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    Siv in Senegal. Captured by the Ulobis

    Siv Jensen in Senegal
    > A story by Paul Larsen
    > Siv Jensen Captured in Senegal
    > Preface
    > Siv Jensen is an unmarried mature politician, tall and blond with a wonderful body. She was a member of the parliament and a popular and respected politician. On her 40th anniversary she got a trip to Senegal as a gift from her friends and colleagues.
    > I was asked to join her on the trip to help and support her on her safari trip to Senegal. I had previously been working ten years in Senegal for a big international company. Now I was working in a security company who take care of the security of Norwegian politicians. When Siv got this trip to Senegal, I was asked to join her as a guide and personal guard. I arranged a photographic safari as we were both interested in wildlife photography. The trip would provide a tremendous opportunity for both of us to photograph wildlife and native peoples. We entered the country armed with joy and hopes for a wonderful holiday.
    > Chapter 1
    > Capture
    > The first few days were tremendous. Everything went smoothly and the sights provided us with great shots. On the fourth day out, it was a hot morning, and as we moved into a rift valley, we came under attack. The porters suddenly began crying, screaming, dropping their packs and running. I grabbed Siv and pulled her down. I looked around for our guide, but he was gone. We were rushed and overpowered by a dozen men. I found myself grappling with someone. I heard Siv scream and then it all went black.
    > I regained consciousness to find myself suspended by my wrists and ankles to a pole. I was being carried by two men. I could hear Siv whimpering and crying behind me. I called out to her....
    > “Siv…. are you ok?”
    > “Where are they taking us?”
    > “I don’t know, but just hold on.”
    > I didn’t know what to do. I felt awful hanging from the pole. There were lots of men, I couldn’t tell how many. We were somewhere in the middle of a column. They marched for a while... then took a break and set us down. I felt helpless and I’m sure my Siv did too. I was thirsty, but they ignored me when I tried to get them to understand I wanted a drink. It was so hot.
    > I heard Siv grunt as she was hoisted up and suspended between, broad, black shoulders; and then we were off. I tried not to think about the pain in my wrists and ankles. I cursed myself for our bad luck. The noises of the savannah and the sound of their feet, as they marched, was all I remember of this part. Siv and I tried to say something to each other but our positions, the heat, and the bush noises made it impossible for us to have any real contact. All I felt was pain and fear.
    > Chapter 2
    > Public Humiliation
    > We finally arrived at a village. There was a horde of ragtag children and motley dogs around. There was a lot of yelling. They set us down by a well. I looked over at Siv and she was a sweaty mess. We were physically and emotionally drained. I was dying of thirst and I’m sure that Siv was too. I begged for water. The men just grinned at me.
    > Then the leader came over, had the men cut our bindings, and allowed us to stand. I gestured to him that I wanted water for me and my friend. Just then a commotion caught my attention. A big, older man, surrounded by flunkies, was making his way over to us.
    > ‘This is the Chief,’ I thought to myself. He looked us over. I tried to say something. He raised his hand to silence me and barked something. He pointed at me and then at Siv. The Chief was medium tall and had a big belly. He was wearing some marks of his office and a loincloth. His face was broad and very black; an ugly mean face. His manner was frightening.
    > I begin to worry what was in store for us, especially for Siv. A crowd had formed - women and children of all ages. They were a rough looking lot - most of them. The women were bare-breasted. I saw a lot of pouting and hanging breasts with very dark black nipples. Distracted for the moment I remembered our needs.
    > I tried to make him understand we were thirsty. I used my hands. The Chief stared at me as if I was crazy and then he smiled and laughed out loud. He gestured to a woman. She was heavy-set and older, maybe his wife. He mimicked my gestures and laughed again. She said something to him, but her face was mean too.
    > The Chief raised his hand and made some announcement to the mob. They behaved as if they were at a sporting match. I was fearful that this was a bad sign. Then the Chief made a little move with his hand and two men grabbed both of us and forced us to our knees. Siv and I looked at each other; we were both so thirsty. They brought over a bowl of water, but the Chief grinned as one of the men pulled his penis out from under his loincloth and began to piss in it.
