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    Star farce.

    Greetings and salutations From the Great Southwest No, not Hawaii, Poway, slightly out of San Diego. Please note, this is not on my usual. routine. I saw solo a Star Wars movie (story?) and this. came into my head from a couple of different parts in the movie. The first. was when they got separated and then the next was that towards the ending of the movie where the Lady says I've done things. You won't look at me like that again. I've done things. My mind instantly went to killing children. The Darth Vader story. But I hate hurting children. So the next thing that came to mind was what she did with her body. Or more to the point. What was done to her body? I hope you enjoyed the story. I'm not a good writer, but I like thou com of this. Please note I stole a couple of names from. Star Wars, but the. rest is completely my. concoction I guess you can say I also stole. the canvas for this But once again, this is my story. You cannot blame me anybody else for it.




    When Hans and Qi'ra were separated at the aerodrome, she was dragged from the drome, kicking and screaming, literally by her hair. She was thrown into a speeder. and taken back to Proxima's layer, still kicking and screaming, but held down by the driver's spare paws. From there, she was thrown into a holding cell. She tried to protest to the guards, but they simply slammed the door in her face. About two days later a man, Sarkin Enneb, came in with two droids. He's scared Qi'ra very much, so she did not say anything at the time. He waved the two droids towards her and all she could get out was “what are you?” before the droids started their inspection of her. She was inspected like you would an animal. First they checked her teeth, mouth and skin and hair, then they disrobed her and inspected her bodily cavities. When they were done, one droid said to Sarkin, she was in adequate condition. With that, they left without saying a single word to her. She barely got her clothes back on when the droids came back and dragged her to a transport vehicle, that she was thrown into and It took her to Sarkin's brothel, she had been sold.

    There she was thrown into a new cell, the door had barely closed when it was opened again and a creature she never saw before came in. It had like 10 arms and two legs, once again Qi'ra barely got out “what are you doing to me?”, when the creature pushed her back on the bed and spread her into an X position, then it proceeded to rip all her clothes down the middle and started to rape her. It only took about 10 minutes before it was through. As it left another creature came in, and all she could say was “it's too soon” before it pushed her back on the bed. She fell face first, and the creature literally ripped the last of her clothes off her and

    proceeded to rape her up the rectum. Hence, she was introduced to her new life, the creatures came in one after another nonstop. Unfortunately for Qu'ra it was considered a status symbol to have mated with a human, to the non human life forms in the galaxy. So even though they charged an exorbitant price for her services, there was no lacking in clientele. It went on like that for a couple of hours before one of the clients tried to stuff its member in her mouth. She bit on it and the creature screamed and immediately left, the guards then came in and proceeded to torture her with electric prods, mainly to the mouth. They did this by holding her head and electrocuting her teeth. It was a very painful event. They ended it by making her blow all of the guards there. She never refused to do oral again. She couldn't tell you how long she was there. It was roughly a year and a half. She could tell you what the first creature looked like but the rest was a blur. She could only tell you one other creature, really two, but they came in together with their four pet monkeys. The creatures took her front and back and the monkeys jumped on her head and used her two ears and nostrils to copulate with her, when the monkeys ejaculated it was like they sent acid into her skull. She screamed and screamed and screamed until she passed out, but the only thing that happened was clients kept coming. From then on, she thought she had hearing and nasal damage, but no doctor was ever summoned to see her. The clients just kept coming 24/7. Twice a day they would feed her via scraps from a restaurant nearby, but they never gave her time to eat, so she had to fight to get to the bowl and fight to eat, most of the time they would just drag her away from the bowl and have their way with her. She would have killed herself if she could figure out

    how. Starvation was out, the hunger pains were just too much for her to bear. It seemed as if they were trying to fuck her to death. They fucked her till she passed out and as far as she knew, they fucked her when she was unconscious. Something was always on top of her when she woke up or fainted and every time in between.

