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    Mother daughter.

    Greetings once again my twisted mind has come up with a story. Unlike the last one, however, this is totally my imagination. It was not inspired by anything else. Sorry about the formatting of the last post, I was unaware that imagefap stripped the format the formatting when it post I will try to make that better this time.  Once again, this story does not fit my profile persona. I don't know what has happened. I had a stroke, and I guess it changed a few more things in my physical mobility. I hope you enjoy it and yes, I'm working on one like my profile persona. It will come in due course.  Sorry if the story is a little disjointed. I am not a professional writer. I just try.



    Nanny/Cleaning Lady/Chef

    Duties Include: Childcare, Cooking, Cleaning and other Nefarious Duties!!!

    Pays Well, contact Duchess Fitzgerald …


    Denise read the add and wondered what Nefarious meant, but She was desperate and needed a job. So she set up an interview.

    A week later she was at the appointed Mansion 1/2 hour early. She did not realize this, but the outside cameras caught her every move. She did not do anything wrong, But the Duchess saw her and was pleased that she was there that early, promptness was important to her.

    Exactly at the appointed time of the interview. Denise rang the door. The Duchess opened it immediately and invited her in. They stood in the entryway for a moment, and then the Duchess said, “spin for me”.

    Denise did as instructed and then the Duchess said, “you are very pretty. My problem with these interviews is I always think of what I want to do and not what I should do.” She paused for a moment and then said. “Will get to the former in a little bit. For now, follow me.” She then led Denise into the kitchen. “You will find everything you need in here, make me some beef stew.” Then, without another word, she simply went over to the kitchen table and sat down to watch.

    Denise had never been in an interview like this before, but after looking at the Duchess for a moment, she turned her attention to the kitchen. It was as well equipped as the Duchess had said. Thanking God for the cooking classes she took in high school, she made the Duchess some beef stew.

    After Denise was through, she put it in the crockpot for four hours. “Well, I have done the best I could, It will be edible in four hours, but of course, a stew is always better the next day.”

    “Excellent” The Duchess said. “Luckily enough, I am aware of how to make stew, never done it mind you, but I know how to and it looks like you did a good job. I'm very interested to see how it tastes With the salsa you put in it.”

    “Now, will you please clean the Kitchen up? This is the first and last time you will be asked. You will just do in the future.”

    Denise nodded her head in acknowledgment and went to work. This was more of what she was expecting in the interview. The actual cleaning part went well. She had been very neat while she was cooking the stew. She wiped down the counter's tops and mopped the floor, just trying to make a good impression, they did not need it.

    “Very good” the Duchess started “Now, it might be a lacking in me, but I assume a woman knows how to raise children. So providing I don't gag on the stew in a few hours, you have passed all the tests. So please tell me about yourself.”

    Denise took a breath. “Sorry, but I'm a very boring person. I'm simply a woman with a little girl with no criminal record. I'm looking for a job and I'm willing to learn anything you have to teach me.”

    The Duchess smiled at her, everything was going according to what she expected. “OK, good, the job pays £5000 a month, plus benefits and raises will be yearly based on productivity. Would you like to accept the position?”

    Denise had to clinch her jaw to keep it from falling off. That was triple what she expected and tons more than she feared, her voice sounded weak and scared, but she managed “Yes, ma'am”

    The Duchess looked her up and down, “Okay, that's the hard part, for me at least. Now we get to the fun part, for me at least” she gave Denise a very cruel and evil smile “the Nefarious part of the add” she gave Denise a moment to speak up, but she just stood there demurely with her eyes lowered, so she continued “because I like you I have decided too split this into two positions, mind you, you do not have to except this position, but you will be exposed to it. The difference is if you decline the position all you will have to do is serve and clean the mess, IF YOU, except the position you will be the mess, as well as being expected to serve and clean it up, are you interested?”

