outside, you go rake the outside. You do exactly what they say, when they say it. Sooner or later expect a push in the back, when that happens you bend over and grab your ankles. You let them do what they want. Odd are you will be taken, but they may grope, fondle or even spank you too. You take everything without complaint, but like I said, you can cry. Now this is the most important part, once you are in those doors, I can't help you. You are open season and you will be used and abused. I assume as bad as I've been. You better think before you leap on this one honey, I just flat out can't help you when we go past that point, it is the point of no return, Understood.”

    Rachel nodded her head yes and for the rest of the ride looked very worried. Charlotte had been listening to them through the intercom and now knew why Rachel was in the car too. She let them out of the car with a simple good luck and went to the garage.

    Denise was true to her word, everything in the house looked immaculate, but she started cleaning anyway and never stopped. Rachel followed her around the house chatting about nothing until they heard 'Ah-hem'

    Both Denise and Rachel turn towards the Duchess and curtsied. “Whom may I ask is this?”

    “This is my daughter Milady, Rachel.”

    “and why am I honored with their presence.”

    “She would like a position in the household, if you would be so kind as to consider her”

    “Interesting and do you want her to have a position in the household?”

    “No ma'am, but she says she wants to and has given me little choice.”

    “Ohh yes, the pimp has he bothered you since then?” She asked Rachel

    “No ma'am, he hasn't and he hasn't tried to contact me either.”

    “Well Denise I hate to ask personal questions like this, but does she know what happens around here? And what her position would be?”

    “Yes ma'am, I have told her everything I remember and tried to talk her out of it. She seems to want the position.”

    “Everything? how about your first day? When I almost put you in the hospital. Probably should have, but you were eager to stay.”

    “she seems to remember the aftermath of that day, but I forgot to tell her the details.”

    Hum said the Duchess as her demeanor suddenly turned cold. “Details are quite important especially at times like this.” The Duchess then started to beat on Rachel Slapping her back and forth, back and forth. like the first day with Denise. However, when she stopped, there was not nearly as much damage as the first time.

    “She didn't last as long as you did, we will have to work on that. Now you realize you are selling your precious daughter into slavery and she will be treated as such. No slack will be given because she's your daughter.” She evilly asked Denise

    That cut Denise to the core, but she just simply said “yes, Milady”

    “Both of you get your phones and checkbooks and meet me in my office.”

    Both of them ran to do their bidding. They got to the Duchess's office, almost on her heels. The Duchess took the items and sat down behind her desk and began to work. No. one was bleeding. so they simply stood in front of the desk with their eyes lowered. The Duchess worked for a period of time then looked up at them and told them to check their bank accounts. They both did. Denise had £50,000. and Rachel had £40,000. The deal was done.

    “You just sold your daughter into slavery, sex slavery to boot. You really must be a vile creature.” Humiliating and degrading Denise was fun for the Duchess, Denise was used to it, but she wonder how much her daughter could take. The Duchess then picked up the phone and called the Duke. “Hello honey, how's your day been? ….... Good good, I'm glad to hear it. Mine has gone better than anticipated too. Our meek, mild and obedient slut has just sold me her daughter. Would you like to come over and play? Good good see you soon.”

    She hung up the phone and then looked up at the two ladies very evilly. “If my memory serves me right when we hired Denise I took her breasts and the Duke took her arse. We never script this out, but that's how it went down. I think I will reverse that a bit this time Bend over the desk bitch.” Rachel Did as told as the Duchess got up and pulled a very wickedly looking paddle out of her desk. She pulled Rachel's dress up and dropped her panties and stepped back to admire her arse. “My my my look at what we have here, that is absolutely magnificent. The Duke is going to have an absolute ball using and abusing that.” Duchess leered at Rachel's behind for a moment then. “This is a brand new paddle. I just bought it your arse is going to break its virginity.” She then lit into Rachel with all she had nonstop for a half hour until a bell went off, signaling the front door had opened and she stopped and went to greet the Duke.

