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    Why I do Public Domain South Asian Gay Porn and Amateur Body Art


    Public Domain South Asian Porn (Please follow me to help society)

    I think that we need more than just Wikipedia 2D images when it comes to wikipedia sexuality or Wiki-sexuality.

    An essay on why this blog exists and why public domain adult works are needed to forward healthy discussion on sexuality. I would really appreciate ANY FOLLOWS even if you do not like or do anything with my blog or content in the future.

    This blog contains sexual art and body positivity, and images. This blog is about promoting healthy sexuality and all the images, and video and other content is public domain (without any restriction) meaning that you can use it any art project or media without a need to reference anything. This blog be considered gay since I identify as male although it does swing and fluctuate (and cross-dress from time to time). It helps me feel positive about my body and I hope it helps you too. Criticize the pictures in any way you want and I really do mean any.

    I think that talking about NSFW sexual content is important. Many people of all identified genders and biology feel happy about their body in this free and fair democratic society where sexuality is healthily discussed and debated.

    However, in my opinion there is an issue in that many nude arts and other photos and videos (even on adult websites) are not readily discussable in the media or in Academia. There is a lot of Amateur work, and pictures on sites online However a lot of stuff is amateur and is left alone and never becomes touched or seen by many. This is in my opinion a waste of people’s beauty and body positivity.

    This is interesting because sexuality is so (in my opinion rightfully debated) and criticized while being allowed in many ways but this only occurs at a certain level. Technically speaking many adult works and content is made but is never cited as public domain. This means that lectures and other work that may forward a healthy society are not made. For example, you need public domain nude or sexual art to talk about sex positions and their safety.

    However, despite most of the internet "stereotypically" being quoted as adult or NSFW content you cannot use it to discuss anything because the copyright is usually not mentioned and due to such works involving a person’s "nude body positivity" (something to be celebrated in all people) the strictest approach must be taken. This means that you assume that you are not able to often use the work at all other than comment or share it. A work found on something like (only - fans) or even a free alternative cannot be used because technically it is their body.

    I am therefore posting "nude art" pictures and media such as video to try to solve this issue since healthy sexuality and discussion over it needs to become more mainstream and appropriate. This is not possible without more public domain content that is not something so old that the copyright has expired.

    Let me know what you think about any content and criticize it in any way that you want. I will not report anyone because I consider this a part of the discussion and healthy criticism that helps me while I help society.

    With this in mind though I want to stress that I do not want this account getting banned and this is being done to further society. Please remember that things like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are common and that what you say about a persons body, can make or break them or even kill them.

    Criticize and if you troll (" please troll respectively), because part of the reason I am making this blog is because I believe that such trolling is unhealthy male or female obsession or even some cultural artefact like the person suffering cognitive dissonance or irritation due to having the words to describe their unique reaction in a smooth, sophisticated and slick manner. This might be a by-product of media perceptions about sex when in actuality it might be argument. I respect more conservative views and to me this is part of encouraging debate.

    Some cultures view sex as a psychodynamic block likes "male" and "female" energies. This is not a flaw of cultures since when you think about something theoretical there are few ways to do it from an anthropological and evolutionary society perspective. My proof of this might be early cultures who engaged in "phallic worship although I am not an expert. This is in comparison to societies like Greek society where they had the Greek goddess of love "Aphrodite" where sex was seen as more complex and multi-stepped.

    This in my opinion (please prove me wrong because that is a part of healthy society), responsible for making some societies weaker to me. This is because in actuality sex is complex. For example you do not have a "divine male" or "divine female" energy interacting because you have to think about time in a busy schedule, checking for STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), whether olive oil or baby cream is more suitable for sexual acts due to synthesized or artificial products, a need to check for allergies or even checkup on a person (debatable) whether a product, gel or sex toy has had an impact and whether cheap laundry (consider how many people are working class) limits sex to begin with.

    Sometimes with a latter in mind from a socio-economic perspective (arguing for the more conservative part of the sexual content debate) something else can be said. It is interesting to think that sexual content is a sublimation of irritation that is both good and bad for society. One one hand a "sexual-content" addicted person does not break their room or go to jail due due to using sexual content too much. On the other hand, it could still therefore be a sign that people are still irritated and there are issues like undiagnosed learning disabilities and poor housing and noise in society.

