My Files for others inZiP

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My Files for others inZiP

Postby Baldorinos on Wed May 05, 2010 9:38 am

I know, you answer only inquiries in English. But my English is very bad, therefore must I translate my question with Yahoo.babelfish (Sorry for that!) …

I would like that my new files can be loaded from other users completely down. I know that it is possible starting from 100 pictures per file. But with my files does not stand the reference :

Download gallery as .ZIP from

Although I make therefore specially files with 100 pictures!
What do I make for an error? And do I have to highload the old files again new, if the error is repaired?

I do not hope that was too badly to be read now?

with the English at school I should not have paid attention so much to the teacher…
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Re: My Files for others inZiP

Postby Silversleeves on Wed May 05, 2010 11:33 am

FeboShare usually makes zips for galleries where every pic together, like in a folder on your computer's hard drive, add up to a total size between 11 1/2 and 22 megabytes. The problem is that you don't always know whether Big_File100.jpg, which your Windows, Mac or Linux may say is 610 kb, will still be 610 kb after ImageFap's uploader re-compresses it. It may be smaller, it may be larger -- most of the time it's smaller, but peculiar things have happened where even 60 kb files have ballooned out to 210 kb after uploading. Multiply that by however many pictures you have in a gallery, and the difference between how big your computer says a batch of picture files is and the size of the same set that ImageFap and FeboShare can see gets wider.

That's why you don't see a FeboShare link at the top of every gallery thumb page.

The best cost-free solution for getting every file in a gallery I have found is the Orbit Downloader. .
It's a little difficult to adapt for downloading from ImageFap, but next to the pay-ware Bulk Image Downloader or BID, once you get the settings right it gets pretty much every file, thumbnail pictures included.

If there's a gallery you really want other folks to be able to download as a .zip, FeboShare also allows for uploads. Just make a .zip of the same picture files, then browse to and upload it. When the page shows a link which refers directly to the .zip file on their end, copy that link to your clipboard and paste it somewhere you can refer back to later on.

Hope this was helpful and informative.

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Re: My Files for others inZiP

Postby Agent-X on Wed May 05, 2010 5:27 pm

Like silversleeves said, Bulk Image Downloader (BID) is probably the best option and is what I use. You get the first 30 days free, then after that you can get a lite single user licence for just $19.95, or full single licence for $29.95.

Just type into google "Bulk Image Downloader" , and it should be the first result that comes up.

Hope that helps?
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Re: My Files for others inZiP

Postby firefly3323 on Thu May 06, 2010 1:08 am

i use this its free (although i did make a small donation ;) ) as long as you are using firefox.

now while it is not as advanced as bulk image downloader it does the job here at IF. there also is a message board where you can submit requests if it isn't working at a site that you like. i have never submitted a request, but it seems as though the board community does a good job helping out and making it work at sites that it currently doesn't.
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Re: My Files for others inZiP

Postby Baldorinos on Sat May 08, 2010 9:49 am

First of all: Thank you very Much for helping Answers!

I dont have completely understood the problem with the size of the files.
(because I highloaded the files in my old account highly with zip and then there
was the "Download gallery as .ZIP from" for others to download my Files.)

But now I know which I must do, if I will that others down load my files.

Its w not so simply as if the Link automatically ould be there, but I have it tried out and it works.

Once again: Thank you very Much for Help and Informations!

And Sorry for my Terribly English ;)
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Re: My Files for others inZiP

Postby rougefemale on Sat May 08, 2010 6:12 pm

since you finished your thread, i want to say this I SWEAR BY BULK IMAGE DOWNLOADER. i have never been so happy with a piece of software whether i spent money on it or not. it is so totally worth the money. so easy and simple to use... its so quick... it can run in the background while you are surfing the web with no noticeable lag whatsoever. the queue feature is the best... add 30 or 50 or 300 galleries to the queue and let it go while you are off doing something else... or just keep surfing imagefap and add gallery after gallery to to the queue (you absolutely must get the firefox add on or google chrome to go with this software... just right click anywhere on the gallery page and click download using BID or add to BID queue... links for those add ons are right there on the download page to the left)

get the trial version here and check it out: ... d=11afc55f

and It's not just for images - BID also supports VIDEO downloading from
YouTube, Google Video, DailyMotion, MetaCafe, MegaVideo, YouPorn, PornHub, RedTube, Tube8, MegaPorn, MovieFap
as well as directly linked video files (.avi, .wmv, .mpeg, .mov, .flv, etc) <--- i copied that from their webpage :P

and the license is on sale right now for $19.95

end ad :P
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Re: My Files for others inZiP

Postby Pr0n Glutton on Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:16 am

It might be worth the price, but I've been doing that for free for maybe half a year...perhaps longer. I've posted how to's in some of my galleries and my blog. I didn't want to make it too well known, because this site is always having some technical issue daily an dIdn't want to enable users to kill the servers of an already broken site ( image servers malfunction is near daily.)

Is the Feboshare auto-zip feature gone now?
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