Bill Cobble

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Bill Cobble

Postby Kizuxtheo on Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:03 am

Sometimes when I'm fapping on cam, this users enters without warning in private chats I'm having with other people, or start watching my cam, even if I disable it.
The strange part is that he doesn't appears in the members tab on the chat or the website, is he a mod?
I'd like him to stop.
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Re: Bill Cobble

Postby longhairfish on Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:46 pm

This is a flaw with the chat software. There is no Bill Cobble.

What happens is, especially under a heavy load of users in the chat, when you switch between chat rooms or private chats the software cannot calculate all of the users. This has been happening for the last few version releases of the chat.
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Re: Bill Cobble

Postby themut on Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:41 pm

This creeped me out as well.
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Re: Bill Cobble

Postby Irregular.Fox on Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:55 pm

Bill Cobble does not exist.

He definitely isn't a government agent spying on you.

If you see Bill Cobble appear in your private chats, please consider him a computer glitch or a figment of your imagination.

That is all.
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