    Denise was in shock, she was just beginning to feel comfortable and now this “you are being very cryptic, b b but I think so”

    The Duchess stood up and put her hands on her hips “Well let me spell it out for you, I'm a sadistic BITCH!!!, and the Duke is a sadistic BASTARD!!!, we like to hurt people or watch people getting hurt, we always root for the bad guy, unless children are involved, then all bets are off, in short we are looking for a masochistic sex slave. A well paid slave, but a slave none the less, are you interested?” she waited for a couple of minutes, then “WELL?”

    Unbeknownst to the Duchess, in Denise's private life she was very kinky and extremely submissive. She had curtailed all that since she became a mother, but the things she did before that were UN-describable. The duchess was describing her dream job. “Yes Ma'am”

    With that the Duchess gave her a full fledge evil smile and slapped her as hard as she could with her left and right hand. Denise took the blows well, but her cheeks were aflame and her ears started to ring. “Every time you agree to this I get worse, UNDERSTAND”

    “Yes Ma'am”

    The Duchess began to wail on her, left right left right left right. She beat her to her knees and Denise began to cry, while the Duchess screamed at her “go head and cry, that's what we want, for an extra £5000 a month you are committing to be our masochistic slave, SEX SLAVE!!! You will be used, abused, given to others and sold (for a night). You will be called a slut, whore, bitch, cunt, cocksucker and every other vile thing under the sun and all you can do is say 'I'm sorry' and then do your best to prove them right, if they want.” The Duchess was out of breath and stopped hitting her “get up” Denise did as she was told and forced herself to put her hands at her side. Her face was a mess. Her lips were hit so many times you couldn't tell where they weren't fat, they gave her the look of a African girl. Her eyes were both blackened and blood was coming out of her nose, mouth a eyes. Needless to say there wasn't a millimeter of her face that wasn't red, black or blue, but remarkably nothing was broke.

    The Duchess looked at her, very proud of her work “Okay, I'm going to ask you again, think before you answer and remember I get worse every time you agree. The only difference is this time is I will assume you are committed and will claim your body and soul for my amusement, is this something you want to do?”

    Denise pause for a moment, then looked the Duchess in eye and said “Yes”

    “Good, get me your checkbook and phone”

    This was below what Denise expect to hear “what?” she asked

    The Duchess backhanded her so hard Denise fell to the her knees and yelled at her “GET ME YOUR DAMN CHECKBOOK AND PHONE NOW YOU WORTHLESS CUNT AND GRAB A PAPER TOWEL ON YOUR WAY, I don't want you bleeding all over the floor”

    Knowing that the Duchess didn't misspeak, Denise grabbed a paper towel and dabbing at her face to stop the bleeding half ran to her purse in the entryway to fetch the requested items.

    When she returned and handed them to the Duchess she said “ the phones for you, I just need the checkbook, follow me” she took Denise to her office.

    She had Denise stand on the Fireplace Hearth, so she wouldn't bleed on the carpet and went to her desk. Denise watched the Duchess work on her computer for 20 odd minutes, including noting numbers from her checkbook and then she looked at her and said, “check your checking account.”

    Once again things didn't add up to Denise “What?”

    The Duchess scowled at her for a moment “You really don't need to give me reasons to hurt you, that's why I'm hiring you, it will happen weather you like it or not or earned it or not, want it or not. Your position is to cook, clean and suffer... and anything else I damn well please. The only things you can count on not happening to you is you won't be maimed or scarred, well not intentionally unless it is with your consent. Also we aren't into Scat, in any form and you won't be forced to consume piss. You might be pissed on, but you won't be force to drink it... what can I say, men are weird. Now check your fucking bank account, on your fucking phone, if you are so retarded you need further instruction. I don't have, nor do I want your password, if you don't have that you're fucked” the Duchess paused for a moment and wickedly smiled “in more ways than one.” she chuckled at that evilly.

    Denise was slightly embarrassed she had completely forgot she had her phone, little own that you could check your bank account on it. She did as she was told and when she got to her account, her eyes flew open, making her black eyes bulge out to preposterous proportions. “This must be £50,000”

    The Duchess scowled at her “what do you mean 'must be'?”