    Sometimes living in a noisy environment that is sound or light polluted can ruin a child's sleeping pattern and upbringing. This is hard to report to a doctor and may be diagnosed as insomnia or a type of insomnia known as "circadian" rhythm disorder. In some cases it may even be a part of a disorder like "bi-polar disorder" which is mentioned in a text known as the (the main text used to diagnose issues) in medicine and clinical psychology known as the  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). Alternatives such as the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision) also exist.  According to Mayoclinic:  Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities.

      These are important from an academic perspective because even when a disorder is recognized due to a need for standardization in academia and health care practice some form of standardized form or interview diagnosis will in my opinion always exist. The reductive nature of the scientific method also means that these disorders are considered in terms of blocks like symptoms or blood tests and is biologically backed up with different symptoms being caused by different bodily or neuronal issues. This means that what is considered disorder can vary.  This is not a conspiracy theory because you still need to deal with mass volumes of data and as a medical doctor hypothetically speaking you cannot cry for 3 hours with the same person although from a symbolic interactionism psychodynamic perspective healthcare and organizations like the UK (United Kingdom) NHS can be seen as “putting the patient first” and aligning with Greek, Christian or other important philosophies or doctrines like the “Hippocratic Oath”.

     This is important, because dep ending on the method clinicians might be more or less flexible in diagnosis and it is a diagnosis which enables people with issues to access helpful elements like: “accessibility considerations and work” and “learning disability software which many students cannot afford being in the working class or low economic status or migrant students” with people potentially using this to be employed rather than be unemployed in life. It is my opinion that every man and women has a right and fanatical desire to be a part of society and I call this phenomenon if it does not already exist “societal accessibility threshold” and “societal accessibility gating” “societal accessibility threshold” is defined my me as a neological term for the baseline or stereotype or norm that an individual conceives as allowing one to be functional in society. Meanwhile, the term “societal accessibility threshold” a term I am coining here refers to the amount of effort, money or frustration a person believes they need to undergo and be able to physiologically or psychologically put up with to become or be considered a non-leeching, non-devious, praiseworthy, considerate, contributing and adequate part of society.

    With this in mind I hope you are careful before making fun of lefist “snowflakes” for making up terms like demi-sexual and pangender out of nowhere or saying that the ivory tower and academia is simply a playground for rich people. On one hand it is a sign of alertness in the same manner that one has to be alert for mis-interpretation of scriptures and not become an “anti-christ” or “Al-Masih ad-Dajjal” (No religious offense intend). However, consider this. 4channer love freedom fighters like Julian Assange but such terms are important to such freedom fighters although human rights activists do not call each other out because sometimes you can only fight for one think in your lifetime rather than everything all at once. You cannot “have your cake and eat it too” in many cases; (even if you are a can’t stump the trump billionaire centipede like Donald Trump).

    Think before you act. Consider that some human rights activists pretend to be gay or furry so that they can have a history of sane interaction (with prostitution “I do not know if this is stereotypically”) being considered the worlds oldest profession. I do not know if such women are really bad women, but all women are worth of respect and might be the mother of even a bastard child at the end of the day. Consider the Redpill and MGTOW (men going their own way movement) and how some men deliberately pretend to be gay and where an LGBT lanyard, so they do not have to be awkward around women in the workplace. Many of these men are not misogynist but many females are socially more sophisticated and better able to communicate. Consider who in ancient times sharing child rearing tips might be important. There is a saying in some religions “pray for the welfare of the government even if it is a bad one because without them there would be chaos”. Interpret that how you wish.

    Consider how people try to bribe Donald’s Trumps doctors and others in the media labelled him with narcissistic personality disorder and how many poor activists can easily be sectioned without some form of status or protective affiliation in society. Consider how on one hand the banning and interference of websites like VOAT and the subreddit r/the_donald might have influenced Donald Trump’s reelection to a 2nd term.

    This is purely spoken from an academic perspective. Consider how being a 4channer from a contemporary psychology perspective might be a form of online master status where people blame 4chan instead of you but 4chan is 4chan or lolz is a form of “kidz will be kidz” or “normal people usually voice their issue responsibly * I am looking at you internet”. I am talking about the generation that made by A H (Adolf Hitler) [ Neon Genesis Evangelion openings, Downfall memes, and Adolf Hitler Epic Rap battles of History. It is interesting from a running society perspective. On one hand the war did happen, and genocides and the “holocaust” did happen. On the other hand, perhaps, it was a way that the era with massive levels of technological access and produced their own version of playing with toy soldiers and boys being obsessed with being heroes and tin soldiers” like older generations. With this millennial antics in mind though consider how absolute freedom does not really exist because supra-ordinate goals exist in the sense that the birth control pill allows freedom and servers have a limited amount of memory which means that they have to prioritize certain boards, topics or issues based on access to resources like cheap memory, or more advanced compression and data and picture formats and algorithmics later being developed. According to the site Wikipedia superordinate goals are goals that are worth completing but require two or more social groups to cooperatively achieve.

