Time to ban all Russian profiles

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Time to ban all Russian profiles

Postby AlannaSweety on Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:27 pm

Now is the time to show as a community we hate what Russia is doing. Time to ban all Russian profiles.
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Re: Time to ban all Russian profiles

Postby TheOldNick on Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:10 am

And time to ban all jewish profiles too. Welcome back to the dark ages.

And btw: time to ban all American profiles. When did the Americans occupy a country last time?

Or you see the reality. War is a thing of politicians. Not of the people. Perhaps we should ban all politicians, put up a boxing ring in the Madison Square Garden and then these stinkers can work out their low instincts face to face with their bare fists. As long and as often as they want.

Big advantage: Nobody else will be hurt.
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Re: Time to ban all Russian profiles

Postby sissynancyboy on Mon Mar 07, 2022 9:00 am

I see both sides of the story and the answer is not so simple. Not all Russians are like the shit that are waging war in Ukraine. We are lucky in the west that we can see that they are being fed bullshit and lies by their own so called leader(s). Probably we are too, but by a much smaller amount and most of us are savvy enough to see through it. ( Take note Boris Johnson, your day will come). However the question is it appropriate that ordinary Russians are allowed to enjoy the trappings of western society, in this case pornography. Maybe the average Ivan on here, maybe has members of his family taking part of the attack on Ukraine by using cyber warfare or they have brothers out there murdering innocent Ukrainians. He may have brothers arresting protesters on the street.
Despite my change of avatar, I have no connection to Ukraine at all, but I feel incredibly strongly about what is happening to these people. The only way to stop what is happening out there is going to come from the Russian people themselves. The greedy politicians and business people in the west have been lazy and allowed them to become the school bully, but so have ordinary Russians by allowing the super rich to control their lives. When they stop buying into the bullshit they are fed, they need to rise up and take down the establishment. Russia has a history of revolution and maybe it's time for another. The Old Nick quite rightly mentioned Jews, we not allowed to say anything against them. But Israel is slowly murdering the people of Palestine. I have nothing against Jews but I detest Israel.So should Russians be allowed to view imagefap, my head says yes, my heart says no. I don't see why they should enjoy the trappings of western society when they are behaving like a bunch of bastards. It would be an interesting debate if people weren't being killed whilst we're having it.
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Re: Time to ban all Russian profiles

Postby TheOldNick on Mon Mar 07, 2022 2:30 pm

sissynancyboy wrote:I see both sides of the story and the answer is not so simple

Disagree. The answer is that simple. Ever taken a look on my profile? Looking where I come from?

Don't you find it somehow disturbing when you seriously discuss with a German whether Jews should be excluded from parts of normal life? Or Russians? And that your heart says "Yes" to it? What You won't see there is the fact that I am a jewish German.

We have some discounters here that already removed "russian" products from the racks already. For example a vodka called "Vodka Gorbatschow". Just to mention it: This Vodka is produced in Hamburg, Germany. We already had physical attacks to Germans with Russian decent here. We already had cobblestones in Russian shops.

Believe me. I can recognize a new "1935" (Just google the 1935 laws if you don't remember them) when I see it. And I also see that this way of thinking is obviously not a German privilege anymore today. That it seems to be quite normal to write "Don't buy at [insert ethnical group here]s " to store windows. Or if you find yourself more comfortable with it: Writing "No [insert ethnical group here] allowed." If I remember correctly it was pretty popular in the USA too. Just replace "Negroes" by "Russians" and you can even use the old signs from the times before the Montgomery bus boycott again as we can if we replace "Juden". Then it's "Russen sind hier unerwünscht" that replaces the old "Juden sind hier unerwünscht".

Does it still feel right?
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Re: Time to ban all Russian profiles

Postby sissynancyboy on Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:06 pm

I'm not sure whether your understanding my point here. As I said I have no issue with individuals whether they be Jews or Russians. But I do have a issue with how their countries can behave towards other countries. That's why I mentioned Israel. Here in the UK, you can't say anything bad about Israel or your accused of being anti-semetic, which is not the same. You mention the laws in Germany in 1935 which were abhorrent, in my own country we have had more than our fair share of laws that are biased against individuals. Ask the Catholics in Northern Ireland or racial or sexual minorities who have been discriminated against.
Right now, what is taking place in the Ukraine, is threat to the entire world, not just a single country. When some lunatic starts threatening to use nuclear weapons I don't want mine or any other country to do business with them or allow them to have the same privileges as me.
For you the answer maybe simple, but for me it isn't.
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Re: Time to ban all Russian profiles

Postby owubnarg on Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:17 pm

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Re: Time to ban all Russian profiles

Postby TheOldNick on Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:07 am

sissynancyboy wrote:I'm not sure whether your understanding my point here.

Well... the point in this thread was "Ban all Russian profiles".