    Denise's face went from elated excitement to crushing defeat. She had not realized what she divulged with that simple statement. It really hurt her at how desperate she was “I was overdrawn, very overdrawn.”

    “Well that's good, we like to see the pain and suffering we inflict, not societies. I would hate to think what drugs you would be on”

    Denise's eyes flew open again “I'm not on any drugs legal or illegal.”

    The Duchess scowled again “I do not appreciate being interrupted, but considering the circumstances we will overlook it. I do appreciate the fact you are drug free, but you might want to consider some painkillers, if you like I can set you up with an appointment with my doctor, she will be aware of your situation and can help you survive a little. However, I would hate to think the drugs you would be on that would out strip the money I give you? I really don't want anyone O'Ding in my house.”

    The Duchess sat back in her chair and looked at Denise for a moment. “I seem to remember telling you I would get worse and worse. What to do, what to do, what to do. You have been bought, put your phone and checkbook away and meet me in the kitchen.”

    Denise looked at her chest. not knowing what to say.

    “You are not bleeding anymore get the checkbook and phone and put them away.”

    Denise did has she was told and then met her in the kitchen.

    The Duchess was standing there with a riding crop, Denise didn't show it, but was relieved. She had been through plenty of whippings with various objects, including riding crops, she flat out didn't think the Duchess could break her with that, but she was going to make her think she had...

    The Duchess pointed at Denise's blood on the floor “I'm going to tell you one last time, you clean up any mess we make before you leave for the day. Here the dungeon or upstairs... anywhere, understood?”

    It was extremely humiliating to be told to clean up the blood that caused her so much pain, but that was the name of the game she guessed, Denise said “yes ma'am” while wondering when she would be told to lick it up, it's not urine or shit.

    “Now turn around” the Duchess shoved Denise in the back, “Now whenever you feel that you bend over and grab your ankles... DO IT!!!” Denise complied. Then the Duchess pulled up her skirt and pulled down her panties “Now, when you bend over a plethora of things can happen to you but odds are this will be the opening gamut, they may fuck you, sodomize you, spank you or a plethora of other thing, the important is you take it. You are a toy to be played with, used and abused for our amusement, no more no less, understood?”

    “Yes ma'am”

    “Good, stand up” the Duchess walked around Denise taking in her devastated appearance, she giggle at her knowing that not only was she going to top that, but that Denise wouldn't know what hit her

    “Good, good, strip” as Denise went over to the table to strip and fold her clothes, the Duchess went to the drawers and got out a box of zip ties. “Good, good, now claps your hands behind your back and don't let them go until told so... God I love the way that makes your tits push out” The Duchess then got out two zip ties, she wrapped the first around a confused Denise's breast and pulled it shut as hard as she could, eliciting a scream from Denise and a buckling of her knee, but she caught herself and stood back up. Smiling ear to ear, like a bird fed cat, she slowly did the other breast, basking in Denise fear and terror. When she did the other one, Denise screamed even harder and her other knee buckled, but once again she held her own and stood up. Her breasts were quickly changing color and stuck out like they were in a Bullet bra, without the bra...

    Denise was completely terrorized, she was in more pain than she ever had been in her entire life and the Duchess was heading for the crop. When she came back she stopped two arm lengths from her and looked her in the eyes, her eyes were wider than in the office and she was shaking like a leaf. The Duchess coldly look back at her and still grinning said “a promise is a promise”, Denise thought she felt heart freeze as she watched the Duchess wind up and using the full length of her arm for maximum impact, brought it down on her tits. The Duchess never stopped, she just hit her tits over and over again. On the 13th strike she knocked her to her knees “get your hands behind your back bitch and stick out your tits, I'm not stopping till you beg for death”

    Denise barely managed to do as told “please don't kill me, I have a daughter, this is the first time I can do something for her, I don't want die”

    The Duchess just kept hitting her, on the 33rd strike Denise thru-up, on the 56th strike the Duchess got what she wanted.

    Denise fell to the floor “please kill me, please make it quick, tell Rachael I love her, kill me, kill me, kill me please”

    The Duchess stopped hitting her and climaxed on the spot, so hard she grabbed her pussy and fell to her knees, she could feel her pussy juice soaking her dress as Denise continued to beg, kill me, kill me, PLEASE!!!

