Site lately - Slow

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Site lately - Slow

Postby styzer91 on Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:39 am

Anyone find that the site is running really slow the last couple of days? Images take a long time to load. Can't get into chat either and not the usual connection failed but it just stops loading.
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Re: Site lately

Postby styzer91 on Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:26 am

No one else have this problem?
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Re: Site lately

Postby hairyscotsman on Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:34 am

the site seems to be slow today especially in profiles very slow to allow scrolling down to the bottom of a profile then even slower coming back up
it cant be my internet connection as other sites ive visited are fine and my signal strength is showing as excellent also there wasnt this slow problem yesterday it appears to have occured overnight
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Re: Site lately

Postby hairyscotsman on Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:12 pm

update to my previous post
after doing a reboot of my laptop with a recovery disc the slow uploading of profiles problem isnt present so it just might have been my laptop then again maybe not its probably just coincidence
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Re: Site lately

Postby longhairfish on Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:56 pm

Slow here to the USA. If I had to complain (ok I will) the site has been getting slower and slower by the week. And I guarantee you its not my connection or PC.
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Re: Site lately

Postby purvvygurl on Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:27 pm

It's been sporadically slow-to-unresponsive for at least a week or more. It'll be running fine for a minute or so, then slow to a dead crawl for awhile, then come back alive, then die again. I'm seeing a lot of "Connecting to..." and "Waiting for..." messages.
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Re: Site lately

Postby travelerxxx on Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:20 pm

I'm seeing the same here: the site runs in fits and starts. This has been happening for over two weeks for certain, and possibly longer. It happens for me on any device, in multiple locations. The symptoms are always the same - the site starts running slowly, then completely stops. Often it takes up to five minutes for it to come back, at which time it is fast - but not for long. It is most certainly getting worse in the last week.

Once I see the "Connecting to server..." message, I know to stop the connection, open another tab and go somewhere else for about five minutes.

Again, it absolutely is not me nor my connection. I've tested on numerous machines, both Windows and Mac - all up-to-date. Also have tested at various locations using various Internet Service Providers - makes no difference. Mobile devices have exactly the same problem.
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Re: Site lately - Slow

Postby Sakkura on Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:14 pm

Pics aren't loading for me either.
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Re: Site lately - Slow

Postby hairyscotsman on Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:35 pm

all pics have disappeared from profiles and galleries checked several profiles and they are all the same
pics in pic upload are very slow to open up when clicked on as well so it must be the site slowing down or something
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Re: Site lately - Slow

Postby CuckoldedHubby on Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:40 pm

I agree with the others who are posting the site is getting slower and slower. Pictures taking forever to load, if they show up! Profile pictures are not always there. Today it's VERY noticeable here in the midwest USA. I would say one or more servers is going down in a death spiral fast!
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