Possible Chat Issues

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Possible Chat Issues

Postby longhairfish on Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:01 am

Hi everyone!

It seems that we are having an issue with some users trying to log in to the chat. They see a message similar to ERROR_SAFETY_LIMITS_EXCEEDED.

This is not an error message where something is wrong or bad on your end. It is our chat software.

The makers of the chat do let us use the free version. But there are limits. Like only being allowed to have 5000 users. This is a worry. We already have more than 15,000 users (registered) in the chat now.

For us to get rid of the warning message and continue like we always have we would need to go to a paid version. And that version would cost 10 USD /user /month Billed annually. While that is crappy language from the makers website we don't have $150,000 bucks to throw around.

Back to the warning. Some errors seem to indicate that we are allowed to have 5000 users. But the errors aren't clear as to what happens when we go over that limit. In the last few days or so (after our update) emails and messages started coming in telling me that connecting to the chat was impossible. WTF? Initially I thought that only NEW users could not get in the chat. Nope. The people who can't get in is pretty much at random.

So now what? Well, I am basically waiting to see how bad this problem gets. I told our IT guy the problem. We will both be looking around to see what can be done to fix this mess. I will tell you this much though it won't be easy.

As for using some other type of chat that probably won't happen. And here are the reasons.

1. We need to make sure the chat software is very secure.
2. We need to make sure we can connect the software with our main ImageFap site. Meaning getting you logged in without a fuss. The chat is on a different machine - intentionally.
3. We need to make sure that using the chat to share / display pictures in the rooms doesn't look like ass. It has to be right or there is no sense in proceeding.
4. The overall look of the chat and user functions has to be good enough so "most" people won't hate it.

The above 4 reasons make our current chat rooms almost perfect. No other chat software comes close. And this is the problem. This chat took us forever to test and finally decide it was good for our site. Basically this chat software is all we can use.

I don't know if we will be screwed or not. We can't (obviously) just run the chat and have a limit of 5,000 users. And I don't know if we will lose 10,000 users like - by tomorrow!

This is pretty much all I know. If you can't get in the chat you are probably shit out of luck until we can find free chat software that will hold at least 20,000 users.

If you know of some type of chat that will fit our needs let me know. And don't go Google "chat software" and tell me what you found. This has been done dozens of times.

Email : support@imagefap.com
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