    Both Denise and Rachel were crying. Rachel, much more than Denise, but there was tears coming from all the eyes. Denise put her finger to her lips, reminding Rachel not to speak and they waited like that, not moving an inch. The Duchess came back with the Duke a short while later, and they both took a moment to admire Rachel's arse. “Stand up....Turn around.....Strip. My wife put some nice color in your arse, you do realize that's just the beginning of your night. We are going to break you, crush you and wipe the floor with you and think it's funny, are you sure you want to proceed with this your mother can take a lot. Can you too?”,

    Rachel starting to be able to control herself. “I think so Milord.”

    “We are real nasty people, we enjoy hurting helpless people. It's going to be verbal as well as physical. You're going to be called every vile thing under the sun. We are going to make you do every vile thing you can imagine, And we are going to make your mother watch as well as participate in your dismantling. You really, really, really sure you want to do this.”

    Rachel was getting scared, but she was really determined to do this, she nodded her his head. Yes.

    The Duke look pleased. He had something particularly nasty for her and didn't want any guilt trips. He just wanted to enjoy her suffering. “Just out of curiosity have you seen that pimp again.”

    “Yes, Milord, I have.”

    The Duke started to scowl, and an edge came to his voice. “What happened?”

    “He ran Milord.”


    “Yes, Milord, he ran. It really was quite funny, he was on crutches because his leg was in a cast and he had to hobble into an apartment building to get away from me.”

    The Duke Instantly. relaxed. And chuckled a little. “Well, I guess I'll let him live another day then. But if he tries to contact you, even for Girl Scout cookies, tell me, he's a dead man.”

    Rachel was beginning to understand why her mother liked this job so much. Yes, they were cruel, but they made sure everybody consented and they took care of their people. “Yes, Milord.”

    “Take your clothes to your purse in the doorway, then come back. We're going to go to the dungeon.”

    As Rachel did as the Duke instructed, he turned his attention to Denise. “You realize we're going to destroy her and have a good time doing it.”

    “You're not going to kill her, will you?”

    “No no no no, I won't even joke about that. She will probably wish she was dead and she will probably beg for death, but she will see the morning light.”

    When Rachel returned, they went to the dungeon. The Duke, tied her arms above her head from the ceiling and pulled her up, her feet barely touched the floor. His wife came in with some zip ties and a rider's crop. Which scared Denise to death. She didn't want that to happen to her daughter, but what could she do? “Well, I guess we'll have to lower you a bit. We need more access to your tits” Said the Duke. When Rachel was situated the Duchess went up to her and began to affix the ties on her tits “When I did this to your mother, she lasted quite long time, unfortunately for you, you will not have a choice.” The Duchess told Rachel as she pulled the first zip tie tight. The Duchess relished her screamed and then affixed the other one, prompting further screams.

    The Duke went and got a ball gag and brought it to Rachel. “It seems you are going to get quite loud with this, this should help shut you up.” He told her as he affixed the gag to her mouth. The Duchess then began whipping her tits with the riders crop. This was actually worse than when she did it to her mother, because the Duke got a belt out and started whipping her backside. He had a real affliction for pretty girls bottoms, but he did not neglect the leg or back as he worked her over.

    They continued to do this for 45 minutes straight. Occasionally stop pausing to get Denise to bring them food or drinks. Denise did as she was told, but couldn't help thinking how much worse this was then when she was hired. When they stopped Rachel was completely broken, she just hung there, purple tits and arse and sobbed. The Duke stopped whipping her and watched the Duchess finish up with her tits.

    “Well, this has been fun, shall we change it up a bit?” The Duke said with an evil tone to his voice. Denise feared this was going to be the Ku de Gra. The Duke let Rachel down and then half Carried her to a chair. The chair was a modified Iron Chair. He instantly affixed her neck to the chair, then her arms and legs. Last her torso, she could barely move an inch. He then went to his work bench and retrieved three metal chains with clamps on the ends. He proceeded to attach one to each breast. And the last one he affixed to her clitoris. This hurt Rachel but nothing she couldn't handle. Then the Duke affixed the far ends to a metal plate and got out a Taser.