    Time went on and eventually Dryden Vos purchased the brothel. Due to his location, he decided to inspect the brothel himself, when he entered her cell he was very surprised at what he saw. First and foremost he did not expect to find any human beings in this brothel. Second was the condition she was in, the cell was full of filth and she seemed a part of it, naked and just filthy. He ordered his droids to put her to sleep and take her back to his ship. She did not resist the shot, she hoped it would kill her and all of a sudden she was pain free and slept like she'd never slept before. A week went by with her in a bacta tank. When she was all healed, they took her to a room and that is where she woke up.

    At first it was like a surreal dream and then she came too, she was pain free, she was in a warm bed, and she had blankets on her, ON HER. She shot up in her bed and started, screaming, something had to be wrong. The tending droid came over to calmer her down.

    “Where, where, where am I?” She asked Droid.

    “You are on Dryden's Vos ship. He has purchased you to work here. “ The Droid said then it lost its focus and it communicated wirelessly to some unknown entity.

    Then the droid refocused and said, Mr Vos would like to meet you at 5.”

    Qi'ra Instantly knew she did not want to displease this man. Her eyes started searching for a clock. “What? What? What time is it? “ She managed to get out.

    “It is 3:15. “ The Droid responded.

    “Is there a bathroom I can use? I need to get ready to see him.” Qi'ra Replied, if she even remembered how to do that. How was she going to get ready?

    “But of course” said the droid. “Everything in this room is yours to use as you please, while you are here.” those last words scared her to death. She was fed clean in clothes and had a safe spot for the first time in years. She did not want to leave.

    An hour and 45 minutes later, she was being led down a hallway to Dryden Vos's office. She was desperately trying not to panic and trying to figure out how to greet him when the door opened to his office. She saw a man sitting behind a desk a fair ways away from the door. She walked up to him, as gracefully as she could manage. Then just on a whim, she curtsied very demurely to him and as she rose, she lost all control of herself, she hit her knees and kowtowed to him, not knowing what else to do.

    “That is very charming, but not why I called you in here today. Please get up.” Said, Dryden Vos.

    She stumbled to her feet and then just kept her eyes down waiting for a question or instruction. She did not know what to do, she was totally lost at this point.

    Vos got up and walked around the desk looking her over very carefully. “You're very pretty Milady. You got a nice hinne” He complimented her.

    Desperate to please. Qi'ra said “It is cleaned out and lubed up, ready for your pleasure, Sir.”

    Something snapped in Vos. He pushed her over the desk, pulled up her dress. Lowered her panties and went to town.

    Qi'ra did not expect this approach, but was happy he was at least trying to enjoy himself. When he shot his load into her she was very satisfied, she didn't think she could pleasure a human after Sarkin's brothel, but a man who has had a happy ending is much less likely to send her back to Sarkin's brothel, which she was petrified of happening.

    When Vos was done. He pulled out and arranged himself then he said, “I will not apologize for taking liberties with a slave, but once again, that is not why I brought you in here today, please stand up and arrange yourself. “

    Qi'ra Stood up pulled up her panties and straightened her dress. She still looked down, but she had a smile on her face now. She was willing to do far worse in order not to be sent back to Sarkin's brothel.

    “OK, why I did bring you in here today is to discuss your status in this establishment” Vos started “I purchased you and expect to get my money back plus profit. To pay back how much I paid for you will take about 4 years. Plus a year for profit. Does that sound OK to you?”

    “Yes Milord” was Qi'ra's simple answer, She was not going to say anything to anger this man if she could help it and he didn't say what would happen to her if she said, no, which terrified her.

    “Okay, that was simple enough, but due to your unique experiences. I have an alternative for you, if you wish to take it. This is not an order. I will never order you to work with non humans, but I will make it worth your while, if you elect to go that way. I have lost a bet with Jabba the Hut. In which I am required to provide him a slave for a week for his entertainment. This will not be like anything else you have been through. He will humiliate you, degrade you and torture you. In short, you might not survive.”

    Qi'ra started out with her eyes lowered, but as he went into more detail of what he would want of her she raised her head and looked him in the eye. Not really knowing what to say. Then she managed. “If I'm not being too bold, may I ask what I get in return for this?”

