Request: Hide suspended galleries

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Re: Request: Hide suspended galleries

Postby jaxpantyguy on Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:50 pm

I am not familiar with how the site is set up but is seems it would be about as simple to remove the gallery as it is to put a flag next to it. In the last couple days especially it seems these galleries have multiplied tremendously and are quite annoying
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Re: Request: Hide suspended galleries

Postby firefly3323 on Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:07 pm

jaxpantyguy wrote:I am not familiar with how the site is set up but is seems it would be about as simple to remove the gallery as it is to put a flag next to it. In the last couple days especially it seems these galleries have multiplied tremendously and are quite annoying

i may be wrong but i believe that the mods can only flag a gallery, then it is up to admin to actually determine if it should be deleted. as far as the increase in flagged galleries, it seems as though over the past month +/- there as been a spammer (for lack of a better word) that has been posting most of the flagged galleries. each day it returns trying to get someone to click on their link to a .ru addy. i wonder how many people are dumb enough to do just that?

as far as how the site looks to me, it shows up for me just as the screen cap that jaxpantyguy posted. i have never seen any gallery #s or red flags in the year or so that i have been coming here.
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Re: Request: Hide suspended galleries

Postby longhairfish on Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:39 pm

All right. A few things. The red flag only the mods can see. I have no idea why that is. Having the flag does little use for us, since it is flagged there is no sense in going to look at it further. What would be a good idea is to have that flag show for all users. Sure would save some time while browsing.

The mods can see the galleries posted just a little bit sooner than the normal users can. I think it is by about 20-30 minutes. I don't know if there is a reason for it. Could be. Makes a little sense. Holding onto that thought, when the mods flag a gallery for forbidden content, then the gallery will 'normally' just go away. The reason for flagging forbidden content is obvious to the mods, so there is no reason for the admins to go double check that type of flagging. It is what it is. And that is a done case. We have around 13 reasons to flag a gallery. The other 12 or so reasons we use get flagged and the admins review it for the reason we indicated. If they agree to flag the pictures or galleries, then they do it. Or just remove the flag. They have the last call on it.
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Re: Request: Hide suspended galleries

Postby jaxpantyguy on Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:54 pm

longhairfish wrote:All right. A few things. The red flag only the mods can see. I have no idea why that is. .

That is what the other guy mentioned but you came up with some story, were you lying to us or did you just not really take the time to look when you told us

longhairfish wrote:Site looks exactly the same in Chromium when I either view it logged in to my secondary account which is not modded or even if I am logged out.

Don't get me wrong, I can imagine how hard it can be to try to moderate such a site but I am also offended when it appears you make things up in your reply in order to satisy folks rather than just being honest. Far better to be honest and say you do not know something than to make stuff up and then get caught

NOW, MOST Important, Can you make it that the galleries don't show up or at least so we can aALL See the RED FLAG??
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Re: Request: Hide suspended galleries

Postby rougefemale on Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:39 am

hey... dickhead... he isnt lying. you arent supposed to see a red flag on the gallery page. when we flag a gallery, it isnt supposed to show up at all to regular users. it shows up to other mods with the red flag so we know its already been checked and flagged.

if you are seeing a red flag next to some galleries on the gallery page, then its a glitch from all the enhancements made this week and we need to fix that. but mods DO NOT KNOW you see them as we always see them.

as for going to someones page and going through their galleries and you click one and it says the gallery is under review... well, that is more for a warning to other users to let them know WE ARE checking content.
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Re: Request: Hide suspended galleries

Postby jaxpantyguy on Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:58 pm

rougefemale wrote:hey... dickhead... he isnt lying. you arent supposed to see a red flag on the gallery page. when we flag a gallery, it isnt supposed to show up at all to regular users. it shows up to other mods with the red flag so we know its already been checked and flagged.


