Imagefap doesn't load pix anymore

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Imagefap doesn't load pix anymore

Postby redryder69 on Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:07 pm

What happened????? Since you guys did the upgrade (or whatever) I cannot get the site to load fully again, neither in IE, mozilla or opera. What a pity!!! It was the best porn site on the web, but I suppose that was it. When will the official burriyng be?
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Re: Imagefap doesn't load pix anymore

Postby Silversleeves on Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:51 am

There are threads in Help & Support on this issue. Try posting to one of those, or email support and join the club of complainers.

I shouldn't expect to see the ol' Fap go dark too soon -- there have been numberless occasions since I've been a member where things happened to justify it going 404, and the Folks-in-Charge have always found ways of keeping IF going in spite of them. Stubborn bunch of central Europeans that they are.

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Re: Imagefap doesn't load pix anymore - My fix

Postby travelerxxx on Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:30 pm

redryder69 wrote:What happened????? Since you guys did the upgrade (or whatever) I cannot get the site to load fully again, neither in IE, mozilla or opera. What a pity!!! It was the best porn site on the web, but I suppose that was it. When will the official burriyng be?

Red, I had the EXACT same problem and was just SO sure it was Fap. It wasn't. It was me. Rather, it was my router's software blocking Fap. At home - where we use an Apple wireless router connected to an Uverse box - everything was just fine. The problem is at a condo I stay at every other week. There is a Belkin router at that condo. It had been working with no problem, but then all of the sudden it wouldn't load any images (or hardly any) from Fap. I started doing research here on the Fap boards for a clue after checking everything on my own machine (like you, no browser would work - all the same). I logged in to the router and checked the "security" log. HA! It was absolutely loaded with blocked transmissions from Fap. This Belkin router has a built-in software firewall, turned on by default. I switched the firewall software to OFF and restarted everything, including the router. Now, all images - everything - came in 100%!!! That was it. Evidently, the Belkin firewall software saw Fap as running some kind of a "flood" even though it wasn't.

Now, it is no risk for me to run without that router's firewall as I am running a Mac (even so, I am running a third-party firewall), but even a Windows box should be no problem if you've got a decent firewall on it (that you can control). Perhaps the default Windows firewall is adequate - but I'm no Windows expert.

- travelerxxx

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Re: Imagefap doesn't load pix anymore

Postby redryder69 on Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:53 pm

Hi all.
So it looks that all's well from now on. And it wasn't me. As you can see there is an all new Fap, and now it works. Thanks. It looks great, it works great, it's GREAT. I keep on being a fan and uploading all kinds of dirt for our pleasure.
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