Deletions of "private" images

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Deletions of "private" images

Postby hedgetrimmer on Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:45 pm

Just having a bemused rant, really! :?

Virtually everything I upload to Imagefap is amateur stuff - without exception (well; apart from the pics of my wife and stepdaughter!) downloaded from Imagefap and other well-known public sites such as T*mblr, xH*mster, Fl*ckr, etc. NOTHING is "stolen" from personal files, laptops, etc.

And yet almost invariably when I upload a new gallery it is followed by one or more admin messages stating that a photo is under review as it was private and not intended for publication. I'm not criticizing Imagefap admin at all - they're only following members' wishes - but why on earth do people upload "private" stuff on the net and then complain when others repost it?? :?: A recent removal was in respect of an image of a wife whose husband only a few months previously had asked me to "expose" widely! :roll:

Perhaps I'm just a bit too sensitive about all this but I can't help feeling that I'll become a "marked man" in admin's eyes because of these reviews. Is that true, or is it just a fact of life that I shouldn't lose any sleep over? In my profile notes I invite people to contact me if they want an image removed - I'll always delete it without delay, but they usually go the reporting route.

What is other uploaders' experience? Should I just shrug it off - or is there an admin blacklist that I have to fear?

Rant over! I still enjoy the Imagefap experience - most members are a bit of fun. :D
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Re: Deletions of "private" images

Postby japavidols on Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:15 pm

"Private" images here aren't really private. There are still people here who can see them. And all site rules still apply. And when you download said "amateur" files from other sites and upload them here, guess what? You're still stealing them. Once you do so and reupload it elsewhere it's pretty easy to find using image searches.

A recent removal was in respect of an image of a wife whose husband only a few months previously had asked me to "expose" widely! :roll:

Been there once when I had a tribute gallery deleted by a person who apparently no longer exists here (account closed). Yeah it's BS but what can you do...

Perhaps I'm just a bit too sensitive about all this but I can't help feeling that I'll become a "marked man" in admin's eyes because of these reviews. Is that true, or is it just a fact of life that I shouldn't lose any sleep over? In my profile notes I invite people to contact me if they want an image removed - I'll always delete it without delay, but they usually go the reporting route.

Possibly true. Whether or not a certain report will be the end of you is completely at admins' discretion though. Sometimes one report gets you banned, sometimes not. Just know that while some people will be nice when it comes to image removal the vast majority are, pardon my bad English, pompous asses who will kick rather than kiss. Usually the paranoid ones who put those stupid disclaimers copied & pasted form other porn sites claiming they'll seek legal action, to which I say "if it bothers you that moch, don't upload it to the net". I have seen all of maybe one person, out of thousands, claim they have taken successful legal action against people in these cases.

What is other uploaders' experience? Should I just shrug it off - or is there an admin blacklist that I have to fear?

The answer about a "blacklist" is you're never going to know unless you ever became an admin. The closest thing to that is the Forbidden Content list although that isn't foolproof. One legit DMCA removal notice is all it takes. But just avoid that stuff and tread carefully period when uploading and you'll probably be fine.
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Re: Deletions of "private" images

Postby hedgetrimmer on Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:51 am

japavidols wrote:.


Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. Yeah; the "legal-sounding" disclaimers and warnings on some peoples' profiles, here and elsewhere, crack me up - I even saw one recently on a profile for a guy who hadn't posted anything and didn't even have any favourites. "Pompous asses" sums it up succintly. :lol:

I really try to weed out any material from the Forbidden list and don't knowingly upload underage stuff. As for DMCA notices; again I really avoid obviously copyrighted images - in any event most of that stuff is not what turns me on anyway.

So I guess I'll just proceed with caution and not get too concerned about the odd image review. Anyhow; what's the worst that can happen? I get banned by Imagefap - not exactly life-threatening, is it? I'm only here for fun. I sometimes criticize other members for taking all of this a bit too seriously - perhaps I ought to remember that myself...! :D
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