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PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:11 am
by rougefemale
well... after thinking about it and hearing what a few other people think... not to mention the 2nd contest thread has 17939 views and my blog on the 2nd contests is the second most viewed blog (with 30473 views) behind the "guess who" imagefap thread ... maybe its time to do a THIRD one :) and im going to try and simplify the rules a bit for you all.

---------------------------- so here we go

AGAIN: there are 5 categories you can choose from. you can do more than one category, even all of them. you can even submit more than one gallery for a given category.

the prize is still the same: your gallery will be displayed in my top five favorites on my profile for a whole month (maybe longer if i really really really like them). you will get lots of extra images views.

TO THE RULES: some rules are global for all categories and some are specific to a category so pay attention :)

FIRST, the categories:
1. Pink (yes, again, its my thing) or another color :)
2. Bikini
3. Gothic/Emo/Scene
4. Your Collected Favorites
5. Free For All

Global Rules:
1. must not break IFap rules.
2. must be a new gallery (dated from the date i started this thread Feb 5th onward ) you may pull images from your other galleries to make this one though.
3. only the best. no fuzzy shots. at least medium resolution. no crappy people who shouldnt have their photos on the web. i want your absolute favorites. im personally LOOKING for perfection.
4. SERIES photos. i would prefer your galleries to be a collection of several people but im going to lighten up a bit on this one and allow more than one photo per person, even a series. exception... category 4 (your collected favorites) cannot be a series
5. NO SEX, NO MEN. except for the last two categories
7. professional photos. you may use professional photos in all but the BIKINI category. more consideration will be given to amateur photos.
8. time limit. there is a time limit for submissions. all submissions must be in by April 30th. is that enough time?
9. post your links. post the links to your gallery here (i prefer the thumbnails to just a gallery link). makes sure you label the link with what category it falls under.
10. HAVE FUN :)
11. pass the word. i think it would be really cool if we could get as many IFap users involved as possible :)
12. number of photos. galleries must have between 20 and 24 photos ONLY. no exceptions.

Category Specific Rules:

1. Pink or another color:
1. Color is the theme. pick a color (or pick two) and every photo in the gallery revolves around that color... meaning, the color has to be more than visible, it has to be prominent.

2. Bikini:
1. this should be pretty self-explanatory. they may be topless but they must have a bikini bottom on. and this is about bikinis ... no one-piece suits or other bathing attire. although i do consider the boy short bikinis to be bikinis. this is the only category THAT MUST BE AMATEUR.

3. Gothic/Emo/Scene:
1. this one should be pretty self-explanatory too... although some of you do not know the difference between the three (or even that there is a difference) thats O.K. your gallery can be filled with just one, or just two or all three. BUT pay close attention to their age please... this is a hard one because even girls old enough look younger in the "emo state" and some in the scene state too.

4. Your Collected Favorites:
1. you all have single favorite photos... i want you to go find 20-24 of them and put them in a gallery... you know the ones... and to remind you NO SERIES is allowed in this category. check here for some examples of my favorite photos: ... derid=2563 follow the rules for category 5 on what kinds of photos you can post.

5. Free For All:
1. let it out... let it go... posts whatever the hell you want. but there are some rules that must be followed. NO FECES, of any kind. NO URINE, of any kind. NO BLOOD. NO RAPE. NO DEATH. NO CANNIBALISM. i may add another restriction or two to this, as i may have forgotten them... i think i got them all but you get the picture of what i won't allow here.
.... you might be asking, "Whats the difference between 4 and 5"? well, i will tell you. category 4 can be a mix of any kind of photo... the only theme is they have to be PERSONAL favorite. category 5, has to be themed galleries. you can submit as many galleries you want, all with different themes... but EACH gallery must stick to a theme.

any questions?

the contest starts now :)


PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:34 pm
by 4Isa94me
No Cannibalism!! :o What the heck is the deal with that??

Hehe,.. just kidding of course,.. but I didn't even know that was a category for some people.

I have read the guidelines and categories and I think it sounds great. I think the "Collected Favorites" &
"Free for All" categories will be a lot of fun. It basically allows everyone the freedom to enter almost anything
they like. So it should generate a whole bunch of variety. Everybody but the people eaters should be
happy,.. ;)

And I think April 30th is like a plenty of time for sure. It will be interesting to see what happens on the

I think you did a good job explaining everything,.. but the only thing I would ask, which I think I already know the answer
to, but it might benefit others,.. is the type and or style of photo you are looking for. I am assuming that as before
you will be looking for not only ~sexy~ but also Artistic and Unique type photos,.. yes?

Thanks for launching Contest #3 RougeFemale,.. it should be a lot of fun!!

Harvey,.. :D


PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:27 am
by rougefemale
yes... i dont want any old thing... i want the best photos.... the ones YOU think are PERFECT :)


PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:12 pm
by valsorey
Thanks for a new "contest" and the deadline rougefemale :D

It will be a great tool to discover the best I can find.

My only question mark at the moment is about category 3: Emo and scene :?:
Not a clue. I will start googling but "scene" ... might be hard to find.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:45 am
by rougefemale
don't worry about it... those galleries can be just gothic, just emo, just scene, or any combination of two, or all three. and most people get emo and scene mixed up anyway :)


PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:05 pm
by moss
emo - pouty, sullen, dark eyes, usually more modest than scene or goth, may possess cuts or scars, signature emo swoosh bangs, commonly mistaken for scene

scene - similar styles to emo but more hip and flaunting, masks unhappiness with ridiculous hair, drugs and attitude, biggest contributor the the myspace pic sector, commonly mistaken for emo

goth - most distinctive of the three, victorian, super grumpy looking, even more eye shadow than scene or emo, atrocious overuse of the color black in every way (sometimes striped with purple, pink or red)

hope this helps, feel free to further illuminate the situation


PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:18 pm
by Irregular.Fox
boyce77777 wrote:how do i delete my account??????? i have tried from the contact us page several times & i am still on here

Hijacking a mod's thread is probably quite an effective method...


PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:10 am
by rougefemale
actually, i would have let him sit there... forever.


PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:41 am
by kynky
I wonder which contest to tackle first???? emo/goth/scene i think takes my fancy - it almosts feels as if it was made for me :)

And as for telling the difference, Scene girls spend way too much on make up, Emos over here are wannabe goths, and then for goths, are cybers allowed??? i'm including them with trad goth and steam punk.

I can definately do a pink one, but i think i'll fail on the others.....

least we have PLENTY of time...


PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:15 am
by rougefemale

from kynky (who just posted we have plenty of time and how he managed to get it uploaded is beyond me... i still just get a blank page) :P

Emo/Goth/Scene Entry







