Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

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Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

Postby Irregular.Fox on Sun May 08, 2011 3:17 pm

"I have sent many emails regarding child pornography in chat and have received no response. I have sent many emails regarding specific users posting underage or banned content in chat, and have received no response.

I am disgusted that this site is more concerned with the removing copyrighted content than with the flood of child exploitation material that seems to crop up every time I go into chat.

If I understand correctly this site is based in the Netherlands. Therefore as of this time I will be taking a screencap of any objectionable material that I find and sending it to the child pornography unit of the Dutch National Police at this address: ... PageId=837

I guess that since you've stopped listening to complaints from members in the forum and via email you might start listening to the police when they request information directly from you regarding activity in YOUR chat room.

I shall also be posting this in the forum for others to follow my example. Unfortunately if you are unwilling or unable to police this site, then the police will need to on your behalf."
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Re: Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

Postby Irregular.Fox on Sun May 08, 2011 3:21 pm

Sorry if this sounds self righteous, but when I call out a fuckwit in chat about the crap he's posting, and he and 3 or 4 of his pedophile cronies have the nerve to abuse me about it in plain view, I figure enough is enough. This needs to be stamped out now.
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Re: Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

Postby ASTAROTH 5 on Sun May 08, 2011 11:19 pm

Place links with the galleries in the E-mail that's what I did if they are not removed place the links in a thread that's what I did they were removed and the User was placed under review....

ImageFap has problems with this sort of thing I think much harsher action is needed....

Also like I mentioned before a filter on the uploader would be great....

Some sites have filters that detect underage and other forbidden content.....

The Site Admin said that ImageFap would be getting one but it would be great if it could be done as soon as possible....
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Re: Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

Postby andrew_01 on Mon May 09, 2011 2:17 am

The moderator presence has certainly increased in the chat room of late, and I have not seen any dodgy images being uploaded for a while. Thumbnails don't seem to be working so that will reduce the problem.

The number of links to other sites seems to have lessened and there seems to be more links to pages on ImageFap. Maybe something has been done already but the ImageFap Gods have not yet communicated these changes to us loyal minions. I have noted the odd comment coming up as saying *censored*. I don't know if these are just folk larking about (as this has not been posted during any of the conversations I have been involved in) or if it is an actual filter of some sort.

The thing that concerns me the most is what happens if a user clicks on a link and finds it to be of undesirable material? OK if a link is obvious as to what it is likely to be by its address then there is very little excuse for viewing, but if the is an innocent looking link then where does that leave the regular law abiding user?

I don't think your e-mail sounds self righteous at all as this is a serious issue for the site that has to be taken seriously and a very strict line has to be taken. If this is an on-going problem then your e-mail says what has to be said, and I am all for your proposal if the problem persists.
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Re: Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

Postby admin on Wed May 11, 2011 10:26 am

There will be added a plugin to chat, making it possible for users to report abuse directly from chat. (don't know when it will be implemented, so don't send me emails about this)

CP in chat is one of my main concerns, I have requested the addition of another plugin, making it easier to moderate chat (waiting for permission, but I am positive it will be added)

I am doing everything in my power to stop the posting of abusive content on imagefap, let there be no doubt about it.

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Re: Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

Postby Irregular.Fox on Wed May 11, 2011 1:15 pm

Just as a matter of interest, can you tell me how many people have been reported to the authorities over the last few months from posting inappropriate material in chat or uploaded galleries?

Certainly showing that this will not be tolerated by demonstrating a desire to see these sick freaks brought to justice will do more to stop the posting than a vague promise to add functionality to chat.
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Re: Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

Postby admin on Wed May 11, 2011 3:13 pm

17 have been reported by us to the police over the last 4 months.
We received 7 reports from the police regarding cp, with the request to remove the content

As I mentioned in my email , I am in direct contact wil the police on a regular basis, by email and phone.
They also have direct access to upload- and userinfo and are at liberty to retrieve every and all information we have on our users.

Based on the emails I receive from users on a daily basis, it is clear that most people do not know what is considered illegal

Here is a clear explanation of what is considered cp : ... ageId=1504

Under federal law (18 U.S.C. §2256), child pornography is defined as any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where

--the production of the visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or
--the visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or
--the visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit conduct.

Who Is a Minor?
For purposes of enforcing the federal law (18 U.S.C. §2256), “minor” is defined as a person under the age of 18.

In other words, the law states the subject on the image has to be under 18, and there has to be a clear sexual context, to make it illegal.

For most NN-teens, and NN-Models both rules cannot be applied
So, for example, an image of a 14 year old, in bikini, sunbathing, is not considered childporn by law.

However, we think images like that have no place on Imagefap: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2966

- Images of NN-teens
They do not belong on an adult site. If in doubt about the age, do not post it.
This includes, but is not limited to, models (teens) that are over 18, but look much younger. (ImageFap has the final decision in this)

Be assured that those uploading and/or sharing real cp on ifap or chat, are reported to the police.

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Re: Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

Postby andrew_01 on Wed May 11, 2011 6:26 pm

I remember when I was a student, I worked in a shop. We had a policy that for someone to by alcohol the buyer had to be 18 (as per the law) however, if someone did not look 18 they were asked to demonstrate that they were 21. Maybe something similar could be used here?

I think images that are of younger persons should perhaps be authorised by the site admin and/or moderators. The person uploading should be asked to demonstrate that the person in the picture(s) is at least 21, unless it is obvious that they are 18, thus giving a bit of a buffer.

Obviously this is a lot harder in chat where non-descript links are often posted. Where does this leave the user that clicks on a vague link in chat only to find it is something inappropriate that they did not want to see?
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Re: Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

Postby ASTAROTH 5 on Wed May 11, 2011 7:11 pm

andrew_01 wrote:I remember when I was a student, I worked in a shop. We had a policy that for someone to by alcohol the buyer had to be 18 (as per the law) however, if someone did not look 18 they were asked to demonstrate that they were 21. Maybe something similar could be used here?

I think images that are of younger persons should perhaps be authorised by the site admin and/or moderators. The person uploading should be asked to demonstrate that the person in the picture(s) is at least 21, unless it is obvious that they are 18, thus giving a bit of a buffer.

Obviously this is a lot harder in chat where non-descript links are often posted. Where does this leave the user that clicks on a vague link in chat only to find it is something inappropriate that they did not want to see?

Photo scanning software is available for sites like this that's also what I meant by uploading filter....

The software is able to detect the age and even what country they are from...

Yes the software will make the uploader a little slower but I think it's a good idea....
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Re: Copy of email sent to Admin 08.05.2011

Postby admin on Wed May 11, 2011 7:44 pm

Actually we have tested software to scan images, but that was a heavy burden on our database.

An upload filter that makes our uploader slower is not an option, uploading is a rather delicate process

We have discussed the option of reviewing images before they are posted on the site, but the mass amount of images that are uploaded on a daily basis makes that
an impossible task
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