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    The Millionaire's Delima (a short story)

    I was stting in my office going through the daily production numbers when there was a light knock on my door.

    "Come in!" I yellled.

    In stepped Harvis, my production floor manager.  

    "Hello sir."  He said in a timid manner.  "may I set down?"

    "Sure Harvis.  What's on your mind?"

    I held an open door policy with my employees and knew them all by first name.  I was concerned about Harvis, because he rarely had any issues with anyone.

    "well sir.  I don't know how to approach this subject..and I don't really want to piss you off or anything..."

    "You have been a really good boss.  and I don't want to lose my job or nothin'."  


    I assured him that I would remain open minded and work through the problem with him.

    "Well Sir, You know the guys on the floor have been meeting about how to make improvements to the company and all."

    "Yes, Harvis.  I am aware, and I commend them for those efforrts."

    "Well, sir.  This last improvement is a doozy.  But with that said, Sir, I am quite sure it will createan unimagineablelevel of unity and company spirit.  Something the competition will not be able to oversome."

    My head peeked up and I was now COMPLETELY intersted in what he had to say.

    "Well, go ahead!  Let's hear it!"  I blurted out.  "I am agame for anythign that would do that!"

    "Well sir...are you SURE?"

     "Absolutely!  everything is on the table here." I said in a very leaderly fashion.  Then I leaned in to bring it home. "And I mena everything!"

    He breathed a sign of relief.  "Well, that makes me fel better, but I am not sure you understnd the scopeof this."

    "Well, until its out there, I never will.  Let's hear it."

    "Well Sir, The guys know how devastated you were when Misty passed...and we really like your new wife and all..."

    My wife always helped run the company, but fell ill and died a few years back.  I met a new woman and we soon married.  

    "...and we know how much you like having your kids help out with the company and all."

    My kids grew up in the company and still help.

    "...and you said in the last eetintg that...well...sir, this is where it gets difficult...."

    "Go ahead.." I reassured him.

    "well Sir, you said you and Tina were trying to concieve..."

    "Tah is correct, Harvis..."

    "Well, sirr, its been 6 months since the meeting and...well we are gettign a bit concerned...."

    My heart melted.  My employees were so concerned about me and my new wife.  I smiled at him and joked a bit, "well Harvis, at my age, I might be shooting blanks once in a while...."

     We both laughed a little and he looked at me dea in the eyes. "Well Sir, That is where the propsal comes in.  You have a factory full of virile young men that could help with that..."

    I about fell out of my chair. Imustered all of the gumption I could, to tell him we needed to talk later.

    He immediately left the room.Needless to say, I was in shock.  I was angry as hell.  I was ready to firethem ALL!

    It took me a week to cool off, before I paged Harvis back to my office.  He enetered and sat down.

    I immediately attacked, "I want to know who came up with this fucking plan!"

    "Sir, I cannot tell you specifically, but the entire plant is in a greement."

    "No fucking way! I will fire all of you sonofabitches.!"

    "Sire, Sir, SIR! I am jsut the messenger.  It would be a bad idea to go back on your open door policy at this time, sir.  I told you the idea.  If it is not conducive to you, then we can scrap it.  But to fire someone over a bad idea, well, that  is just wrong, Sir.  You said so yourself."

    He was correct.As a business leader, I had preached the importance of open conversation and a non-retalitory environment.  I demanded it from my employees, so I must exhibit it around them.

    I thought long and hard before speaking.  I swallowed the huge lump in my throat and calmly responded, "I hear you Harvis.  I am sorry I acted that way.  I need to lead by example." 

    I scheduled an open discssion for a week later.

    During the week, my mind was runnig overtime.  I looked out teh window of my office onto the production floor.   The first thing I noticed was how many young men there were ouot there.  How wouold I wiggle my way out of this?  My new wife a vivacious, petite and gorgeous yung thing that turned every head in the room when she walked in.  I know she was with me mainly for my money, but I needed someong to help traise my daughters while I ran the business.  Her sex drive was very strong and she often spent hours masterbating after I had long finished.  




      Posted on : Jan 25, 2021

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