    At that Vos smiled. He was prepared for this. “I will give you your freedom, 3 billion credits in a bank account and a billion in gold in case something happens to the Empires credits, and a ship and a crew. So you may go where you like, when you like, at all times.”

    “And my Room.” She replied, still focused on her current sanctuary.

    Vos blinked at her, not expecting this but said “You may have that for the rest of your lifetime.” Not knowing what else she could mean.

    “Thank You Milord” was Qi'ra's Responded.

    “Now I don't want you to give me your answer now, I want you to take a few days to study how the Huts treat humans especially when no one else is around and know what you're getting into.”

    “Yes Milord” was her reply

    The entire meeting was absolutely agonizing for Vos, from her entrance to the curtsy to the Milord's, he kept feeling like he was developing feelings for her and wondering if he really wanted her to take the option. She might not live as a matter of history, she would not survive.

    After a few seconds of awkward silence. He said not wanting to dismiss her quite yet. “Tell me about your experience at Sarkin's brothel. How did you get there? and how was that arranged?”

    “Well, I don't know much, but I will tell you what I know. It all started with an issue with Proxima. Somehow, from there, I got acquired by Sarkin and that's when it all started to happen....” Qi'ra Started out by explaining about the original Chase, her capture and Hans's escape and then Sarkin's brothel. She went in to detail about the first night, how horrific it was was written on her face and there was no doubt about the fear she felt around the two creeps and four monkeys. She went on quite a while, explaining things she didn't even think she knew about, up to waking up in the bed.

    Vos mainly listened to her story, nodded here and there and added a encouraging word or two along the way, but mainly he just listened. It got to the point that he spotted an ambassador coming in from the planet Reek and he had to stop the interview. “Well, Milady, I have got things to do right now, and you have got your homework set out for you. So I will bid you adieuw for the time being. I hope to see you at dinner. I take mine at 6, you're more than welcome to join me.”

    Qi'ra Courtesy, thanked him for his time, then turned to leave. She all of a sudden screamed and backed up till she hit the desk shaking everything on it. “It's him, it's him she cried and then she started begging him not to force her to do that again.

    When Vos focused on the ambassador he instantly knew what she was afraid of, with a slashing motion to his throat he signaled to his guard and the two ambassadors and four monkeys were slaughtered on the spot. They would rape no one else. Vos got up and went around the desk to try and calm her down. He kept telling her that she would never be forced to do inner species breeding again.

    Qi'ra Had been reduced to begging not to be forced to do that again and claiming she would do anything he wanted if he did not force her to, it got to the point that she knew he was getting annoyed with her. So she shut up, but he could see her lips trying to continue to plead with him. Eventually, she said. “Is there another way out? that I may go, Milord.

    Vos Instantly knew what she met. She did not want to go near the creature that inflicted so much pain on her dead or alive. He had a human cyborg relations droid guide her through a side exit and to her room.

    It was only a 10 minute walk to her room, but when she got there, there was another droid there holding a teddy bear and a note for her. It gave them to her and politely left. The note was from Vos “I know you have not had any time to make a friend to cry on their shoulders, so I give you this teddy bear. I hear they're very good friends, better listeners and easy to cuddle with.”

    Qi'ra was destroyed, from seeing the creatures, who raped her so brutally, to more kindness being given to her than she could remember, by her owner no less, it was too much for her to handle, she grabbed the teddy bear, through herself on the bed, and just cried herself to sleep.

    She woke up several hours later with a start and called out for her droid. “It's past 6, Why didn't you wake me for dinner?” She asked.

    “Mr Vos inquired about you around 5:30. When I told him you were asleep he said to let you sleep, you needed it.”

    “oh” Qi'ra replied, “That's good, I think.” She paused for a few moments trying to digest everything, then said, “I am hungry. Is there anything to eat? “

    “Anything you would like you. You just need to order it.” The Droid replied.

