Moviefap questions go here

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Re: Moviefap questions go here

Postby longhairfish on Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:20 am

The avatars don't work on the moviefap site. This has been a long ongoing issue. But it is on the list of things to be fixed. To be honest it won't happen any time soon :roll:
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Re: Moviefap questions go here

Postby gmmmb on Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:07 pm

I'm noticing whenever someone comments on a movie clip, the thumbnail doesn't match on my profile page.
There is an unrelated thumbnail in the comments section, and when I click on it, a different movie comes up with that comment - which is correct?


When clicked, this is the movie that opens:

(Which is not the movie in the thumbnail.)
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Re: Moviefap questions go here

Postby longhairfish on Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:29 am

Multiple issues going on.

As you can see in the forum, nobody has their avatar on their posts. Those avatars (thumbs) are also missing when I approve your moviefap videos.

Without the thumbs I can't approve your videos(s).

Right now it is a Friday night. We might have to wait until Monday for a fix. But as soon as everything is back to normal I will edit / approve your uploaded videos.

Don't upload again a duplicate video. They are all safe and in tact.


UPDATE - Issues resolved
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Re: Moviefap questions go here

Postby longhairfish on Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:30 am

Stats for July, 2021

Videos accepted : 2575
Videos rejected : 439
Number of bans : 53 :?
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Re: Moviefap questions go here

Postby longhairfish on Wed Aug 04, 2021 1:13 am

Delay adding videos today. Unknown issue. But I think we will be ok on Wednesday some time.
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Re: Moviefap questions go here

Postby longhairfish on Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:04 am

Update on the last post I made. Seems one of the hard drives took a shit or ended up with a bad data table which indexed the videos.

What does this mean? Well, videos you uploaded anywhere between the 4th and the 7th might have seemed to dissapear. :o

My list of daily videos to edit or approve jumped from 100 to 550. Of course I was like WTF is this?!?

425 of the videos I was able to save right away. This was simple enough to fix. But the other 75 I don't know just yet. I think they will be ok.

So if you saw videos on your profile and they went missing - hang tight. I only have 75 more to work on.
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Re: Moviefap questions go here

Postby KrisCock on Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:11 am

Hi Admins,
Well, I was just going to ask about something I uploaded haha.

Also, curious about checking the private box. Does that mean only I can see it? Is there a way to allow only certain users to view a video.

Thanks for your hard work!
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Re: Moviefap questions go here

Postby longhairfish on Sat Aug 14, 2021 2:13 am

If you make the video private and want to share it then you need to go to the video. Copy the link. Share with anyone you want.
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Re: Moviefap questions go here

Postby KrisCock on Sat Aug 14, 2021 6:09 am

Thank you
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Re: Moviefap questions go here

Postby longhairfish on Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:24 am

An occasional problem just popped up.

Videos not playing their entire length. Videos might only play 10 - 30 seconds.

We will be checking this Monday morning.
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