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How big is your porn collection

PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:46 am
I just wanted to know how big anybodys porn collection is. I was hoping to compare to mine. I just want to know if there is anyone out there with 5 terabytes of porn or more. I have 5 portable 1 tb external hard drives each one has approx. 255,000 images and videos so 255,000 x 5 = 1,275,000 images approx in my collection can anyone beat that....?

Re: How big is your porn collection

PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:34 am
by rougefemale
you have me beat BY FAR. of course i am VERY picky and i very rarely download video. i have about 200 gigs of just photos.

Re: How big is your porn collection

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:52 pm
by shikaka_1875
I thought I was bad with almost 500 GB of vids and pics and having a good, but quiet social life, quite clearly though your 5 TB beats me by quite a way, your social life would probably rate somewhere in the region of non-existent. Going by pure statistics, it would appear that Rougefemale has a fairly active social life and a large circle of friends (despite being a mod on ImageFap ;) ).

Re: How big is your porn collection

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:43 am
My secret to my success is a rare form of O.C.D. it's called Digital Hoarding instead of hoarding things in your house you hoard things on your computer. Everything sorrounding me has dissapeared my family my pets everything. It's not the path anyone else would want to take. I collect eveerything from porn to concept art there are people out there who literally want to steal my collection.

I've ruined my life don't ruin yours

Re: How big is your porn collection

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:13 pm
by rougefemale
ya know... i thought maybe you were a little too obsessive with your first post... now, with the last, you are EXTREMELY obsessive and paranoid. maybe you should get some psychiatric help.

i have a small compulsion when i am here in the forum. after i post a message... I HAVE to click the view my message link BEFORE it automatically loads by itself. haha... i dont know why. i also have a problem with microwaving things... i have to stop it a second or two BEFORE its finished... so i dont hear it beep. i also mute television commercials but thats more so my eardrums dont get blasted. truthfully... for sometime now, i record what i want to watch and watch it later... skipping commercials. its insane how much louder they make commercials.

Re: How big is your porn collection

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:04 pm
by moss
mine is like this big

but seriously though. i have like maybe a gb or two of porn. and really, if you take a step back and look at the situation, i think that means i win. also, you may have ridiculously acute digital hoarding ocd, but its definitely not a rare thing for people to compulsively hoard digital content.

i flip the signal indicator back up before i finish turning

Re: How big is your porn collection

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:48 pm
Dude 1gb can fit like 1000 pics and if your lucky if you compress it 1500 pics that's puny

Re: How big is your porn collection

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:58 am
by PerDew
ASTAROTH 5 wrote:I just wanted to know how big anybodys porn collection is. I was hoping to compare to mine. I just want to know if there is anyone out there with 5 terabytes of porn or more. I have 5 portable 1 tb external hard drives each one has approx. 255,000 images and videos so 255,000 x 5 = 1,275,000 images approx in my collection can anyone beat that....?

Some people collect anything, Couldn't tell you how huge mine is but less than your massive stuff! why not share some with us? couldn't find your profile here.

Re: How big is your porn collection

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:17 am
PerDew wrote:
ASTAROTH 5 wrote:I just wanted to know how big anybodys porn collection is. I was hoping to compare to mine. I just want to know if there is anyone out there with 5 terabytes of porn or more. I have 5 portable 1 tb external hard drives each one has approx. 255,000 images and videos so 255,000 x 5 = 1,275,000 images approx in my collection can anyone beat that....?

Some people collect anything, Couldn't tell you how huge mine is but less than your massive stuff! why not share some with us? couldn't find your profile here.

Most of my collection is private, however I'm trying to display as much as possible right now I nearly have 3000 images it's gonna take a while, so patience is key. also check out the Mcdonald chick

Re: How big is your porn collection

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:26 am
by rougefemale
you need to do one of two things on your profile. either change the background color to something besides white or change the text color to something besides white :)