    There is indeed a hard line and balance to be had since meme culture is important. However, before you see Julian Assange as a hero, and talk about “pedagogy of the oppress” remember to be responsible citizens and think before your act. Responsibility and politeness or “ joke medival chivalry” is sometimes separate from critical thinking because these functions are less “limbic-system accessible”. Another contemporary biological term which I have coined and would like to develop further and expand upon separately later on due to not wanting to mention too many things at once. Before you make fun of terms like demi-sexual or pan-sexual and peoples weird fetishes please consider how bi-sexuals might sometimes pretend to only be gay so that they are not awkward around women with many perhaps right-wingers more likely to be awkward socially, or perhaps protectivity or draw to communities like MGTOW (Men going their own way and red pill)

    Terms like demi-sexual are helpful to manner and in my opinion to you no harm. Consider a biological plausibility how problems like Synesthesia exist (and a kind of like Slaaneshi 40k Chaos Powers or according to wikipedia: Synesthesia (American English) or synaesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway) and how some scientists think that foot fetishes and body part fetishes are a mis-wiring and closely related regions in areas like the post-central gyrus (Somatosensory cortex) where each body part has a region. It is true that this could be argued as a biological argument for it being wrong and a biological defect but what if people are so poor or effed up that they cannot resist the urges or people will still do it in secret. Perhaps there are ways to find maximized advantages and minimized dis-advantage for this type of thing. It is my argument that it should be allowable but, in my opinion, many responsible citizens of the West or elsewhere will skip their sexual stuff to pay the rent or visit a relative in a hospitable. Consider how for some people teenage rebellion is ripping off a hijab, and for some people their “cherry bomb” (popular teenage rebellion song by The Runaways termed Cherry Bomb) is draining their bank account on runescape squeal of fortune or designer brands although this does not mean that video game high price items and designer brands should not exist. The video game industry, believe or not initially was seen as nerdy and was funded by the adult industry in part although I believe that the adult industry deserves to exist because it helps society along.

    For example, changes in diagnosis for disorders like "Neurodevelopmental disorders" (Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder), Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention-deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Specific Learning Disorder, Motor Disorder), Psychotic or Psychotic Spectrum disorders, Bipolar and related disorders, depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, obsessives-compulsive and related disorders. (Here are my reference links (,for%20older%20adolescents%20and%20adults. "[Changes in the definition of ADHD in DSM-5: Subtle but important])

    In some cases, it might involve Psychotic or Psychotic Spectrum disorders, (this is important from a political and Human Rights Perspective) since human rights activists sometimes incorrectly or subverted by getting diagnosed with psychosis or another disorder although adult content might actually have corrupting nature (or in my opinion be a wrong way to promote sexuality). Many STD's are not a threat due to cheaper or even free sexual health services in some countries but a desire for sex outside marriage could arguably bankrupt a nation in theory. Sexuality, fake accusations and slut shaming have in the passed in my opinion been used as a form of political control. However, this is my own opinion and I respect the opinion of others.

    However, this might lead to debate over the patenting and availability of sexual healthy drugs like HIV inhibitors, metronidazole, and azithromycin. Should these drugs be a priority for organization such as as the UN ("United Nations") to be shipped out extremely cheaply. As a South-Asian it is interesting to thing that in this regard sexuality and embargoing of such medications in a world where internet access means access to pro-sexual forces are easily apparent in even sex-restrictive nations could be used as a hypothetical but hopefully unlikely geo-political or economic weapon in the future.

    Issues like how often they might be used is also interesting when it comes to more effective generations of drugs or plausible sexual health drugs that might be used before rather than after sexual interaction. This might sound unlikely but although bacteria mutate some bacterial and other microbial proteins are restricted in their mutability so this or some other strategy might become plausible in the future.