    The Duchess composed herself and stood up “first let me tell you that you are far past a quick death, second if you think I'm going to clean this mess up you're insane, you are going to live another day, third would you like me to stop abusing your tits?”

    Denise frantically nodded yes!!!

    “Then worship my arse”

    She saw Denise flopping around, trying to get into position as she turned to point her arse toward her. At first she was disappointed, but then she saw her refection in the refrigerator and noticed Denise still had her hands clasped behind her back, “you can use your hands” up went her skirt, down went her panties and then Denise dove for her anus. The Duchess climaxed almost instantly and felt another one building. This kind of power over another human-being was intoxicating, the unadulterated worship was to much. She climaxed two more times, then stood up, bent over and kissed Denise on the lips. “That's how you know I'm clean. Now the pussy” She stood up and let Denise get to work. Denise brought her off 5 more times. She was half bent over when she told her to stop.

    “How are you getting home?”

    “The buss”

    “No no no that won't do, I'll have Charlotte, my driver take you home?”

    Denise began to Sob, “I have to pick up my daughter. From daycare.”

    “Charlotte is the best driver there is. She will take you to the end of the earth if you tell her to and God help anybody who's tries to stop you. She's a dead shot and has a wicked round house. Take a break, then clean up this mess and then Charlotte will take you home.”

    The Duchess came back with Charlotte a half hour later and Denise was still naked and mopping the floor. “Denise” The Duchess called out. When she turned to face them, they saw she was still with the zip ties on her breast.

    Charlotte blanched at her “man you really fucked her up”

    The Duchess looking almost concerned. “Yes, for a worthless cunt she does follow orders very well, in the future when I say clean up, that means you can put yourself to rights.” She then got a knife and cut the zip ties off of Denise. The relief she felt was undescribeable. She could only remain upright by using the counter for support. The Duchess smiled at her and simply left the room. Charlotte watch Denise get dressed and then finish cleaning the kitchen.

    “Well”, Charlotte said. “Not that it is up to me, but I think you've had enough for the day, shall we go get your child from daycare?”

    Denise looked at the kitchen worrying that she missed something, but nodded yes. Charlotte took her out to the car and opened the door for her. Denise stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Charlotte as if she was mad. “What do you expect me to do, Tie you to the roof? stuff you in the trunk perhaps? No no no unless the Duke or Duchess is with you or they've left instructions otherwise, you will be treated like a princess when you're with me. There is a full bar in there and a pantry of food. Feel free to eat and use the booze to kill your pain, if you need to. Denise hesitantly got in the car. She took Charlotte up on the eating part, she was starving, but only had a couple of drinks. She was going to pick up her child after all. It would not look good if she was drunk, it's not gonna look good anyway. She was a mess!!!

    When they stopped Denise got out of the car and looked around. She asked Charlotte, “where are we? This is not where I said to go.”

    “I thought you would like some new clothes. You don't want your daughter seeing you like that. Do you.”

    “No... thank you, I would like some fresh clothes.” It was the first time in recent memory that Denise felt comfortable purchasing something for herself, but Charlotte paid for everything with the Duchess's card. It wasn't much, just a skirt and blouse, but it made Denise feel like a new person. Picking up Rachel was another story. When Rachel and the Caretaker looked at her, they were horrified. Rachel ran behind the caretaker and peaked out from behind her. It was only Denise's voice that conjured the child forward. “It's OK, it's me, Mommy I just look a little different.” It wasn't much, but her voice brought Rachel forward hesitantly. “Would you like to go to McDonald's and play in the playground?” Rachel lit up, that was a very rare treat for her. Denise looked at Charlotte for reassurance, but she just nodded yes to her.

