Site News - For everyone

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Site News - For everyone

Postby longhairfish on Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:51 pm

Hi everyone!

Today I will address concerns and issues about the site that have cropped up over the last week or so. Sorry its a bit lengthy, but to avoid questions in the forum and via email I will explain everything.

Too Many Requests. Retry in 1 hour : This error happens for a few reasons. And it is being worked on if not fixed already by the time you read this. You see, some users, as many as 1000 a day, will simply be using the site to download entire galleries. This massive downloading is going to stop or be limited. After evaluating all of our options we going to stop the beta site from downloading galleries. As I mentioned in other sections of the forum, a beta site is not a finished product. This past week we spent some time on the beta site making improvements and things on the 'back end' that you won't notice. The people downloading massive amounts of galleries was slowing the site down for the casual users. The downloading was nice for some users. But it has seen its day. A little bit of justification would be is that if you like a gallery, you don't need to download it. Just bookmark the gallery or save it to your favorites.Some messages to me include "You will lose customers" or "I wont use this site again!". Right. If you were using the site mostly to download, then honestly you won't be missed. There is nothing to add besides what I mentioned. Messages or emails complaining about this new policy will be ignored. Our decision is final.

Too Many Requests - Part 2 : This is for the users in the United Kingdom using the ISP of or any other ISP owned by BT. This is a bit of a nerdy technical explanation. So I will keep it short and not bore you. The BT ISP is a weird one. Every once in a while they try to reinvent the wheel and fool around with their users. The ISP has (as of this moment) to dump your guys into a type of security protocol. Maybe you agreed to it, maybe not. The BT users are all sharing a block of IP's. The block is bady configured. There are way too many users on BT having their IP switch many times an hour. So what does that mean to you while on Imagefap? We rely heavily on you using both cookies and the same IP for the duration of your session. BT is not letting that happen. When your IP changes, then your session will turn into a mess and you will get errors telling you to try back in 1 hour. BT will not fix this. even if you call them and ask WTF they are doing, it will take you forever to talk to a level 3 tech. So, while we don't like to cater to an ISP, we do value the users of our site. Today or tomorrow all users of this BT Proxy / ISP mess will be treated differently by us. We will configure this bad block of Ip's assigned to you so you won't get any errors. Nerd stuff - if you know how to check your IP you will see that will be listed. Also your IP will begin in most cases with 212.127.x.x . There might be other variations. But this block we will start with and see how things progress.

Too Many Requests - Part 3 : We will attempt to add a captcha when you see this error. This will validate your session one time. Look for it soon.

Wrong Category messages from Admin : Also mentioned in our forums as an announcement, this needs to be talked about again. Users who upload and are choosing the wrong category fall into three categories. 1, being lazy. There is a lot of that. 2, Intentionally choosing wrong categories just so they can get more gallery views. 3. Knowing very little about porn terms. We realize this is a site used by the entire world. And not everyone understands English. We really need to fix this. And we are slowly. Again, when you upload choose the correct categories. If you aren't sure, don't add it. Now the bad part. When we started to check categories, we said that you would have one week to fix any gallery of yours flagged by a site moderator. Sadly, most users didn't decide to do anything at all. Starting today, if you receive a message from Admin "Wrong Category" you will have no grace period. The gallery will be deleted right away. Again, this is the final decision. Messages to site moderators and emails will be ignored.

Beta site : Some users said they can't log in. We found this is only happening to a limited amount of users. Rest assure that this is being worked on or is fixed by now. Also, some users say the can't tell if they are actually logged in or not. This is a result of the beta (not finished) site feature not there. Some day it will show up. But its not on the front burner at the moment. If the beta site seems to be too much trouble, you can always exit and go to the PC site. Every browser has the option for you to get out of the mobile site. Check for an icon on the top right of your browser and look around in your settings. It shouldn't be too hard to find as it is a popular setting many people use.

Message from Admin, Deleted pictures : I will only reference 3 of the 25 reasons we will delete a picture or gallery. Appears too young reason. Just know that we have an excellent admin and moderator team. Some paid, mostly volunteers. Then we have over 1 million active users on the site who can / will report questionable content on our site. Even without site users helping us, our team consists of adults. All over the age of 30. We all know what under 18 looks like. We all had kids, or have been in a school locker room at one time. So the classic line from a user with a deleted pictures saying "Hey, she is 18!" falls on deaf ears. Another common response might be "Hey, I found the picture on imagefap!". That's nice. The problem is you agree to upload only pictures of people 18 or older. It doesn't matter where you originally found the pictures. If indeed you did find the pictures on our site, we will find them eventually. Or if you want to be a good sport, tell us where you found the picture(s). The next, while not the most popular reason I mentioned in the forum a few months ago. Child abuse report by organization. This means a national or international agency has formally complained to us about pictures you uploaded. These agencies know what they are talking about. This is their specialty. So if you complain saying "This is BS!" then you have a serious issue going on. Typically your account will be put under review until I can establish the seriousness of your offense. The odds of you keeping your account are very slim. Next, Copyright Complaint deletion. Due to the nature of our site and most porn sites, this is a fairly popular reason we are asked to deleted content from the site. The copyright holders of the pictures know what they are looking at. Its 'their stuff'. I will add though, just because there isn't a logo or a watermark on the pictures doesn't mean you are free to upload it. Copyright owners of the pictures as well as professional website know 'their stuff' and can easily detect cropped / chopped off logos or watermarks. Once again there will be no disputing Copyright Complaint messages you might receive.

Message from Admin Part 2 : Does not belong in imagefap. As it turns out on any social media site people will upload 'stuff' or do as they please and basically not act civil. We get it. This is how the world is. The site in not intended for users to come and basically start acting like an ass. There are other sites where you can do that. Users coming to the site to spew hate, racism or start with the slurs of people they don't like isn't needed here. We let of the nonsense go by as long as it's not severe. We know this is a touchy subject. But if you are going to make comments of upload galleries with niggers, jews, chinks or crap like that, you will fall into the deletion of Doesn't belong on imagefap. In the end, show a little bit of class. Put your nonsense on other sites.

In closing, our aim is to keep the site running as smooth as possible without any interruptions. Our up time is as good as any other site. Response times to load a page might be slower (but not annoying) during out peak hours. We still to this day average 300 - 500 new users a day. Not bad for a pictures only porn site. Uploaded pictures ranges a lot, but just this past Thursday I noted 150,000 uploaded pictures. Not too shabby!

Thanks for reading this. Sadly most people will skip it :cry:

UPDATE : Forgot to mention this. If we find the word rape anywhere on your profile page, gallery descriptions or captions on your pictures, you will probably be removed from the site with zero warning. That's how it is. No further discussion will be entertained.
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