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    Naughty Neighbour 1

    We moved into a small semi detached house when I was still at school. Just mum, my older sister and me. My sister left for university less than a year later and after a couple of years not seeing much of her, I convinced mum that I should have her, much larger, bedroom. I moved her stuff into my old room or the loft depending on how secret I wanted to keep it. Mum wouldn't go in the loft, fear of spiders I think.
    I wasn't much of a student, I passed some exams and went to college. But all my results were unremarkable. Not because I was stupid, or at least I like to think not. I just wasn't paying attention, my mind was always elsewhere. My sister took after my dad, in looks and attitude. I was more like my mum, smallish, skinnyish, pretty for a boy and a bit of a dreamer. I started working weekends while at college, in a store in town. When I finished college they offered me more hours. Not full time, more sort of a flexible zero hours type thing. So some days I worked, some I spent at home, alone.
    I had started wearing my mum and sisters underwear when I was 13. I don't know why, but I put a pair of my sisters panties on and it excited me. By the time I left college I was spending far too much time on the internet, looking at porn, chatting and camming with strangers and sharing photos of myself in my mum and sisters clothes. I was open with my friends about being bisexual, though none of them beleived me. I never told anyone about my desire to be as girlie as possible.
    I guess everything began to change in the early summer.Mum was dropping me off in town early one evening, when we met the lady who lives next door out on her drive. Her and mum got chatting as they do, and after what seemed an age, we were invited into the back garden to see some plants or something. The couple next door were quite old, Mrs Roberts, as I knew her, still worked. But Mr Roberts had retired quite recently and now spent much of his time tending to his immaculate garden. They were living there long before we moved next door. She was nice, but I found Mr Roberts to be a bit grumpy and bossy.
    We walked down the narrow alleyway between our houses and into their garden. Mr Roberts was sat in a patio chair enjoying the late sun. He wore sandals, shorts and a T shirt and nodded hello to me as we entered. I am a rather awkwardly shy person, so as far as I was concerned that was our interaction over. The three of them got chatting and I gazed disinterestedly around. I noticed how brown Mr Roberts feet were, appart from the bits covered his sandal straps. His legs were very brown as well, heavily tanned from all the time he spent gardening.
    That's when I noticed the bulge in his shorts, they had ridden up slightly as he sat and now the clearly defined shape of his very thick cock was pressedinto the thin material. I stared at it, the huge round mass of his balls straining the seam if the shorts that ran between them, his fat meaty shaft squashed against his  thigh. I gaped in awe and felt myself growing excited. Suddenly I realised he was talking to me. I came to, as if out of a dream and dragged my eyes from his groin up to his face. He was looking at me expectantly, awaiting an answer. Then he looked down where I had been looking, and back up at me again. I felt my face turn red hot as I blushed like I never had before. There was a long very awkward silence as he watched me and I tried to hide the fact I had become aroused. I looked around the garden in a panic, desperate for a helpful diversion.
    "Mum, I have to be there now..." I blurted out, heading off down the garden after her and Mrs Roberts, who had gone off looking at more flowers. A few minutes later we were leaving the garden, and I managed not to look at Mr Roberts again the whole time. Over the next few weeks I saw Mr Roberts out gardening, but stayed out of his way. Sometimes I could swear that he was looking up at my window. Especially on warmer days when I would open it to let a breeze in. And often I would watch him, remembering his shorts, and I would become aroused.
    One day in late summer, mum asked me to mow the lawn in our back garden while she was at work. I actually did quite a bit of housework while she was out, which she was thankful for. She didn't know I sometimes did it dressed as a slutty schoolgirl though. Anyway, on this particular day it was hot. Not even 10am and already getting uncomfortable. I went out and mowed the lawn, it wasn't very big so didn't take long. While I was mowing, I decided I would do some sunbathing after. I put the mower away, then went to shower and shave, I have a pretty much hair free body, but I like to remove what little there is.
