Big flaw in Gallery reordering

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Re: Big flaw in Gallery reordering

Postby adct124 on Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:12 am

The hell broke loose when I touched My Content -> Gallery Listing
I was just trying to reorder galleries - actually swap two of them - within one section/folder, which resulted in oldest-on-top order on Profile page and on all Gallery folders.
So I manually reordered (reversed) ALL galleries from newest to oldest.
All fine.
Then I added a new gallery gallery; in My Content -> Gallery Listing this time it was at the top (newest, as it should be), followed by all existing galleries in reverse order (oldest first)
Same problem as above, oldest-at-the-top again on Profile page...

Finally I reordered ALL the galleries AGAIN and decided not to touch anything (i.e. Gallery Listing and no more uploads) until this thing is fixed.

There are also issues with private clubs and galleries, but I have managed to somehow sort it out - with little more effort, so it is not such a big problem/priority.
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Re: Big flaw in Gallery reordering

Postby earlyamerican on Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:09 am

Yep, I know what you mean! I cant believe that this is the new way of doing it, why would you want galleries that were posted years ago to appear at the top of your gallery listings? And then if you dont, spend 15 mins manualy plodding thru 200+ galleries just to get them in the old default order (and logical one). I keep thinking i am missing the obvious, but whatever i do, wherever i look, it just aint there!
Im not sure if all users are having this problem, as id think more would be complaining (but maybe not) but also because there are some users on here with 2000+ galleries, and post 5 or 6 galleries a day, and if you look at their gallery listings they are in date order (latest at the top). Im not sure how, are they manualy moving 2000+ galleries, 6 times a day? If so, do they ever sleep! All very confusing. I love for someone to shine a light on this.....because it beats me! I want to post more galleries, but with it like this, it just takes too long to get it how you want it.
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Re: Big flaw in Gallery reordering

Postby adct124 on Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:43 am

I think the problem appeared from the moment I foolishly tried to reorder galleries in single folder and touched that My Fap -> My Content -> Gallery Listing...

it seems to me you won't see it if you just upload new galleries, never touching that darn widget - which is why it seems contained to limited number of users.
Biggest problem is that once you had that issue, it screws up the gallery order each time you upload something, be it entire new gallery or just a single picture to already existing gallery. Though I tried (several times over and over again) to restore reverse chronological order (newest at the top) it won't work like it used to before.
Why there is no complaint storm from all the users? Perhaps only those that used Gallery Listing thingie are affected. A few guesses why:
as it was:
  • galleries were by default listed newest to oldest from top to bottom
  • if you added picture to an existing gallery this would not move the affected gallery to the top of the list
  • did not use that feature in old interface, but somewhere was mentioned there was "frontpage" flag that could force the flagged gallery / galleries to the top of the list
therefore we can assume gallery creation timestamp was used for gallery sorting (and also that "frontpage" flag).
Now we have that flawed possibility to gain control of entire gallery order, not a minor change...

as it is:
  • relation of gallery name to gallery ID to its creation timestamp (as it was, old code handles it)
  • additional user-defined position index field which is either:
    • not defined - if you never tried Gallery listing tab and old code is handling it
    • something else - set throuh Gallery Listing widget which sets the user-defined order, and new buggy code handles it
if that holds true, and user never did try to reorder the galleries, there is no problem.

So, adding an option to restore chronological order (that would actually clear the user-defined index position) could be a quick workaround; should take less time to implement than debugging the new code and will give us what we want most of the time reverting to old way of listing the galleries.
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Re: Big flaw in Gallery reordering

Postby Silversleeves on Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:20 am

A great analysis of the problem by adct124. My hat would be off to him, if I wore one. :)

Until anything is done to remedy the situation to both our liking, I suggest this half-hearted, still time-consuming workaround:
Keep your gallery order and still add pics.

And though there are a few extra steps involved, it also works in the case of newly-created galleries.

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