Chat room issues starting March 1st

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Chat room issues starting March 1st

Postby longhairfish on Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:00 am

Chat room issues.

Currently some users can't get in the chat rooms. At the moment there is nothing we can do about it due to restrictions set upon us because of user limits.

IMPORTANT - On or slightly before March 8th we will be converting to a new chat platform. Once that is done everyone will be able to get back in the chat.

That is the short story. Read below to see some new functions of the upcoming chat. Sorry for the trouble!

New Imagefap Chat - March 2024,

We are changing our chat layout. And probably for the better. Our current chat (called RocketChat) has decided to limit us to 25 users. Obviously this won't work. We would have to upgrade to a paid plan which simply will not work.

The new software for the chat is called MatterMost. It is available for almost every platform. You don't need to use a specific "app" if you don't want to. Just your web browser will be fine.

Here is the link to download an app if you need it.

We (admins) have been testing this chat format and it seems to be pretty good. I would go as far to say this MatterMost is better than RocketChat.

Not everyone is going to like this new chat though. I get it. Some people just don't like change. But this is something that had to be done.

Our choices of the type of "free" chat we could use was very limited. Actually I only found two choices that would fit our needs.

The features of this chat are much better than what you might have been used to. Especially the color themes. The options of colors are endless. There are 5 themes already built into the chat. But you can customize the look and feel to what suits you best.

I would say though the customization might be a little bit techy or nerdy for some people. Once you get it down you will end up with a nice looking chat.

If you want to take a peek at some screen captures on Google here is a link -

Performance. I expect the chat to be more responsive than our old chat. Testing so far shows everything to be very snappy and error free.

Right now, as I mentioned, the testing is going pretty good. Some stuff admins use is pretty useful. Other things aren't as great as we are used to or are completely missing.

As it goes with any software changes some things will not work as expected right off the bat. As time goes on we will address problems on a priority basis.
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