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    The first special holiday of G

    The first special holiday of G The first special holiday of G In mid-summer, when G was still a student, M invited him to spend a few days with her at her family home in the depths of the Agout Valley, in the foothills of the Black Mountains. G had joined M at her house, as they did not live together, and had driven there in her car. You'll see," she said, "Joncous (the name of her house) is great for holidays. It's an old farmhouse in the middle of a large clearing, well exposed with all the comforts. There are plenty of walks and bike rides in the espinouse and caroux mountains. There are bicycles and everything you need for hiking". When they arrived at Joncous, G could see that it was a beautiful old building with a simple ground floor and a beautiful terrace. They had hardly arrived and settled down when M's phone rang. She answered and spoke immediately in a foreign language. G thought she recognised it as Flemish or Dutch. M seemed to be delighted by this conversation. That was my friend Else," she said after hanging up, "she is currently on holiday in Cap d'Agde and wanted to see me. I invited her to join us. I hope you don't mind. In fact, G was a little disappointed, as he thought he could take some freedom with M during the stay, especially living without clothes, which the isolation of the place allowed. You'll see," said M, "Else is a very endearing, pleasant and easy-going girl. The only problem is that she doesn't speak a word of French. But I'll be your translator. Else was due to arrive the next day but had not given a time. Early in the morning, G decided to go for a bike ride while M stayed at Joncous to wait for her friend. When she returned, Else had arrived and was having refreshments on the terrace. G, this is my friend Else," said M, "we've known each other for a long time and she is also a special education teacher in Holland. "Else was a little strong, dressed in a summer shirt tied over her belly, which showed her heavy breasts, and shorts that did not hide anything of her large seat. Her hair was cut short, her face was round and freckled, and she was probably in her fifties. She could very well have been G's mother or M's mother. After greeting her with a handshake as he was dripping with sweat, G asked M to excuse him as he had to take a shower. The two friends exchanged a few words in Dutch. "You can rinse yourself off there," said M, pointing to the outdoor shower in a stone basin. "But I can't get naked in front of your friend," replied G. M spoke to Else again in Dutch in a questioning tone, and she laughed in response. On the contrary," continued M, "Else tells me that she is not at all embarrassed. So you can shower here. Docilely, G undressed completely and stood under the cold jet of the shower. M and her friend watched the scene as they continued to take their refreshment. Once rinsed, G took his clothes and went back into the house to get dressed. As he walked through the living room, he noticed a strange piece of furniture in front of the fireplace. It looked like a sort of easel with a bouncing cushion on top, covered in leather. Each leg had a buckle attached to it. Very intrigued, G went to his room to change and then returned to the terrace to have a drink. "What is that piece of furniture in front of the fireplace? "It's a present from Else, it's a submission easel" replied M. In front of G's questioning look, M continued: "In fact, in Holland, many women dominate men and this is an instrument designed to immobilise a submissive man in order to give him the whip. The three of them had continued to have refreshments while talking, with M acting as G's interpreter to Else. In the course of the conversation, M told her of a surprising proposal from her friend: "Else proposes to initiate me into female domination and the education of submissive men dedicated to female pleasure, which is very popular in her country. Would you agree to share this initiation with me?" "If you like," replied G, "I am ready to accept anything you want to do. M translated G's answer to Else who responded by giving her what sounded like instructions in Dutch. "This is what you will do in the next two days: twice during the day, in the morning at 10:30 and in the afternoon at 15:30, you will have to come to the salon in the simplest of clothes to receive your first initiation. The rest of the day, you will be free to do whatever you want. "In the simplest of clothes? said G. "Yes, completely naked," said M. "No jewellery, no sandals. Yes, completely naked," said M, "no jewellery or sandals. The day passed quietly, punctuated by meals on the terrace and walks in the area, in the company of Else, who proved to be quite charming and pleasant. The night was taken up by M who kept trying to get me to make love to him. This was done and we fell asleep in each other's arms. The next day, as usual, I had breakfast a little early to go cycling. Else and M were still sleeping when I left. I didn't forget the appointment I had been given. I came back around 10 am after having made a nice little loop in the forest. Else and M were having breakfast on the terrace. I gave them a quick kiss and went up to the room to shower. Once well washed and shaved, I decided not to get dressed because it was close to half past. At the appointed hour, I went downstairs in the simplest of clothes and went to the living room whose door was closed. I knocked and M told me to come in. She and Else were sitting on the sofa sipping coffee. Come closer," said M, "and stand in front of Else, hands on your head, legs apart. "G obeyed