    It is interesting to think, and I am not sure but countries like India which have stricter sexual laws might be synthesizing cheap generics while their own people might have less sexual health and due to currency conversation rates a healthy profit might still be made although safe working conditions would be a separate issue. This does not mean that India is wrong because perhaps there are more pressing issues, and the culture might work best that way. This is not necessarily my position but the words I am using might be limited because this is the only way I can describe it while typing (* even for politeness’s sake).

    Going back to my previous point on sexual interaction, being seen by some cultures as a corrupting force. It is important to note that this view is actually not childish when you examine it superficially. Traditionally, women were once unable to show even a thigh, but this is actually complex. I might make this into a separate video or essay, but it is also possible for the more liberal side to be accidentally discriminatory or less democratic to the more sexually conservative side. Although in the past women have been killed and things like "eve teasing" and "slut shaming” are common it is possible to accidently through unawareness stop or prevent the more conservative side of the sexual debate.; even though when it comes to sexuality the chances of harm from other people when the more conservative side pre-dominates is much greater than the more liberal side of the debate.

    There are various reasons for this such as 1 - millennials engaging in binging of enlightenment level psychodynamic forces like 4chan, /b/ and melody sheep (a well-known playlist of videos know as Symphony of science). Another is that when you in a cold climate like Russia or one like Africa or India where (parasites and natural disasters exist) perhaps you culturally have to be more restrictive and change on this is impossible from an official state perspective because the state might have to maintain the most survival-based form of bureaucratic philosophy that still has a positive spin to it. Th philosopher Nietzsche once said that "rhetoric is the price we pay for disparities in command structure". This could be applied to governments or even academic theories like organizational citizenship behaviors. Think about MLG (Major league gaming) for millennials (being a millennial myself) and how you cannot really describe what it was but at the same time it has an impact on us.

    Look at this video if you do not know what MLG is about because these videos are now getting older. [Some examples are: "Mine of Duty Trailer Materialisimo] [Legolas Rages and Quickscopes Everybody ! by Denix pro [ ] . Many people may have grown up motivated by MLG videos, and meme culture videos or cartoon tribute videos or abridged series like Yu-gi-oh, the Abridged Series. Nevertheless, it would be wrong to make fun of a millennial who missed out on it due to factors like poor internet access or someone who was not interested in it. Yes, 4chan changed the world but at the same time the board /b/ random is memed as only being about porn, but it is also memed that a 4channer should not use /b/ because it is useful. This is interesting from an academic thematic analysis point of video because on one hand 4chan is a bastion of free speech which in my opinion it is. But on the other hand to me it implies that would it comes sexuality that people have their own meaning of "stop it's going to far" actually it is probably complex and there are other arguments that millennials and other people might put forth.

    I am going to put this on 4chan and I have an account on the video website [NWavedigitalarena]. I would appreciate a follow but it is currently difficult to discuss sexuality on Youtube in a safe, but appropriate and civil manner than is non-demeaning to all involved. I have safe for work videos but some of my videos are only visible by downloading the LBRY Desktop or Android app on and enable mature content in Settings. I encourage manner people to use the site in conjunction with Youtube as a platform for free speech. It is an excellent site to use.

    This person then becomes unable to work although they are functional due to this. For example, many employers might want consistent and full time employers.

    I am not an expert but in psychology

    Here is a list of some microbial databases for the scientists or future budding microbiologists out there:

    Programmes and databses like BLAST, Uniprot, HAMAP, NMPFamsDB, MGnify, EffectiveDB, PSORTdb 4.0, PATRIC database (Pathosystems Resource Integration Center,, RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB), microbial protein interaction database (MPIDB), interactive Toxinome websitev( , [Anti-Microbial Peptide Database version 1 (AMPDB v1)] [] PSORTdb (part of the psort family) is a database of protein subcellular localizations for bacteria and archaea,,, MannDB - A microbial databse,,, microbial genome datbase, MELDB: A database for microbial esterases and lipases,,, Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COG) database, NCBI nr database, AGNOSTOS framework, Genome Taxonomy Database, AntiFam database, Pfam database v31, metagenomic cluster database, Genomenon OMIM, Uniclust database, HH-SUITE database, EggNog5 database, Dark Proteome Database, TARA Ocean Microbial Reference Gene Catalog (OM-RGC v2), Pfam database, UniRef90 database, The Genome Taxonomy Database , Uniclust, IST (MicrobialSignal Transduction Databse 4.0.], neuroscience information framework, consensus pathDB. ALSO SEE:


      Posted on : Jan 18, 2024

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