    I put on my smallest pair of shorts, grabbed my phone and the suntan oil and took the lounger down to the freshly mowed lawn. It was one of those cheap mesh over metal frame things, but it did the job. Our garden faced more or less West, so at that time of the morning the sun was still rising above the rooftops from where I sat. Time went by slowly, the breeze ruffled the trees and insects buzzed around. My mind wondered, and I found myself thinking, surprise surprise, about dressing. And how good white underwear looks against smooth tanned skin. I looked at the houses nearby, and noticed that if I was close to the back of our house, the only windows that would overlook me were my own bedroom window, and the same window on the Roberts' house next door. I glanced over, the window was closed, and a net curtain hung motionless behind it.
    It was nearing 1pm now and the sun was just starting to hit our back wall. So I picked up my stuff and headed back up the garden. I put the longer down flat, with one end toward the sun that shone over next doors roof. Then, after glancing around nervously, I pulled down my shorts, quickly rubbed some oil into my shoulders, back and little white bottom and lay face down with my head toward the sun. The hot sun felt wonderful on my cheeks and the warm breeze made my skin tingle. I started to doze in hot the afternoon sun.
    My phone buzzed and I picked it up, propping myself on my elbows to read the message and reply. I was tapping away with my thumbs when something caught my eye. Reflected in the screen of my phone was next door's bedroom window, which was now open, just a little, and the net curtains were flapping lazily through the gap. I had never seen that window open before, how weird I thought. I held my phone at the right angle and watched carefully, and maybe I saw a figure at the window, someone moving, watching. I felt a thrill of excitement run through me, and suddenly felt even more aware of the fact I was naked. Every breath of wind on my skin reminded me of how exposed I was.
    My mind raced with fears, schemes and desires. I knew who it was of course, it had to be him, his wife was out at this time each day. Slowly I got used to the idea of being watched, I started to feel turned on by it and decided to give him a show. I got to my feet, keeping my back turned to the window, and spread a little more oil on my back, my bottom and the back of my legs. Then I lay face down on the lounger again, this time with my feet toward his window. I knew he now had a clear view of my bottom, and as I lay my head down I pushed my hips up a little, trying to make my ass look as soft, round and inviting as possible.
    I lay like that for a while, fantasizing about what what he was doing while he watched me. Giggling to myself about how naughty I was being. Then my phone buzzed again, I raised my shoulders and answered my friends message. Then used the dark screen to check on his window again. The window was wide open now, as wide as it would go. There was no sign of a net curtain at all, the sun shone on the white window frames and in the deep shadow of the room a figure lurked, peering secretly at me.
    I felt scared, nervous, naughty, excited and horny as hell all at once. Watching the shadowy figure in the reflection on my phone screen, I moved my feet apart until they were resting on the metal frame of the lounger. Opening my legs so that the breeze carressed my soft smooth cock and balls as they lay on the mesh material between my thighs. The figure moved closer to the window to get a better view and I could see him more clearly. His white T shirt bright against the dark room, and his brown skinned arm, moving back and forth slowly against the T shirt. OMG I started to breath quickly, my heart racing, was he rubbing his cock as he peeped down at my ass.
    Suddenly things had got a lot more serious. A large part of me wanted to get up and go inside right away. But I just couldn't move, I argued with myself and, as I knew I would if I waited long enough, I calmed down a bit and managed to convince myself that I was just sunbathing, HE was the one being a perv, spying on his next door neighbour. I was enjoying being ogled, and he wouldn't say anything to anyone, he was a married men. I decided I would take it further, and show him more.
    I got to my feet, putting my phone down and picking up the oil again. Then I pulled the backrest of the lounger up into a still reclined but seated position and sat down with my legs stretched out toward the sun, and Mr Roberts' window. My over excited cock and smooth little nut sack nestled between my thighs. I made sure not to touch them, as I was so turned on now, one brush would have me stiff in seconds. I poured the sweet smelling oil onto my hands and spread it slowly and carefully over my legs. I made a point of not looking up at all until I had covered them, then I poured more oil onto my hands, leaned back on the lounger, and started to spread it over my smooth flat chest tummy and hips.
    I looked up at his window as I ran my hands slowly up and down my body. The sun was shining almost directly into my eyes making it hard to see clearly. I thought I could see the shape of his large frame near the window. I continued carressing myself, there was definately someone moving in that room, closer to the window now than before. Suddenly Mr Roberts' head and shoulders appeared, leaning as far as he could out of the window and gazing down at me. My hands stopped dead, one on my chest, the other on my lower tummy and I froze. I hadn't considered for a moment that he would reveal himself like this. My body trembled nervously, my heart racing. Our eyes met and we stared at each other for what seemed an age.
