View "Image favourites" as a standard gallery

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View "Image favourites" as a standard gallery

Postby snortfatgrip on Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:39 pm


the image favourites feature is great for combining images from different galleries, but is it possible to view these lists in the same way as a gallery?

At the moment I have to click an image, then click back, then click the next image to view the images in sequence. Is there a shortcut?

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Re: View "Image favourites" as a standard gallery

Postby hawkyto on Fri Nov 08, 2019 2:01 pm

This!!! so much this!!!

We need this! you create your own collection of pics and when you want to see them you cant do it as a gallery,....THAT SUCKS!!!!! if you want to see as gallery you hace to download all of them an reupload,....thats idiotic!

well...hope imagefap guys fix this!
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Re: View "Image favourites" as a standard gallery

Postby toaster248 on Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:27 pm

real shame that you cant view favourites as a normal gallery, defeats the point
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Re: View "Image favourites" as a standard gallery

Postby purvvygurl on Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:44 pm

I don't mind the back-and-forth. That's what tabs are for.

What I'd really like is to be able to view image favorites ordered with the most recent images added on the first page, rather than 10, 20, 50 pages down. Maybe just a toggle to reorder them, the same way you can toggle the dates of galleries?
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