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Postby ASTAROTH 5 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:20 am

Please stop making Threads about the following subjects for they already have threads or have already been resolved:

Threads regarding the new uploader (And please stop saying fuck the new uploader we get the point you are trying to make)

Threads regarding the blocking application (resolved)

Threads regarding the favourites application (there are multiple post relating to this very topic please place your post in a existing thread)

Threads regarding adding images to new or existing galerries (there are multiple Threads regarding this very subject)

Threads regarding thumbnails not showing (there are multiple Threads regarding this very subject)

Threads regarding uploading videos and logging on to moviefap (there are multiple Threads regarding this very subject)

Threads regarding spammers (please place your post on a existing thread for multiple threads exist of this subject already)

Threads regarding Miley Cyrus, Hanna Montana, Emma Watson, or asking the site to remove them from the Forbidden Content list.

Threads regarding missing images or thumbnails not showing (there are multiple threads regardingb this problem please state your situation on one of the existing post)

Threads regarding problems on other sites including:





please bring your problems up with the site itself rather than a site that has nothing to with it......! :

Please don't place images in threads that's what galleries are for........!

please post site suggestions on rougefemales thread "things imagefap could do or change" don't make a completely new thread with a suggestion or problem for this what that thread is for........!

thanks and peace out

Sincerely, ASTAROTH 5
Last edited by ASTAROTH 5 on Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Silversleeves on Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:44 pm

Well-phrased (says the Oldest Member -- again respects to PGW) but a desperately pointless effort.

The problem, in a word or two, is the "language barrier." (Yes, there is one.) Read on.

One forgets when one is posting in English that not all on ImageFap speak, read or understand English as well as they themselves do. That's where it becomes futile to advise or suggest that threads on topics be kept to a minimum, or that certain topics be omitted from discussion altogether. As the author of a "sticky" entitled "READ DOWN THE LISTS BEFORE STARTING A NEW THREAD," I think I've covered this ground -- the sticky has, of course, been ignored. In puzzling out why that might be the case, I've drawn the conclusion -- along with a few others -- that starts this paragraph.

Ever wonder why things that should have step-by-step instructions or mini-manual pages on the Gallery side, don't? Think of it this way. The Fap is in the Netherlands, where English is popular and many thousands of citizens can and do claim to be fluent (writing it as well as speaking it). The hang-up is that this is not so for every country from which IF members hail. Some places in the world, if English rates or runs 6th, 7th or 8th, one should count oneself lucky.

The same, as I see it, applies to this class of Forum thread where someone suggests, advises, pleads, etc. that threads on a certain topic be kept to a minimum or not begun in the first place. It obviously made no difference to start this one, if the OP's links back to it are any proof at all, and no doubt a good part of the reason why is Language.

Just a few more thoughts on the matter. Take what you like, and leave the rest.

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Postby Irregular.Fox on Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:22 pm

Most people are going to go straight ahead and post their threads. Chances are none of them would read this first, even if it was a sticky. They're upset, angry or confused, and they're venting. Such is life.

I will add that writing topics in CAPS lock only makes you look silly and desperate.
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Postby ASTAROTH 5 on Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:58 pm

I wrote it in caps lock so that people could notice it better............
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Re: Please Stop Posting The Following Threads...!

Postby Silversleeves on Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:53 pm


If you MUST (caps again -- futile since this is the 5th post in a thread that's already being ignored by NE1 who should be reading it) post threads that discuss other sites than ImageFap, there IS (ditto) a place in these forums for it.

"General Off-Topic" in "GENERAL STUFF"

It's a trade-off, really. Member X from city Y in country Z gets to vent, and those of us who prefer to see only ImageFap-related topics discussed in the forums meant for them, don't have to see it.

And the mods DO (ditto) read the threads down there. rougefemale did pretty regularly and I recall that, once in a blue moon, longhairfish has put his 50¢ in on one or two threads.