    This took Qi'ra Back a bit, this had never happened to her before even before Sarkin's Brothel. She thought for a few minutes and remember a dish that she and Hans had drooled over, but couldn't afford to get it, it was much too expensive for them. So she said “Can I get some surf and turf?”

    The Droid went into communications mode and then came out and said “How would you like your steak cooked? “

    This baffled. Qi'ra She never had options before, it was either take it or leave it and starve. She eventually asked. “What are the options?”

    The Droid replied. “Rare, medium well or well done.”

    Medium well sounded like the best option, so that's what she said.

    Then the droid said. “They are preparing your meal now. It will take me about 20 minutes to get to the kitchen and back. Do you need anything before I go?”

    Qi'ra nodded no and then watch the droid leave. She looked around her room an apartment really like a Dog who was not allowed on the furniture. She eventually went to a couch and gently sat down and waited for the droid to return.

    Like all droids, it was very precise in its timing and exactly 20 minutes after it had left, it returned with surf and turf dinner it put it on the table and asked. “What would you like to drink with that?”

    This boggled Qi'ra Mind again, what do you drink with surf and turf? She said. “I don't know what would you recommend?”

    The Droid went in communications mode again and then. said. “The kitchen recommends a red wine. Would you like that?”

    “Yes, please” Qi'ra said and then watch the Droid wander off to get it, then she looked at the meal and wondered how do you eat surf and turf. There was a knife fork and spoon with the plate and she was hungry. So she sat down and made do. The meal was absolutely delicious. By far the best thing she had ever eaten in her entire life. She was done by the time the Droid came back with her wine. So she sat there drinking that slowly, savoring every sip. While she was doing that her eyes landed on a computer console and she remembered her homework. So she got up, went over to the console and started to study about Huts.

    The next few days went by her trying to make every meal with Vos and studying about Huts. When she entered the dining room, Vos would always greet her, Tell her she needed to make some friends and introduced her to some people before he went off to his own politicking. The rest of the days was full of horror, everything she learned about the Huts was absolutely despicable. It didn't seem like they cared if somebody was watching or not. Two or three of the creatures he won in bets like the one with Vos. She saw him kill one creature when he put his tail in one of slaves and literally opened it up the claws and shredded her from the inside out. This made it very difficult for her, she was enjoying life for the first time in her life and really didn't want to die now, but she was only an occupant in the room right now and four billion credits is a hell of a lot of money. Not to mention sooner or later he would put her to work. Which she didn't know if she would like? Humans and humanoid still have eccentric taste and she didn't. know what she's would be getting into. Not to mention she would be free.

    Friday came and she had thought she had made up her mind. Instead of Summoning her to him, Vos Went to her, expecting to be summoned by him, she was ready for his arrival. When the droid introduced him, she instantly went into a courtesy and stayed down until he asked her to rise, “well Qi'ra unfortunately, it is decision day, I hope you did your homework”

    Qi'ra Paused for a minute or two. Trying to work up the courage to do this and then said “Yes, Milord every waking moment that I could, I have been studying the Huts and against my better judgment, I will take on the task. You made your offer just to good for me not to risk it”

    Vos's Face instantly went into depression. “Are you totally sure Qi'ra? I will never order anybody to do something like this, it is your choice to deny or accept”

    Qi'ra nodded yes, not wanting to say it out loud again.

    Vos sighed trying to figure a way out of this without going back on this word. Eventually, he said, “Well, I curse myself for making such a good offer, but your decision is your decision. Your escort will be here at 8:00 AM tomorrow to take you to the Huts. May God go with you.” With that, he left.

    Qi'ra Was depressed at that, it meant he would not be there when she left. At 8:00 AM the next morning right on time the droids came to take her to the Huts. She was escorted to a ship, which would take her to their home planet. The flight was uneventful and they procured a transport vehicle to take her to the Huts without a problem.

    It was about a three hour ride Into the middle of nowhere before they came to a stop. She could see a very large building about 1/2 a mile ahead of them. The Droid said. “Jabba the Hut wants you to walk the rest of the way. He wants to make sure you're a willing party to this, or so he says.”