    > The Chief mimed a dog lapping water. We both looked at each other and understood. I felt degraded. But this is what he wanted us to do: lap the water like dogs. We were so thirsty; we lapped up the “flavored” water. This act of submission made the mob happy. My fears were now raging out of control.
    > I also felt tremendously humiliated. Siv, who must have been thirstier than I was, put her face in the bowl and lapped it up like a puppy. The mob took real delight at how she submissively she performed for them.
    > This is what I didn’t know then, but I know now: these people were a sorry lot. Dirt poor, they survived by raiding other villages, stealing and taking hostages. They took vicious and cruel delight in reducing their captives to the level of animals or things. The first minute we were in camp set the tone for our entire captivity. They indulged in varieties of sexual savagery that were beyond my comprehension. And, from this moment on, our situation got worse...
    > The Chief barked, clapped his hands and at his command, the native women crowded around us. The Chief clapped again and they began, like a multi-limbed creature, a centipede, to pull our clothes off. I tried to resist, but there were too many hands.
    > I looked over to see them stripping Siv nude. I saw her in her bra and panties and soon she was completely naked. I was stripped naked also. I saw the mob passing Sivs bra back and forth. The women stepped back to let the tribe have a look at us. Siv covered her crotch and breasts with her hands. I had both my hands covering my privates. Our white skin made us stand out in the hot African sun, among all these black people. We were both very sweaty, at this point....
    > The faces of those around us seemed hideous. I remember very black faces with white teeth and the whites of their staring eyes with expressions of lust and cruelty in them like devils. But worse was yet to come. The Chief sat down, pointed and at his command, the women again descended on us like flies. The crowd was overjoyed. They seemed to love the spectacle of our being displayed and molested for their enjoyment.
    > One woman, a pretty plump thing, teasingly tickled my scrotum and my penis. I looked over at Siv, right next to me, and saw that her tormentors were squeezing and mauling her breasts. This made her nipples respond by getting erect. They pointed this out to humiliate her. My penis was squeezed and jerked. I couldn’t help myself but I began, to my horror, to get erect. As my penis stiffened, individuals pointed at me and laughed. I wanted to die...
    > My tormentor wagged my half-erect penis at the crowd to make them laugh more. She mimed that my penis was small and the mob roared with delight – humiliating me totally. Hands were at my ass pulling my cheeks open; and then I felt someone rubbing grease on my anus... and a finger was forced inside me.
    > Then, someone grabbed at my testicles. My bag had shriveled in fear. Whoever it was eventually trapped my testicles in the bag. Then they squeezed them. I groaned and the crowd reacted. They did it again and my reaction made the natives clap their hands in glee. I saw the Chief grinning from ear to ear at my predicament.
    > Then the painful squeezing of my balls stopped. Someone else began frigging my penis and between that and the finger in my rectum worming around and pressing on my prostate, my penis got fully erect. I didn’t want to lose control in this situation, but my body betrayed me.
    > I looked over and saw what they were doing to Siv. They had rolled her cotton thong panties and had the material between her thighs. One particular woman, a middle-aged crone, began pulling it slowly to and from - working the panties into a thin, wet cord in Siv’s crack. Siv gasped and moaned as the woman worked it back and forth thru the lips of her cunt.
    > Everyone laughed as she tried to stand up on her toes to avoid what this woman was doing to her. The woman began sawing her hands back and forth using the full length of the wet cotton with each stroke. She struggled in the grip of the women holding her, but they just laughed. There was nothing she could do.
    > After a minute of this, Siv began writhing and gasping at the slightest movement. That’s when the woman stopped and felt her between her legs. Grinning, she held up her fingers... glistening with my Siv’s secretions. The mob roared. She had been humiliated as I was...
    > The old woman pulled the cord tight again and continued to masturbate her. Siv bit her lip as I could see that she was trying to ignore the maddening friction of the wet panties against her sensitive sex lips. The woman with cruel skill pulled the panties back and forth so that Siv`s sensitive bits: her labia, clitoris, her urethra, the vaginal opening and her anus were teased unmercifully.