    The trip to McDonald's went brilliantly, Rachel played with both Denise and Charlotte, and had the time of her life. When they got to Denise's house Charlotte said. “I'm only going to do this once tomorrow, at 9:00 am I will come for you. If you are not out here, right here, I will not come in for you. I will just just leave and never come back. No, one wants to think you're being forced to do this, in the future, I will come to your door and knock if you're not out here, but tomorrow we must make sure you don't want to quit.”

    Denise thanked her profusely for her kindness and then went inside. It was a very difficult night for her but surprisingly, she slept, totally exhausted from the days events. It was hard, but she got up at 7:00 AM and was at the appointed place and time. for her pick up. When they got to the daycare they went inside to drop off Rachel and then Charlotte spoke up. “In the future, there may be times that Denise cannot come for Rachel, what would it cost for you to take care of her overnight?” The caretaker started babbling excuses why that was impossible insurance, other commitments, but then Charlotte said, “How does £1000 a night sound to you?” The caretaker stumbled back as if she was hit. Never had she received that much money for babysitting, for any duration. Charlotte continued. “The only condition is no questions asked, she may tell you anything she likes, but you cannot inquire what happened.”

    The caretaker looked at Denise who nodded. “They make the rules and I don't want to have to find another caretaker, it's hard to find one that I trust, Please.”

    The caretaker nodded yes and then Charlotte continued “There may be times when she has to stay with you for a extended period of time, but they will be told to you in advance and compensation will be discussed then.”

    That all taken care of, they proceeded back to the Mansion. When they got there, the Duchess did not seem to be home. She said to Charlotte. “What should I do?

    “Clean anything you find that is dirty? And when that's done, start cleaning the clean stuff. If you can find anything humiliating or degrading to clean, do that first. They will enjoy seeing you do it.” With that Charlotte waved and went on her way.

    The House seemed immaculate so she started cleaning the dungeon and then she went to the bathroom and then the Kitchen. When she was in the living room, she felt the notorious push in the back. She spun around ready to give whoever did it a piece of her mind, but when she locked eyes with the Duke, she remembered where she was and her instructions. She squeaked. “Sorry” turn around and bent over and grabbed her ankles.

    The Duke smiled at her posterior and exposed it, “whereas I appreciate the apology, you cannot fault me for blistering such a pristine arse.” Denise couldn't see what the Duke Was doing, but she could guess. Plenty of her old boyfriends had done it before. He went over to a table and got out a paddle and went back to her “I'm not going to work you over as bad as my wife... this time... but you will regret this, don't say you weren't warned” With that, he reared back and hit her arse with the first swat. She thought she was prepared, but the paddle was not only heavier than she had been hit with before, but this had rivets. It hurt like hell. At 17 minutes she started to cry, by 33 minutes she was balling like a baby, at an hour and 6 minutes he stopped and admired his work “stand up...look at me...damn you have no idea how horny those tears make me, you're going to find out, but I'm sure it will be a surprise... take off your shirt” she was scared before, now she was terrified. Her hands slowly went to her blouse and she slowly started to unbutton her shirt. “NOW!!!” Which hurried her along “Ohh my my, my wife really fucked you up...Take off your bra” He fondled her breasts as he looked at them, making her squirm in pain. They were still very, very sore from yesterday's proceedings. “I don't think we ever got this kind of color out of anyone before. I'm sure your bottom will match your breasts tomorrow. but it will take some time to get that kind of color in them. Bend over.” As she did as instructed and she heard him unzip. This is what she expected at first. She wondered if he was actually big enough to do it this way. She was quickly educated that he was. He must have taken every pill and done every exercise to be as big as he was. He fucked her for 5 minutes and then change to solemnizing her. That was 15 minutes and it hurt like hell. when he shot his load in her he was quite satisfied. He pulled out and zipped up and walked away laughing at her. Hence was her introduction to the Duke and Duchess of Flamingo.

    I hope you have liked the story, if you did, please leave a comment and tell me you would like to read part two. Thanks for your time.


      Posted on : Feb 21, 2024

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    badboytoie's profile
    Comments: 2
    Commented on Feb 21, 2024
    No idea what I did last time, but the formatting was preserved this time, except. it reduced the size of the font Oh well, enjoy.

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