Since nobody here can really do much of anything to remedy conflicts between ImageFap and, or issues purely related to, the sites ASTAROTH 5 named in the OP to this thread, it's about as close as one can come to the ideal sounding board.

"He has all of Nelson's qualities, except one. He has not learned to disobey."
- Admiral Sir J.A. Fisher, RN, 1914, referring to Admiral Jellicoe
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Postby andrew_01 on Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:23 pm

Maybe your pleas would carry more weight if they came from someone with authority on this site, i.e. a moderator or admin. At the moment, it looks like 2 pissed off users having a rant. not exactly conducive to getting your point accross. Perhaps you could ask the powers that be to update the forum guide?

It doesn't matter how long you have been on a site, but unless you are a moderator or admin you have no right to tell anyone what to do or not to do.

Posting on someones website is a priviledge, not a God given right.

I apologise for writing something sensible. ;)
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Postby Irregular.Fox on Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:08 pm

andrew_01 wrote:
I apologise for writing something sensible. ;)

We dun like that kind of witchcraft in this ere forum... Boys, get me lynchin rope!

Silversleeves wrote:Folks:

If you MUST (caps again -- futile since this is the 5th post in a thread that's already being ignored by NE1 who should be reading it) post threads that discuss other sites than ImageFap, there IS (ditto) a place in these forums for it.

"General Off-Topic" in "GENERAL STUFF"

It's a trade-off, really. Member X from city Y in country Z gets to vent, and those of us who prefer to see only ImageFap-related topics discussed in the forums meant for them, don't have to see it.

And the mods DO (ditto) read the threads down there. rougefemale did pretty regularly and I recall that, once in a blue moon, longhairfish has put his 50¢ in on one or two threads.

Since nobody here can really do much of anything to remedy conflicts between ImageFap and, or issues purely related to, the sites ASTAROTH 5 named in the OP to this thread, it's about as close as one can come to the ideal sounding board.


Told you before that the people you're getting pissed off about just aren't reading this thread. You're wasting your time.
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Postby ASTAROTH 5 on Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:59 pm

andrew_01 wrote:Maybe your pleas would carry more weight if they came from someone with authority on this site, i.e. a moderator or admin. At the moment, it looks like 2 pissed off users having a rant. not exactly conducive to getting your point accross. Perhaps you could ask the powers that be to update the forum guide?

It doesn't matter how long you have been on a site, but unless you are a moderator or admin you have no right to tell anyone what to do or not to do.

Posting on someones website is a priviledge, not a God given right.

I apologise for writing something sensible. ;)

Was I talking to you....!

And the main reason for this thread is because people kept asking why Miley Cyrus was on the forbidden content list and I and a couple of other got tired of having that debate like ten times......!

And as a member of this site I have the right to state my opinion......!
Questions are not stupid just the people who ask them are.....LOL.....!
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Postby ASTAROTH 5 on Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:01 pm

As for being a mod I'm a mod on another porn site.....!
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Postby andrew_01 on Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:27 pm

ASTAROTH 5 wrote:Was I talking to you....!

You post wasn't directed at anyone so it is for anyone to reply to then.

ASTAROTH 5 wrote:And the main reason for this thread is because people kept asking why Miley Cyrus was on the forbidden content list and I and a couple of other got tired of having that debate like ten times......!

Ignore it then. It is upto site admin to police what is posted, not us.

ASTAROTH 5 wrote:And as a member of this site I have the right to state my opinion......!

True, but you have as much right as I do to tell other what to do i.e. none!

ASTAROTH 5 wrote:As for being a mod I'm a mod on another porn site.....!

And? you're not a mod here are you? No.

The point of my post was not to insult (as you seem to have taken it as) but was meant to give a bit of advice on how to get your message accross as I know how these things work from other sites. If you want something to change have a dialodgue with the site admin and/or moderators as they will succeed. Assuming the role of instigating changes when you are a regular user is no use whatsoever. belive me, I've tried! As you do not have any authority no one will take notice, that is the problem you are up against.
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