    Qi'ra looked at the building in the distance and thanked God she wore flats to this. It would be a killer in heels. She said to the droid. “That looks like a very long walk. May I have some water?”

    The droid reached into a compartment and drew out a canteen of water, as he did this four new droids popped up out of the back that she didn't know was there.

    “What's that?” She said with the high pitched tone, she had not expected anything to happen this soon.

    “They are battle droids” The Droid responded. “Mr Vos wants you to know you can still back out. You have not committed to the point of no return. When you start walking down the path, we cannot save you but, as of right now, these. droids will fight to destruction to get you back to Mr Vos in one piece. They are very good at what they are a program to do. I do not see a problem. Do you wish to go back to Mr Vos?

    She looked down the road at the Huts Castle and at the battle droids. Eventually, she said. “Yes, but I can't. This is the only way out for me.” With that, she started her walk to the Huts Castle. She arrived in short order, because of the flats and the water the droids gave her, She made it in good condition. Two of the guards blocked her entrance and asked what her purpose was for being there.

    She hadn't been told what to say to this, so it took her a few moments to gather her thoughts. Then she said, “I am Jabba's prize. He won my services in a bet with Mr Vos. I don't know what they bet on, but he should know why I'm here.”

    The guards pause for a minute and discuss the situation between each other, they did not want to bother Jabba with something he would not be interested in. Eventually they went to a com and inquired within, they then came back to her and showed her in.

    When she got to Jabba's anti-chamber. She was presented with two creatures fighting. Obviously, she had to wait for the fight to finish and she did. When one of the creatures was proclaimed the winner and the other dragged from the floor. Jabba called out to Qi'ra to come to the center of the floor. Which she reluctantly did?

    “Do you know why you are here?” Jabba inquired.

    Qi'ra noticed Jabba's tail moving towards her, She did not think it was going to start this soon, but it was what it was “Yes, my Lord, I have been fully briefed on my duties here.”

    That was all it took for Jabba, He started to laugh an evil laughed and his tail shot into her. She thought she knew what was coming and tried to steel herself for the onslaught, but Jabba did not Start with her vagina, his tail went into her rectum which she was totally unprepared for and she screamed a scream for all to hear. Two guard droids came up beside her and held her in place as Jabba thrusted into her. It was about 10 minutes worth of thrusting until he ejaculated, then the tail came out and went up to her face and hit her in the mouth very hard almost knocking her teeth out, it knocked her head back. Luckily, through all the days at Sarkins brothel, she was able to recover quickly enough and open her mouth, so Jabba could throat fuck her. It was an intense 10 minutes because she only got to breathe when he let her. He ejaculated in her filling up her stomach, before pulling out and moving to her vagina. Through all of the abuse, she forgot about that so when he thrusted in her, it hurt like hell, but she was too tired to scream and she could only mustard an agonizing face and that was it. It was more than enough for Jabba. He laughed and laughed and laughed.

    When he ejaculated and pulled out he asked “do you know what I just did to you? “

    Qi'ra Still, recovering from the rape, said. “You fucked me, Milord.”

    Jabba laughed and laughed and laughed till he said, “Yes, but do you know the full dynamics of this? You see Huts don't urinate through their reproductive system. They defecate. You are now full of my shit”

    Qi'ra was beaten up and exhausted and now she was getting very nauseated. This was stopped by one of the guards poking her in the back with an electric prod. She had not realized it at the time, but as Jabba assaulted her, the guards had stripped her, She was now naked and being tortured. They whipped her and beater and assaulted her with the electric prods. He went to the teeth a few times until she was unconscious. Probably after she was unconscious too, but she did not know. She woke up some hours later there was no food for her, but there was a water spigot in the cell that she was able to use to drink and clean herself out as best she could. When Jabba had her dragged out again. He only said to her, “Now you know your position in my palace.” And then he started the assault again, every once in awhile, he used a new torture, but it was always torture and humiliation for her.

