New Gallery "Edit mode" obnoxious!

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New Gallery "Edit mode" obnoxious!

Postby Silversleeves on Tue May 03, 2011 12:42 am

No other word seems to fit.

We don't need to be told how to add a Gallery description, or that it's possible to add a Description to each picture in a gallery. So put that big empty box away and get on to something that actually NEEDS attention, like repairing mod dates on galleries us "Winston Smith spammers" add to from time to time.

I recommended extending the per-picture Description buffer from a measly 235 characters upwards to 300 or better, and they did this instead.

Where the Uploader puts new adds is better than it was, and they could have worked to make "Reorder Images" wholly obsolete, but they did this instead.

Anyone wonder why the "issues unresolved" column of the techs' To-Do list is still as long as it is? My guess is, partly because of flights of fancy like this, leaving members scratching their heads and uselessly, it seems, hoping for another Big Fix.

Was the idea to teach more ImageFap members English? To paraphrase a line from a comedy movie (name escapes me just now), "They don't understand loud English, either!"

If somebody can give me a link to the post in rougefemale's SUGGESTIONS thread, that proves some member wanted this, I'll reconsider my take on this. Otherwise, I'm sticking to my guns.

[Edit: They now have "add" or "edit" gallery "description" configured so certain punctuation doesn't "stick." Ampersands (&), for instance, disappear along with whatever text follows them.]
Last edited by Silversleeves on Tue May 03, 2011 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Gallery "Edit mode" obnoxious!

Postby Silversleeves on Tue May 03, 2011 2:04 am

Or how about this old chestnut?
Want to know the date you signed up for ImageFap? Don't want to surf into the Forums or do the math involved in parsing the time they give you on your Profile page (X years and Y months, etc.)? Well, just surf on over to any uploaded picture in any one of your galleries. Let the full-sized picture page with its fancy Fap formatting load, then look for the line "Added" (no quotes) in the yellow box below the picture, just above the link for "Add image to Favorites." If your galleries are anything like mine, you won't see the date the picture was added to the gallery (or uploaded to ImageFap's servers, if it's a brand-new gallery). Instead, down to the second by the Dutch clock, you will see the date and time you joined ImageFap.

And instead of fixing that, they did this.

Last edited by Silversleeves on Fri May 06, 2011 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I can't say this change was _all bad, though.

Postby Silversleeves on Fri May 06, 2011 3:45 pm

I do like how they modified "add description" (for single images). Instead of simply a "Save" button, and having to wait while a thumbs page reloads before we're sure if comment WXYZ "went in," we now have JavaScript-driven confirmation. It would have been great to see the buffer extended along with this, but the way it works now is better than nothing, I suppose.

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