obediently. Else looked him up and down, giving an insistent look at his sex, which the situation had already made erect. With a little mmm of greed, she took hold of the outstretched shaft and slid it between her fingers; then she weighed his bursa. Else gauged G like an animal. She said something in Flemish to M, who translated: "Else thinks you are very well endowed and she likes that very much. You have to turn around now. "G complied and presented her buttocks to Else who grabbed them with her hands and spread them several times. She asked through M for G to bend down with her legs spread and grab her ankles with my hands. She examined G to the very depths of his being and, inserting her finger into the most intimate part of him, asked M a question in Flemish, which he passed on to G in French: "Else asks if you have ever been penetrated by the . G answered in the negative. Else said nothing, slapped him on the buttocks and pointed to the rack. Always docile, G obeyed the injunction and sat on the apparatus, flat on his stomach, knees slightly raised and well apart, leaning on his elbows on the two literal slats. Else and M were positioned behind him. One of them put a blindfold mask over his eyes. G felt Velcro straps being placed on his wrists and ankles. He heard the clanking of the snap hooks being attached to the rings at the four ends of the side slats. A hand went under his belly, though he didn't know if it was Else's or M's, lifting him slightly, and pulled his sex free so that it was resting on the edge of the trestle. The effect of pulling the sex back was to cause him to get an erection. Again silently and simultaneously, the brake of his sex and his nipples were pinched, pulled and twisted, which increased the erection tenfold. After five minutes of trituration, G felt the bite of small steel clamps simultaneously on the brake of her sex and her nipples, which were immediately pulled down by the effect of the weights attached to them. Again, an indiscreet finger explored the depths of her intimacy, which reinforced the erection. This was the moment that one of the two women chose to apply to his buttocks what G understood to be a whip. M asked him to count the strokes, explaining that it was an endurance test. For more than twenty minutes G was flogged on his buttocks, on his sex and between his buttocks. Vicariously the thongs fell on his bursa and his well offered penis. The most intimate part of his person did not escape. G counted more than a thousand blows. Else had been very satisfied with the test and exchanged with M at length, always in Dutch. G was untied from the rack and stood up again, making a few movements to remove the ankylosis from his limbs. This made the clamps move and the pain strengthened his erection. Else left the room and returned shortly after with a briefcase. The two women sat down in the armchairs in the living room, Else putting the case down and opening it on the pedestal table, revealing a series of objects that G was unable to identify. - Come here, G," ordered M, "and get down on your knees, hands on your head. Else was very pleased with your stamina and seduced by your strength. She has asked me to put you at her disposal so that she can train and educate you. You will therefore remain naked at all times. You are not allowed to dress up anymore, even if there are visits. G protested in vain, M retorted that his condition as a submissive, which he had accepted, meant that he was always completely naked in the service of his mistress or mistresses. Consequently," she continued, "my dear G, you will hand over to me all your clothes which will be locked up. Then Else wishes to have you enlarged. "In front of G's questioning air, M came behind him and passed an indiscreet finger between his buttocks, coming up against his anus, indicating to him that it was too narrow there and that it was necessary to widen it so that she could make it available to her master friends who would wish to do so, or to herself who liked to penetrate her submissives to let them know what a woman who was taken up by the buttocks could feel. - Do you agree to be enlarged?" asked M G, who answered positively. Perfect," said M, who went to sit on the sofa next to the briefcase, "take two chairs G and put them face to face in front of me, a little apart, with the backs facing outwards. "G ignored M's order and set up the two chairs. Else sat on the other side of the case. M took out a series of black plastic dildos of various sizes and held up the smallest. "This is the one we need. We'll start with this one, G, which is about the same size as your cock when it's fully extended. So, if you've ever had a partner sodomize you, you'll understand how it feels..." G remained dumbfounded and worried, which M saw. She hastened to reassure her: "Don't worry. You'll see, it's only a little bad moment to pass. And it's the smallest one and I'll put some Vaseline on it. Kneel down on the two chairs, with your buttocks facing me, and then lean forward with your palms on the floor. Spread your knees wide. "G was exposed for his first penetration. He could feel the air caressing his anus between his well-spread buttocks. M pushed the dildo lightly against G's eyelet and he felt the coldness of the object deep inside his body. M pushed the object a little and told G to push to open his eyelet, which he did. At the same time, with a sharp blow, M pushed the dildo between G's buttocks, causing her to cry out. That's it, it's over," said M, "you've absorbed it well. That's good. You're going to wear it until tonight. "
      Posted on : Dec 21, 2021

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