    Slowly I became aware of a tingling sensation in my left nipple. A finger on my right hand was resting on it, but my hands were shaking so much with nerves, that my nipple had grown hard and sensetive. I felt an urge to pinch it, pull on it, it longed to be teased. My fingers moved almost on their own, pinching my nipple between the index and middle fingers and rolling it gently one way then the other. I heard a soft whimper escape my lips, and Mr Roberts broke eye contact and looked down a little. I looked down as well, and watched in horror as my smooth pale little cock began to grow rapidly. In no time at all it had slid up along my thigh, across my tummy and now thrust up hard, a good 5cm off my belly, pointing directly at my face.
    I looked back up at the window in a panic, he was still there, one arm leaning on the window, the other, half hidden down below the windowsil, was moving quickly back and forth. My stiff cock throbbed and twitched as it thrust up into the air, my mind seemed to stop working. I felt so fucking horny and all thought of hiding myself had gone. He wanted to see me, he was enjoying me and I wanted him to. Slowly I started to move my hands over my tingling writhing body again. Both hands moved up to my chest, I pinched my nipples between thumb and for fingers and pulled on them hard. Watching Mr Roberts all the time, I moved my feet apart until they slipped, one each side, off the lounger and onto the hot concrete of the patio. My legs open wide, my rock hard boy clit on display to my neighbour, I watched as he jerked off over me.
    Suddenly... he was gone. I stared up at the window, longing for his return. My cock was aching for some attention, but I wanted him to see me as I touched myself. Seconds went by that felt like hours, then I heard the sound of a door opening and closing on the other side of the fence. A moment later Mr Roberts' head appeared, peering over the top of the fence, leering down at me, then was gone again. My hand gripped the frame of the lounger and I thought about running away. I heard him walk down to his side gate and open it. OMG, my mind raced in a panic, he is coming over. There was a bit of fumbling as he reached over our side gate and slid the bolt back. Then a moment later he appeared round the corner of the house, walked straight to my side and stood over me, gazing down at my smooth, trembling, glistening naked body.
    Neither of us spoke, and I couldn't move, so I just looked up, squinting into the sun at the large figure towering over me. Slowly he quickly dropped down onto one knee to the left of me, and reaching under the lounger he picked up the suntan oil. He looked me up and down as he poured some oil onto his hands and rubbed them together. Then his big dark hand was placed gently on my tummy and he started to massage the oil into the soft, pink, slightly sunburnt skin. I watched his hand as it moved around my body at will, powerless to resist or react. His other hand came to rest on my chest, spreading the oil around he brushed over my hard little nipples, again, and again, then his strong fingers took hold of my left nipple and pulled on it. His other hand moved down my tummy, I let out a little whimper as he brushed my little nut sack on the way to my thigh.
    My legs were still wide apart, my feet on the warm patio, and his hand moved around inside and almost underneath my left knee before sliding back up toward my groin. The fingers of one hand still teasing my nipple as the other slipped up under my tight little nuts and between my slippery, oily cheeks. I gasped and tensed as his fingers pressed momentarily against my little rosebud. But they quickly moved up between my thighs. His large hand enveloped my smooth little pink sack holding it firmly and tugging on it gently. My stiff cock was pulled upright each time he tugged, making it throb and pulse. The old man watched it intently each time, he seemed to enjoy it's little dance and pulled again and again. I was still gripping the frame of the lounger, his fingers squeezing and pulling on my balls and my nipple had me squirming and panting at his touch.
    I just couldn't process the sensations I was feeling, my body felt electrified, tingling and pulsing all over with desire. His fingers release their grip on my little sack and quickly moved up onto my smooth stiff boy clit. I gasped and moaned allowed as he started to stroke it, his large hand moving in long slow motions over it's full length, my pale shaft looking small in his big dark skinned fist. Powerless to stop it, I felt my orgasm rising from deep deep inside. I wriggled and squirmed on the lounger as he teased and caressed me. Until at last I burst in his hand, whimpering and moaning as jet after jet of my orgasm sprayed across my chest and tummy. He continued to stroke me gently as my orgasm eased, my clit and my balls throbbing, pulsing and contracting over and over as he milked the last drops from me. My tense body relaxed at last, my mind was swimming and I was almost in a trance, not really aware of what was happening around me, it  felt like I was dreaming it all.