    Denise figured it out and screamed “Nooooo”. It was a minor slip, but the Duke and Duchess instantly caught it.

    Rachel still not putting two and two together. Looked at her mother because of her outburst and then the Duke applied the taser to the plate. Electrocuting her breasts and clitoris. Taken totally off guard, Rachel screamed as hard as she could, but the gag was still in place so it came out as a muffled wine.

    The Duke put the Taser on a shelf where Rachel could see it and addressed her mother. “So the Teflon bitch has got a weakness, It only took us 16 years to find it.” Walking towards Denise “I told you you would regret this sale. Little sluts like you should learn their place and will.” The Duke grabbed Denise by the back of the hair.

    “You sold the scum, now you have to abide with what we do with her.” he then forced Denise to a table and then forced her on it face down and lashed her to it arms and legs. He then went to the work bench and got out a paddle, going back to Denise, he pulled up her skirt and down her panties and began to spank her with it. Denise thought she knew what was coming. She had been through plenty of spankings. Even the one after the phone call, she was able to take with relatives ease. This paddle was different though, like the Duchess's, it was brand new. The panel was specially designed to electrocute the victim on each swat. Denise was totally unprepared for any of this, she panic and started to scream in terror. Her daughter could do nothing, but look on, drooling like a retard. Knowing this isn't fake she was really scared. The Duke enjoyed the panic movements of Denise arse for 15 minutes and then handed the paddle to his wife who continued it. Then his attention reverted back to Rachel. Rachel was terrified knowing he was going to continue what he had started. Sure enough, he went back to the Taser showed her it Front and back then applied it to the metal plate, again and again and again.

    After about 1/2 hour, the Duke stopped. “Well, I think that's enough for today. My naughty wife's bottom needs my attention and that should take the rest of the evening. Take a break, clean up and then you can go home. The Duchess had released Denise from the table, then she and her husband left the room.

    Denise was still laying on the table sobbing, after about 15 minutes, she could get up and release her daughter. They gave each other a long hug and then began to clean up.

    Except for the random Spanking or Sodomization. The next few days went quietly. Then the Duke came in with about 20 men and surrounded Rachel. There were so many of them. It took two circles for them all to be in place. Then the Duke said, “These nice men are going to gang rape you while your dear mother watches and serves them drinks and food. Who knows, they may even give your mother some attention too. Strip.”

    Rachel took off her clothes and was instantly surrounded by the men. They began to grope her tits and arse and finger her pussy and then it began. One guy picked her up and shoved his cock into her arse, another one did her pussy, they laid down on a couch and the third guy took her mouth and that is how it went for the next few hours. Each man traded off with another one as they finished. Denise was forced to watch and get food and drinks. She thought some of them went back for seconds on her daughter, but she could do nothing. Then she found herself surrounded by four of the men. They ripped her panties off and DP'd her too.

    It took the men an hour to finish with Denise and then they carried her to her daughter. They held her legs up around her ears and lowered her butt to Rachel's mouth. “Eat your Mother's ass bitch, Show her how much you appreciate her changing all those shitty diapers of yours. Come on suck out all that goo, it's good for you, swallow it.” Then they turned her around and made Rachel do it to her pussy. When she was done with Rachel they turned the tables on Denise, putting her face down in Rachel's crotch and pulling up Rachel's legs up to her ears, exposing her ass. “Come on, your daughter did it for you. Show her you're just as big of a slut as she is, eat it” They made her do her arse and then pussy. They paused for a few minutes, making her lick up the floor, but then they made her lick up her daughter's body and face. The Ku De Gra was at the end when they made mother and daughter make out. Kissing each other with all the men's seamen in them. They had a good laugh and left.

    Hence, how Rachel became a second generation slave.

      Posted on : Feb 28, 2024

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