You shoul re read his prior post where he said he always sees the red flag with various browsers , even when logged into a non moderated account, he even says he sees the red flag when not even signed in. That is where there seems to be the confusion.

longhairfish wrote:Site looks exactly the same in Chromium when I either view it logged in to my secondary account which is not modded or even if I am logged out. The red flag has always looked this way. .
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Re: Request: Hide suspended galleries

Postby longhairfish on Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:25 pm

Jax dude. Are you blind? I already stated in the last post that normal users cannot see the red flags. But I think they should.

One more post from you and you will be banned from the forums - or worse. Enough of you. Stop being a dick.

And if you don't like that, go talk to the head admins. They will see how much of a dope you are.
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Re: Request: Hide suspended galleries

Postby jaxpantyguy on Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:57 am

longhairfish wrote:Jax dude. Are you blind? I already stated in the last post that normal users cannot see the red flags. But I think they should.

One more post from you and you will be banned from the forums - or worse. Enough of you. Stop being a dick.


What do you mean by " or worse" Is that some type of threat? Is that how you deal with folks that have obviously pointed out that in one post you tell us one thing and in the next you blame others?? Remember YOU told us that even when logged in on a non moderated account or even when not logged in at all you say the same red flag type thing as you posted the screenshot. Another poster gave you the way out and suggested that it was you moderator status but you were adament that even when logged out or the other screen name you still saw it the same..
I have never questioned WHY I could not see these red flags as i assumed the poster was correct that it was a moderator thing but if you read through this whole topic you will see where you said that was not the case.
If you feel bullying someone is the right thing to do then so be it but face it, Everyone reading this can see where you told us you could see the red flagd as a mod, as a non mod and even when not logged in. That only changed when i posted my screenshots and everyone agreed with me.
I am simply asking why we all cannot see the red flags? Why not change the settings so people do not waste time clicking on flagged posts?
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Re: Request: Hide suspended galleries

Postby rougefemale on Tue Oct 05, 2010 6:28 am


rougefemale wrote:hey... dickhead... he isnt lying. you arent supposed to see a red flag on the gallery page. when we flag a gallery, it isnt supposed to show up at all to regular users. it shows up to other mods with the red flag so we know its already been checked and flagged.

if you are seeing a red flag next to some galleries on the gallery page, then its a glitch from all the enhancements made this week and we need to fix that. but mods DO NOT KNOW you see them as we always see them.

as for going to someones page and going through their galleries and you click one and it says the gallery is under review... well, that is more for a warning to other users to let them know WE ARE checking content.

you are like that idiot who picks out the mistakes in a movie, like seeing an overhead microphone and it "ruins the movie" for them and they cant stop bitching about it to their soon not friends friends.

and longhairfish... you actually used the word "dope"... seriously??? haha :P

galleries that are flagged are not supposed to be on the gallery list. its just a glitch from the new modifications.

and we are moderators, we flag galleries that break rules.... then the ADMINISTRATOR comes along and reviews our flags and decides whether to delete it or not. we cant delete galleries. but fishy and i can banned you from this forum and we can flag your profile for deletion. and you have a 1% chance it wont get deleted by the admin. whether or not you think you are harassing a mod, YOU ARE.

damn, you are an annoying little fucker.

so shut the fuck up.
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Re: Request: Hide suspended galleries

Postby avrilfuck on Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:06 pm

I think this discussion turns complicated... (at least for me).
As I said posts before, when a gallery is flagged, I can see some of the images... But not all the gallery.
Yesterday there was a celebrity fakes gallery flagged, one about 500 pics or more (I don´t remember the user, it was one unknown for me). The first ones that I could see were normal celebrities. I don´t know the rest. The gallery has not been shown at last.
Well, the strange, as I said, is that some user can see flagged images and others no (or so it seems...). There was even once time not much ago when a celebrity fakes gallery of an user well knowm was flagged two times (it seems there were some underage celebrities). Well, in spite of that... I could put even some comments in some of these fakes! (until I get tired of that :mrgreen: ). The gallery was reissued some time after, without some images.
The logical seems that nobody should see any pic in flagged galleries... (but internet and logic is a contradiction... :mrgreen: )
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