Putting linked pictures in a Forum thread

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Putting linked pictures in a Forum thread

Postby Silversleeves on Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:53 am

More "Knowledge" for the "House" :)

(From a post in a thread in "Help & Support," edited for clarity if not portability)
Now how do you get from gallery to Forum post?

At the bottom of every thumbs page in a gallery you "own," there will be the line "Or generate html/bbcode here" with 'here' as an underlined link. It may still even be so for other folks' galleries; I haven't paid much attention lately. In any case, you'll want to click on that link.

This part of the gallery software always puts your latest additions to the gallery at the bottom of the scrollable frame or inset that comes up when the next page has finished loading.

The two things you'll want to pay closest attention to at this stage are
1. The pull-down menu with which you make your choice of how many thumbs per row you want your post formatted in (the default is 2 -- I routinely choose either 3 or 4), and
2. The radio or "blinkless" buttons where you choose between Regular HTML and HTML with BBCodes.
For ImageFap's Gallery Garden and most other forums/subforums, you'll want to select "HTML with BBCodes."

Under each thumb in the large scrollable frame, you'll find a checkbox. Clicking on one or more than one, you should see BBCode appear in the empty, and also scrollable, frame below it. Both of these are to the left of the page that just loaded. Click on as many of these as you would like to show as thumbs in your post. The rule for Gallery Garden is "No more than 15 linked thumbnails per post." You can balance this out by adding a Gallery Link ("hide" it in the name of the gallery -- it's always more fun. ;) ).

I recommend having a text editor open at this stage, as it's somewhat awkward to cut & paste the code from the box of BBCode into a "fresh" thread or new post on any forum. This also gives you the option, as you might notice with my example above, of adding a paragraph ahead of all the thumbs. It's courteous, I've found, to "sign" the post "up top" too; this eliminates the need for surfers to scroll all the way down to find out for sure who made the post.

When you have all the code you want cut & pasted into the blank page of your editor, and have added the courtesies of an introductory paragraph, gallery link, and signature, then surf to Gallery Garden and start a new topic. I've often had little to no idea what to put in for a Subject: until I pasted the text and code from my editor. Not a big deal.

Then Preview the post, Submit if you're satisfied, and you're done.

Hope this was helpful.

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Re: Putting linked pictures in a Forum thread

Postby Silversleeves on Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:10 pm

You will find the "here" link to open the BBCode page in just about any gallery on ImageFap. In other words, it is possible to post linked thumbs of pictures in other members' galleries.

But my advice is to consider it a privilege and not a right.

I think the fact you can do this, goes back to a time when ImageFap kept better track of what was being linked from here elsewhere on the Web (Google, other Forums and hosting sites, etc).

One side-effect of that, however, was a spate of server failures caused by an abundance of "hits" in the galleries.

So that doesn't happen again, please don't make posting thumbs of other members' pics too much of a habit.

On the subject of what text editor to use to edit links: anything but WordPad in Windows, or TextEdit on Mac OS X, is fine. Those two editors tend to introduce unwanted line breaks that can screw up the code you paste into your Forum post or thread. Notepad on Windows or TextWrangler in OS X are good substitutes, imo.

Hope you find this helpful.

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Re: Putting linked pictures in a Forum thread

Postby japavidols on Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:30 am

Just an FYI for those linking or trying to link full-size images hosted on IF to the forums: It's important to try and remember that you CANNOT link directly to the page of an image, the image won't show up. You'll simply see "Image". You need to do the following:
1-Go to the page with the image you want to link to.
2-Right-click the image and select "View Image" (on Firefox) or "Show Picture" (on IE).
3-Copy the URL of the image (should start with fap.to/images/full, NOT imagefap.com-otherwise you'll just see "Image" where you expected to see the image).
4-Paste this URL inside the "img" tags.
That should cause the image to appear in your post!
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Re: Putting linked pictures in a Forum thread

Postby squirtinggirl on Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:10 pm

Nice image tips i picked up in this thread here.
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