    That was how it went for the duration of her week at the Huts. Rape torture and being thrown into the cell naked. Any thought at all of continuing this longer was quickly quelled when Vos came himself to collector her.

    When Vos entered the anti-chamber Jabba was raping her one last time, when he saw Vos He quickly stopped.

    Vos Signal to his droids and they went to her and gave her another shot soon. She was pain free and fast asleep at last. The droids then proceeded to take her out to a transport to take her back to Vos's ship. As one of the droids went by, he told Vos. “I think she will live.” Vos nodded in reply.

    Vos then stood there waiting for Jabba to speak.

    Jabba laughed and eventually said. “I enjoyed my prize very much, perhaps. we can make out a deal so I can see her again. I can make it worth your while, even for someone as well off as you.“

    Vos was shaking and said no. “Qi'ra is a free woman now, I don't believe you have anything that would draw her back here. You might have made her want to move to the other side of the galaxy, but not come here.”

    Jabba laugh and said. “Do you know why I let her live?” Vos shook his head no. “Because now you will have to pay her”

    Vos Smiled and said. “For that, I thank you and I will pay her most happily.” With that, he turned and left.

    Qi'ra was shipped back to Vos's ship and there she was in the Bacta tank for two weeks. Vos had left instructions for them to rebuild or fix everything that they could that had happened to her at Jabba's and Sarkin's layer.

    She woke up with a start, but this time she did not scream, she caressed the sheets with their hands, so glad to be home, or what she considered to be home at this time. She called out for her droid and when it got there, she told it she was so happy to see it. The Droid was quite pleased with this. Then she ordered spaghetti and wine and laid back to rest on the bed.

    It was another two days before Vos summoned her. She was still nervous around him, but this time when she went to his office, she was not panicking. She walked in as the first time and curtsied, but for the first time, rising without a command, but still kept her eyes lowered.

    “Well, you are more beautiful now than when I first met you. I assume you have guessed why I called you in here today?”

    Qi'ra Replied. “No, Milord, I had hoped you just wanted to see me.”

    Vos said “Well That's true too, but let me educate you on the rest.” And pushed a tablet towards her.

    She picked it up and read it. “I Dryden Voss here by release Lady Qi'ra from all servitude. She is a free lady able to go anywhere she pleases. Only she can sell herself into servitude at this time. She is no one's property. If anyone has questions about this, they need to refer to Dryden Vos. If they don't, they will deal with Dryde Vos.” The implication of that note was clear to Qi'ra. She was a free woman and if anybody tried to enslave her, Dryden would deal with them. Probably in a not so nice way. Qi'ra Began to cry.

    “I hope those are happy tears.” Vos said “But I think you will be interested in the next two documents too.”

    Qi'ra Was still crying but obediently switched to the next document. It was the deed to her ship, the last document hit her so hard she went to her knees, but her back was straight and she was propping herself up with the desk. It was a new bank account in her name for three billion credits and one billion in gold.

    “The first thing you need to do is create a pin, but even if that tablet is stolen from you, you can reclaim your funds from the banking guild. Also, let me add that note is registered with the Empires office of servitude. You may refer to that if you ever find yourself in this position again.”

    Qi'ra was overtly crying and sobbing now, through Sarkin's brothel and Jabba the Hut she was used and abused. She thought she was going to be fucked to death, but something has finally went right for her. Tremendously right, so right she couldn't comprehend it. Qi'ra was still crying, but as Vos said they were Happy tears.

    “Well, I do not mean to be forward, but I think you need some time by yourself, some alone time. I still take dinner at 6. You're still more than welcome to come. I hope you can figure out how to enjoy the rest of your life. One last thing I had my medical department fix all the damage that they could, that you sustained while you're at Sarkin's lair and the Huts. You may find sex a bit difficult. So be cautious when you.”

    Qi'ra Managed a quick curtsy and thank you and then turned and half ran for the door.

    When she got to her room she got her teddy bear and threw herself on the bed and held on to the tablet and the teddy bare for dear life and cried herself to sleep once again. Her Droid was used to this by now, so it took her vitals from a distance, to make sure she was alright and let her be.

