Forums: Was anyone else "locked out"?

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Forums: Was anyone else "locked out"?

Postby Silversleeves on Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:39 am

For nearly all of the past two days, I haven't been able to post to the Forums. My email to Support probably explains what happened the best way.

BZT, 28 April 1740 Z wrote:This might just be a fluke, but I don't think it is.

The Forum appears unable to "take" log-ins. This morning (my time) I logged in by way of the site, opened a browser tab for the Forum and on the Index page I noticed just about every one of the subforums below "Announcement" was showing red titles, signifying new messages. The odd part was when I clicked into Site Stuff, and later, Help & Support, every thread title with an April 2011 date was also in red, including many in which I myself had made the last post. Clicking back into the Index, I scrolled down and noticed the following line for the first time since I've known the forums to work:

> Registered users: No registered users and 0 guests

My first thought was: maybe it's not taking log-ins from the gallery side of the site. So I logged myself from the main site,, and re-loaded the forum's Index page. I scrolled down to the area where Username and Password are entered -- my browser had filled those fields for me, just fyi -- and clicked on the appropriate button. The next page was the "You have been successfully logged in" with a link back to the index. Clicking on that did return me to the Index but with a "jump" down to the log-in fields area, and this time the line above "Legend" read:

> Registered users: No registered users

I clicked on the same appropriate button, and got the same result. As I was not seen as logged in, I could not post this issue, and reckoned it would be lost in no time in the textual tsunami of the Blogs, so I decided to report this problem via email.

Did the same thing happen to anyone else?

Just curious, is all.

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Re: Forums: Was anyone else "locked out"?

Postby ASTAROTH 5 on Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:45 am

I contacted the Admin the forum was offline....

I thought I got banned....LOL....
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Re: Forums: Was anyone else "locked out"?

Postby Irregular.Fox on Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:44 pm

I had no problems logging in, but when I clicked "new posts" there weren't any.

I usually log in once a day, and being in a different time zone from most of you I could have "straddled the problem", in other words logging in just before and just after the problem started / finished.
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Re: Forums: Was anyone else "locked out"?

Postby longhairfish on Sun May 01, 2011 11:41 am

This happened to everyone. Closest answer I can give you is that there was a problem with one of the backups that didn't quite make it. If it was like mine, it went to 99.7% and croaked. LOL!
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