And that's a thing I know very well. Just to show you an image:
http://juden-in-frankenthal.de/s/cc_ima ... 030627.JPG
This was taken in 1933. Two years before it became law.

Here it's also only a library:
https://www.eternalechoes.org/applicati ... nority.jpg

And that's the way it begins. Not with deportations or concentration camps. It begins with "Ban somebody from somewhere because they belong to a certain group". And that's the problem.
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Re: Time to ban all Russian profiles

Postby MsCorrect on Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:54 am

TheOldNick wrote:And time to ban all jewish profiles too. Welcome back to the dark ages.

And btw: time to ban all American profiles. When did the Americans occupy a country last time?

Or you see the reality. War is a thing of politicians. Not of the people. Perhaps we should ban all politicians, put up a boxing ring in the Madison Square Garden and then these stinkers can work out their low instincts face to face with their bare fists. As long and as often as they want.

Big advantage: Nobody else will be hurt.

Yikes that's a bit much! Banning Jewish people; a religion and a culture. That's a lot!

I'm an expert on logic and looking through the bullshit. It's my X-men power. So. So so. Russia is bad mmkay. Let's bullet-point some of the recent changes in society, law, and governing in Russia:

- It's okay for a man to physically assault his wife and children. The police no longer look into domestic violence matters, though some reports of women being charged if they fight back.
- You can be gay in Russia but it's also okay to physically assault gay people. You're also not allowed to do Pride: no banners, no support, no nothing.
- Being Transgender in Russia is a death sentence.
- July 2018 two Russian agents planted Novichok to kill a Russian emigrant who spoke out about his old country. His daughter was affected by the nerve agent too. Not long later a man found a perfume bottle, gave it to his girlfriend who thought it was a gift, and she died from Novichok poisoning. The boyfriend almost died. So that's 3 people with now long term nerve agent related health problems and 1 dead person.
- In 2014 Russian soldiers launched a surface to air rocket that blew up jet plane Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 killing hundreds on board.
- Putin is in power until he decides he doesn't want to be. That's a dictatorship.

On the contrary Ukraine is a normal run of the mill democracy. And hasn't done anything like those mentioned above.

Let's continue to look at this unbiased: Russia is an invading power. They're rolling into Ukraine. Ukraine isn't rolling into Russia. They've already blown up a childrens hospital! Horrible! Number of Russian childrens hospitals destroyed in the past month: zero. I'm skipping over the cases of Russian troops kidnapping mayors, taking hostages, killing innocent civilians.

Putin has also used the "blood and soil" argument which is also what Hitler used when he invaded Poland.

I don't know what point its going to get to when the rest of the world doens't just give Ukraine arms but also troops. It's disgusting what Russia is doing and Putin and his cronies won't pay for this: just lots of of poor Russian soldiers and innocent Ukranian civilians who've done nothing wrong except were born in the wrong country, and they didn't have to be invaded.

[One of the worst stories I saw was of some Uni lecturer guy who was abroad when the invasion hit. His wife, 2 kids, elderly mother, and 2 pet dogs all tried to escape. He found out they were dead by watching the news where he recognised his loving wife's coat and backpack, where she now lay on the cold floor along with the rest of her family. Killed by gunfire - not shelling. So Russian soldiers had to have approached them and simply took their lives away. The husband though god can you imagine. Your whole family wiped out just like that. He's got no one now. Heartbreaking. Putin didn't have to do this. What's this BS you're talking about war being for politicians? They're not the ones who get killed. It barely impacts their lives and ruins the lives of those living under them. Ukraines leader did nothing wrong, he's nothing like Putin. He's a man having his home invaded.]
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Re: Time to ban all Russian profiles

Postby TheOldNick on Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:45 pm

MsCorrect wrote:Yikes that's a bit much! Banning Jewish people; a religion and a culture. That's a lot!

Of course. That's a bit much. Like banning somebody because of nationality or origin.

To make your text short: Ban Putin on imagefap. Also ban Russian politicians on imagefap. All the rest depends on the very single person. Not on the fact that the account holder sits in Russia. That's way too much.
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Re: Time to ban all Russian profiles

Postby sissynancyboy on Tue Mar 15, 2022 12:52 pm


I can see that your relatively new to this forum and you don't see how it quite works. I can see that you mistakenly thought like most forums that it was a discussion where two or more people can have differing opinions without resorting to rudeness. But in reality some people believe they are the only ones with an opinion that matters and are not open to consider other peoples opinions no matter how valid they are. So they have their little rant and carry on rather like the dictators of the present time or yesteryear. I find it's easier not to bother to attempt a discussion with such individuals, It's easier to just ignore them, as they say never argue with a neurotic. I made that mistake and my profile suddenly came under review for a few days without explanation and I know exactly who to thank for that.
However it's good that you actually care about the people of Ukraine, instead of sticking up for the people who are persecuting them
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