    > Each indignity and Siv`s increasingly agitated reactions brought a fresh round of laughs and grins from the mob. I looked at their faces and saw the depths of their depravity. I was growing more afraid. The use of sexual torture was a mark of a much degraded people.
    > The Chief growled something and the woman began to vigorously manipulate the cord. He obviously wanted the woman to make her have an orgasm. The old woman pulled the wet cord right up against the clitoris.
    > I heard her begging and whimpering. Watching Siv’s face for her reactions, the woman, grinning, whipped the cord left and right to work her clitoris. Her moans suddenly became louder, her hips bucking and jerking. Now that she had gotten Siv close to cumming, the woman slowed down, tantalizing her. I heard her, teased to the point of distraction, begin whimpering like she did when she was about to cum...
    > The mob roared its approval when she began to moan. I could see the muscles as tight as a drum in her neck. Finally, the crone jerked the cord to and from in a blur and made her reach a tumultuous orgasm. Siv’s hips began a lewd jig and her writhing left no doubt she was in the throes of an orgasm. The fact that they could make her cum in these circumstances shocked and horrified me.
    > She groaned, and her coital movements and jiggling ass cheeks excited the mob. I was horrified as my prick had gotten erect earlier and stayed hard as I watched what they did to her. Between what they had been doing to me and watching what they did to Siv, I was very aroused. I looked at the men of the tribe and saw the looks of lust and cruelty in their faces. I looked over at Siv; her eyes were closed and she appeared to be in a world of her own.
    > I was terribly afraid, at this point, as she was surrounded by a hundred savages. I began silently to pray. I had not done that in years. I shuddered at the thought of what might happen next. The men began drinking from gourds. This only made me more frightened. Sober they were savages - drunk they would be worse.
    > Then I was brought forward so that two young girls could begin playing with my scrotum and penis. They pulled and tickled my bag and teased my penis. They kept it up, unmercifully. They worked on me as a team. It was torture. They got me worked up and close to cumming, but stopped short of letting me ejaculate. They mob crowded in close to watch them masturbating me. I lost track of time as they got me close to orgasm.
    > I could see how much they were enjoying this. For me, it was awful. Then a big, fat, older woman held up a smooth, curved wooden rod. She greased it with fat. Two men suddenly turned me around. Two more women spread my ass cheeks. I felt fingers rubbing grease on my anus. Then the big, fat woman pressed the rod against my anus and when it parted my sphincter, she worked it into my rectum.
    > I felt the knob against my tight sphincter and then I was impaled. The knob at the end opened my anus and the rod plowed into my rectum. I winced in pain as I had never had anything that big in my asshole before. I remember crying out. I struggled in their grasp, but I was helpless to prevent this from happening to me. I screamed...
    > I could hear everyone laughing and clapping. I hung my head as waves of shame, pain and arousal overwhelmed me when it was in me all the way. Then as I tried to adjust to the pressure in my rectum, my erection seemed to grow and throb. It was hard and hot and pointed at the sky. I shook my head. I couldn’t believe what this people were doing to me...I couldn’t believe that I was hard as they did these things to me....The two girls went back to masturbating me. I tried hard to control myself, but there was no way, with the rod in my rectum, that I could do that.
    > I was humiliated when I began ejaculating. I felt like my whole soul was spurting thru my penis. There was much laughter as I came in front of the whole village. The girls mimed that my load was disappointingly small. I felt my face go red with embarrassment. That they could make me cum in these circumstances didn’t shock me as much as the fact that they had been able to make Siv do the same, but I was humiliated. I looked over at Siv and she had her eyes closed. I don’t know if she saw me ejaculating or not. I hope she didn’t...
      Posted on : Jan 11, 2021

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    Gregrrrr's profile
    Comments: 2,965
    Commented on Feb 3, 2021
    Great! great topic also conveniently written. I'm already looking forward to reading the rest❤👍

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