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    White Male Castration (Gelding) and After Care

    White Male Castration (Gelding) and After Care 

    What and why do we perform castration of White boys or young men?

    Castration simply put is surgical removal of the testicles.

    It is performed for a variety of reasons, mainly; to modify or prevent unwanted behaviour,

    prevent alpha - like body development and behaviour in the white male, and to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

    Castration is usually performed before the age of 14 years but can be performed at any age.

    It is important to know that any boy or young man older than 10 years of age should not be housed with girls or women

    as they may try to mount and potentially impregnate them.

    At the same time a full penectomy (the surgical removal of the penis) can be carried out.


    What should I do prior to getting my boy or young man castrated?

    It is a good idea to try to visualise or feel

    for the presence of two testicles before the castration.

    In a normal boy, the testicles will have descended into the scrotum by the time of birth.

    Occasionally one testicle does not completely descend into the scrotum but remains in the inguinal canal.

    In some cases, with time, this high testicle may descend into the scrotum and be more accessible for removal.

    Boys that retain a testicle in the abdomen are known as “cryptorchid”, meaning hidden testicle.

    Removal of an undescended testicle, called a “cryptorchid castration”,

    is more complicated and should be performed in a referral centre by a doctor experienced with performing this procedure.

    Before castration, the boy or young man should be accustomed to handling and being halter restraint trained,

    so it can be easily managed during and after surgery. Tetanus immunization is necessary before or at the time of surgery.


    The Procedure

    At White Male Castration (Gelding) we perform our male castrations under a short-acting general anaesthesia,

    with the male positioned either on his back on his side, depending on surgeon preference.

    We can perform either the traditional emasculator technique (open castrations) or the more recently developed Henderson drill technique.

    Recent studies have indicated that there is no significant difference in complication rate between these two techniques,

    however if you have a preference for technique please let us know at the time of booking.

    if a full penectomy is required also please let us know at the time of booking

    In our area, we like to castrate males during the cooler months when there is less dust and fewer flies.


    The male is firstly examined for the presence of two testicles and his overall health is assessed.

    A sedative can be administered, followed by a general anaesthetic agent 5 minutes later which will render the male unconscious.

    This is totaly up to the discretionary power of the controling female

    An antibiotic injection, an anti-inflammatory injection, and the appropriate tetanus injections can also be administered.

    Once the male has been positioned appropriately, rnthe scrotum is surgically prepared and the surgery completed in a sterile fashion with the incisions left open.

    The surgical procedure usually takes no longer than 10 minutes, with the general anaesthetic usually lasting 20-30 minutes, if requested

    At this point two marbles of similar size of the two removed testicles can be inserted and attached to the scrotum.

    This is sometime request by the controling female so the male can wear a chastity cage after the procedure, however this is not nessary in most cases

    Some controling females request this so they can make the male can wear a chastity cage so as not to be able to touch his penis after castration.


    We monitor the male (Gelding) as he recovers from the anaesthetic which may take 10-15 minutes.

    Important AftercarernThe gelding should be monitored closely in the 6 hours immediately after surgery and kept quiet and reasonably confined for the first 12 hours.

    After this time he should be allowed out into his normal area to encourage movement and exercise,

    which is important to help reduce swelling and facilitate drainage.

    You can apply fly spray around the groin and buttocks if you wish. Spray from the side.

    Do not spray directly up into the wounds as fly spray can be very irritating to open wounds.

    Post operative antibiotics and anti-inflammatories are often prescribed, and these should be continued as instructed by your Doctor.


    Potential Complications

    Castration is a routine surgical procedure, but complications can happen. The most common complications include:

    Bleeding: slow dripping from the surgical incision is normal after the castration.

    If the drops of blood are too fast to count, please call us immediately.

    Swelling: swelling in the first 24-48 hours post-surgery is normal and will vary from male to male.

    Swelling will often appear in the male’s sheath near the penis (as this is the lowest point and fluid tends to follow gravity).

    It should begin to reduce after 3-4 days. If swelling suddenly reappears after this time, please call us.

    Infection: after the testicles (and if requested, the penis) are removed, the incisions are not sutured and are allowed to heal as a small open wound.

    If the incision becomes blocked or closes prematurely, infection can be sealed inside.

    Post-castration infection usually causes sudden excessive swelling of the scrotal area and sheath and a depressed attitude and appetite.

    Males with infections will often have a fever over 38.5°C. This complication is most often seen 2-7 days after castration but can occur anytime.

    Inguinal hernia: should you notice any pink or red material hanging from the surgical site, please call us immediately. In some males,

    the opening in the abdominal wall (inguinal canal) through which the testicles descend into the scrotum is larger or more flexible.

    In these males, there is potential for intestines and other abdominal tissue to pass through the inguinal opening and come out the incision

    called herniation). Although inguinal hernias are uncommon, they are a life-threatening complication and must be dealt with immediately and properly.


    Pregnancy: a recently castrated male (gelding) can still get a girl or women pregnant for some time after castration because of residual sperm in the urogenital tract.

    Recently castrated males (gelding) should be kept away from females for at least 40 days after castration.

    Sometime a male chastity cage is used for up to 12 months to issure no un wanted Pregnancys 

      Posted on : Sep 5, 2023

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    Daddies_Boy's profile
    Comments: 8,348
    Commented on Nov 1, 2023
    Thank you so much for this - I appreciate this summary and will save it for reference. Love Robin.

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