Content Alert messages

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Content Alert messages

Postby Tryit74 on Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:29 am

Yesterday I received 4 content alert messages from admin. Messages stated that images had been flagged for review because 3: Unauthorized use, stolen/personal images

Of course the messages included a link to the images. Less than 10 minutes later I received 4 more messages stating that the content had been reviewed and deleted.

So, by the time I checked my messages, none of the links worked, so I couldn't see what images they were. The weird thing is, that I received one of these messages one other time and it included the name of the gallery too so I at least had some idea about the offending image. None of these messages have the gallery title so I really have no idea what images were deleted. Certainly I would never purposefully post photos that fall outside of any of the site rules, as I have said on my profile etc. but, now I am a little hesitant to post galleries, because I am worried about posting photos of the offended individuals again.

I understand why the system works the way it does and why the links to the images won't work after the content is deleted, but I just wish the gallery title was still included in the warning message.
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Re: Content Alert messages

Postby longhairfish on Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:03 pm

In the grand scope of things you have over 25000 pictures uploaded. Having 4 pictures deleted for any reason is a pretty good track record.

Here is how the deletions work. Especially in your case, reason #3. This means that someone complained (formerly or informally) that their pictures were put on our site without permission. You received the 'generic' message of the picture removals. Sadly though we can't specify who, why, when or any reason besides what you see in any detail. The reasons vary a lot. The bottom line is, don't worry about it. We get many requests for pictures that are personal to be removed.
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Re: Content Alert messages

Postby Tryit74 on Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:46 am

Wow... Ok when you look at it that way I guess it's not a huge deal. Lol, honestly I didn't realize I had uploaded that many photos. I guess I just feel kind of bad anytime I break the rules, or do something to offend someone. I am definitely going to give more consideration from now on to the photos I upload and the sources I download from.

Thanks for your reply. I know you guys get tons of images flagged and all kind of people complaining about stuff, so I appreciate your words.
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Re: Content Alert messages

Postby amphetam1ne on Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:37 pm

I have a quick question as well. I recently had two galleries deleted due to copyright infringement. I'm just wondering if there is a certain amount of times this is allowed before you typically suspend an account? I would like to avoid that ever happening to myself in the future. thanks in advance.
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Re: Content Alert messages

Postby Dorine on Sat Aug 01, 2015 1:11 am

amphetam1ne wrote:I have a quick question as well. I recently had two galleries deleted due to copyright infringement. I'm just wondering if there is a certain amount of times this is allowed before you typically suspend an account? I would like to avoid that ever happening to myself in the future. thanks in advance.

The thing i see is you r not flaged it seems
take care of what you are uploading you will have no troubles :-)
also the profiles we deleted for that reason had something like 200 complains!
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