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    Schizoid Type, Oral Type, Masochistic Type, from Sexuality by Walter Last

    I originally posted this on 2020-01-12, yet during editing I accidently deleted it.

    willifag (no longer an ImageFap member) commented kindly on it - sorry he has left here, he seemed to be someone I might have cherished being a close personal and sexual friend

    Schizoid Type, Oral Type, & Masochistic Type - from "Sexuality" by Walter Last

    (1) The schizoid type experienced emotional trauma already around birth and, therefore, did not fully connect with the body. When things become difficult, schizoids just withdraw from reality and live in fantasy. The resulting lack of body feeling and identification with the 'self' also leads to confused sexual identification, and schizoids easily become homosexual or prostitutes. Many passive lesbians are schizoid as they crave for warmth and human comfort like deprived children. The orgastic potency is usually very low, that is the ability to reach a full orgasm.

    (2) The oral type is widespread because of the general abandonment of breastfeeding in our society. The baby felt abandoned and sex is sought mainly for closeness and contact, similar to the schizoid type. The breast is worshipped and oral sex enjoyed. Sexual relationships as well as sexual functions remain immature. Also anal sex is related to the oral phase. Sensuality, superficial feelings that make us feel good, are used as a substitute for orgastic sexuality, but cannot achieve a deep emotional energy release.

    (3) The masochistic type evolved from domineering parents who crushed the child's creativity and self-respect. This lack of self-worth is expressed in a sexual relationship as a need to be humiliated. Sexual excitement can be gained from inflicted pain. The masochistic male may have a problem achieving ejaculation.

    Love, Robin

    My Experience:

    Over my early Decades, as I was finding expressions that boys who become Queers/Fags have frequently grown up (if they/we can call it that) in broken familes, particularly without their Fathers, and thus become attracted to same sex relationships to compensate for "Daddy".

    While I realize that the above descriptions are more clinical type expressions, I was delighted to find them, since in my case they fairly accurately describe my own circumstances and my own personal inclinations. For my part I VALUE these descriptions - as well as their potential - and I mean toward my own lusts and deviant sexual cravings.

    I actually take delight from understanding myself in these particular ways - they just seem So fitting to me - especially feeling to be a perverse and sexually deviant person. I cannot even Imagine being Normal - Whatever That Is.

    I appreciate anyone else's reflections on my part in these - frankly, I crave to be dominated and even molested - which only happened to me a few (far too) brief times in my childhood and as an underage teenager.

    If I could turn back the calender, I might better realize & reconsider many opportunities that I passed up being an active homosexual and bisexual, Queer-Sexual, merely because I didn't understand what Gifts were being offered me.

    I AM a Queer, Cock-Sucking Sissy-Faggot Wanna-Be - which I Crave and Lust toward transforming into my sexually active Sodomist self.

    Love, Robin

      Posted on : Sep 25, 2021

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    Daddies_Boy's profile
    Comments: 8,395
    Commented on Sep 25, 2021
    williefag commented on Jun 16, 2020

    As for myself, psychiatric analysis and psychological terminology may be useful for psychiatrists and psychologists who like to treat human "mental disorders" with things like chemicals and electroshock, but each of us is far more complex than any clinical textbook can ever grasp or explain. Many if not most of us have drives, urges and needs which linear psychology and chemical physiology simply cannot adequately explain, let alone "treat". When science as we know it evolves into an awareness of metaphysical reality, including the scope, nature and function of the human soul, we may begin to comprehend a small portion of that incredible complexity. This is happening marginally even now. Look how long it took our culture to begin to accept, let alone tolerate, the homosexual condition itself!

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