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Any way to keep my nuts ascended?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:50 am
by mmai
I love the feel and the way I look when I tuck my nuts up. But they won't stay. Any suggestions? Anyone else do this?

Re: Any way to keep my nuts ascended?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:26 am
by TinyNutsTim
You probably are not into it, but tightly banding mine over and over until numb has caused them to permanently atrophy to the point it looks like I'm castrated when they are not banded. But you'd be sterile and most guys do not want that.

Re: Any way to keep my nuts ascended?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:34 pm
by sissyboycindy
I agree,,tightly banding them is what you need to do . It will take care of your problem of things not staying where they need to the fastest and easiest

Re: Any way to keep my nuts ascended?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:07 am
by TinyNutsTim
Well, alcohol (ie, vodka) ejections into your balls works faster, but you don't get a sweet orgasm as they begin to die like banding, so it's a no-starter for me.

Re: Any way to keep my nuts ascended?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 5:41 pm
by mmai
Was thinking more along the lines of something to wear that would hold them in place until my body got used to them in that position and they stay there. My nut sack would probably contract tight and help in keeping them in their new location.

BTW, my girlfriend loves the look of an empty tight sack. She's Pina and thinks its pretty that way.

Re: Any way to keep my nuts ascended?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:25 pm
by BiDaddy2019
Why pull your nuts up? The hang low for a reason. They need to be cool for the sperm to multiply.

Re: Any way to keep my nuts ascended?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:04 am
by mmai
I'm no longer interested in having children. Part of having my nuts up is that I will become sterile from my own body heat.

Re: Any way to keep my nuts ascended?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 11:42 pm
by TinyNutsTim
I agree, if you are done or not interested, why keep them in good reproductive health. Have fun with them. See if she'd like to try a "Tiny Nut" fetish instead like my wife has. Show her my photos so she can get an idea of what it looks like. Here is an example:
She doesn't have to put up with a hard cock down her throat, you stay limp many times even as you orgasm. And you don't have to put up with morning erections, I hated them almost as much as my useless nuts. Orgasms are less often, but much more satisfying, though. What do you think?

Re: Any way to keep my nuts ascended?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 5:14 pm
Well if you’re just looking for the easiest ways that don’t involve banding, I know that my balls crawl up inside me with lots of caffeine and or adderall, and lowered room temperature.

Bear in mind that I don’t try to shrink my balls... I NEVER tuck and I love having them hanging and bulging... but they always shrink up when I do the above.