    The next few weeks went by like a dream. It was as if she was on vacation for the first time in her life. There was a droid for every need and she was making plenty of friends too, on the third week, she got a message from Vos Saying he wanted to meet with her.

    At the appointed time, she presented herself to him in his office.

    “Well, this is good.” Vos said “I have noticed you been making a lot of friends and I hope you've been enjoying your time here otherwise.” She smiled and nodded yes. “But there seems to be a small problem.” That wipe the grin off her face. Her head shot up, and she was looking him straight in the eye now. Thinking her new world would be crushed in the most cruelest of ways. “No no no nothing that bad,” he said. “And please remember you're a free woman now. You can go anywhere you please, the moment something becomes uncomfortable for you here. You can leave for a plethora of planets and Space Stations.” He waited for her face to relax and then continue “No, nothing that bad, I was speaking to my master today.” That surprised her Dryden Vos reports to someone? This must be the Emperor or a very important man. “Darth Maul, was inquiring about the loyalty of my team, I was able to satisfy him with stories on all of my team members, except you and I would very much like to consider you a team member. So I have been trying to think of ways to satisfy him, of your loyalty.”

    At that her head tilted and her eyebrow went up. “Well, that's a hard one Milord.” She replied. “A 9 year old could bitch slap me across the floor in a real fight with out a problem and if you gave me a blaster, I would probably shoot myself.” she paused a moment thinking and continued. “I do not know if this will satisfy Darth Maul, but how about some feminine whiles?” She bent over and moved his name tag to the side. And I said. “Please get up.”

    While doing as requested he said. “What's up?”

    “Oh, you will figure it out, soon enough. I have only read about this on spacenet, but I'm sure I can pull it off.” She sat on his desk and laid back, putting her head. over the far edge and open their mouth.

    She was right, the lech in him instantly knew what she was trying to do. He immediately pulled his manhood out of his pants and proceeded to throat fuck her. The situation didn't seem to bother her, she wiggled every so often when she needed air, but other than that simply laid there and let him take his pleasure. It took him about 10 minutes till he ejaculated into her stomach. He pulled himself out and put himself to rights. “Damn woman. Do you pull the 16 year old out of me, or what?” He paused to catch his breath and then continued. “You're right that's more than enough for me, however, I think Darth Maul would like something more substantial.” He paused for a moment waiting for a reply, but she simply tilted her head and looked at him inquisitively. So he continued. “I was thinking on sending you on some missions to prove your loyalty.”

    “Some what?”

    “Some missions, basically what you do is pick up supply's from one destination and take them to the buyer. I intend to send you on as an ambassador.”

    “If I may ask what would I do.”

    “Nothing beyond you, simply look pretty say a few nice words and defer to the captain for any specific question about the order”

    “When would we leave and do I need to bring my own ship?”

    “No no no your ship is well armed, but we send battle cruisers on missions like this, both the Empire and pirates want this stuff so we don't take any chances. As for when you leave 9:00 o'clock tomorrow would be a good time.”

    Qi'ra Paused a moment thinking she would really like to be considered part of the team. So after a few minutes, she curtsy and said, “So shall it be done Milord.” Then she turned and left.

    The next day the captain arrived at her room promptly at 9:00 o'clock. He was a human for once, which she appreciated. They went to the ship and he gave her a quick tour and they were off. The next day, the captain requested her presence in the armory on the 3rd deck. She was very confused about this but showed up nevertheless. “What do you require my presence for captain?” She asked.

    “Mr Vos was concern about your lack of hand to hand combat skills and blaster skills, this is one of our safer runs, but in the future you might get into a firefight and need to use a blaster. Whereas I'm an novice at hand to hand combat, I am pretty handy when it comes to a blaster. So Mr Vos has requested I teach you in the basics.”

    From there Qi'ra climbed the ranks through Vos's organization until she was his most trusted lieutenant. 


      Posted on : Dec 30, 2023

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