    Mr Roberts got to his feet, he stood close by and looked down at me. I turned my head and looked up at him as he stood over me in the sunlight. I had no idea what to do now, this was all new to me, but again Mr Roberts showed the way. He lifted his T shirt a little, quickly tucked his thumbs into the waisband of his shorts and they fell to the floor in one smooth motion. His massive cock burst free, it swung around as he stepped out of his shorts, looking so thick and heavy as it moved. Without even thinking, I released my grip on the garden furniture and rolled over onto my left elbow. My gaze was locked onto his magnificent cock now, and I raised my right arm, wrapping my little fingers around his girth tenderly.
    His cock was longer and thicker than mine and where mine was smooth and pale, his was dark and all uneven. Veins and bumps covered the shaft and the big roung head was half covered by a large fold of skin stretched over it. The pink head that was visible underneath was glistening and wet with precum and a big puddle of the liquid was gathered around the fold of skin. His grey hairs tickled my fingers and hist big loose balls swung lazily as I started to to stroke him. As I pulled on his shaft the foreskin rolled over the tip of his cock gathering his eager juices, then I moved my hand back, pulling the loose skin back exposing more of his fat pink head. I felt him throb and stiffen in my hnad as I stroked him.
    "It won't take long..." he said in a low voice, making me jump, there had been no words spoken up til now, "I nearly came about ten times while I watched you" he explained. I raised myself up a little, leaned closer and with the tip of my tongue I licked at the sticky liquid gathered in the folds of his foreskin. I pulled back the skin and my tongue played around the large round head of my next door beighbours cock, licking, teasing and tasting his juice. I placed my lips against the tip and stroked the shaft a couple more times before pulling the bumpy veiny skin of his cock all the way back and sliding my soft wet lips over his big fat head instead.
    "uuuuurrrrgghhh" came the deep rumbling sound of appreciation from my neighbour.
    "aaaaarrgh fuk yeah..." he continued as my mouth and hand moved together on his big thick shaft, slowly, taking him deeper and deeper into my mouth each time. His groans of pleasure encouraged me and I did my best to get as much of his magnificent cock inside as I could. He was right, it didn't take long, and all too quickly I felt his cock throb and my mouth was filled with his salty cum. I pushed his cock down my throat as he started to cum, but soon I realised my mistake as he just kept cumming and cumming. Soon my mouth was fulland I choked on his sticky seed. His fat cock strtched my lips so with nowhere else to go, his cum sprayed from my nose and the corners of my mouth as I coughed and spluttered.
    I pulled away swallowing and gasping again and again as I tried to compose myself. He stood next to me, his feet apart, his huge balls heaving as his magnificent cock pulsed waved up and down with the last throes of his orgasm. A large blob of his thick sticky cum gathered on his fat head and I quickly leaned forward again, taking the blob and his fat dick deep into my mouth I gently sucked, licked and milked every last drop from him as his erection eased and his satisfied cock relaxed.
    Slowly I came back to the real world, I felt awkward again and pulled away from him. He picked up his shorts and began putting them on and I lay back on the sun lounger. I could feel the next door neighbours cum on my chin and as I looked it down it dripped onto my chest with the remnants of my own orgasm. Now fully clothed again Mr Roberts looked down at me and I looked up at him. I couldn't find any words, and neither it seemd could he. A bridge had been crossed, and there was no going back. I had no idea what this meant and laying naked in the sun and covered in cum, I was petrified. Eventually he smiled at me, winked, then turned and went back home.
      Posted on : Jul 16, 2020

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    Smoothest's profile
    Comments: 2,786
    Commented on Dec 19, 2023
    Very hot and exciting stories, love them, I would be the much older man, your description of your slender smooth body is wonderful x
    Trebleclef76's profile
    Comments: 1,225
    Commented on Sep 3, 2023
    That’s so luscious!
    dansissies's profile
    Comments: 346
    Commented on Aug 10, 2022
    That was hot wish i was your neighbor. Will be reading more soon.

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