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Downloading Galleries

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:35 pm
by All_Ass_in_Chains
If Imagefap does not want people to download galleries then maybe they should not have a button that says -Download Gallery-(or something similar) above every gallery.

How are people supposed to know it is detrimental to the site when there is a button that says
-Download Gallery-(or something similar) above every gallery

Simply put, do not call people "abusers" who were only pushing a button that says
-Download Gallery-(or something similar) above every gallery

I assume that a site with a button that says
-Download Gallery-(or something similar) above every gallery can handle the downloads of said galleries.

Re: Downloading Galleries

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 5:55 pm
by longhairfish
There is a topic running. Downloading is disabled.

In short, the "beta site" (which is an unfinished and not a final product) means changes will be made before the site is in stable mode and perfected as much as possible.

The downloading of galleries is something that is slowing down the beta and main PC site of imagefap. Knowing that, the downloading option is disabled at least for now.

Downloading may return in the future. But in a totally different fashion.

Re: Downloading Galleries

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 9:16 pm
by All_Ass_in_Chains
I don't know if you got my point Mr Mod sir.

First, it seems to me that the mobile beta has done what a beta should do, expose issues.

The mobile beta has shown that the site, in it's current capacity, cannot handle large scale downloading.

I also agree that if money spent improving the site would only really aid people downloading all day and night, then it is better off spent elsewhere.

This does not change the fact that some people were only just taking advantage of a mobile site offered feature, the DOWNLOAD button, with absolutely no idea whatsoever that they were fucking things up for other people.

You can call someone using a program to rip this site an abuser all you want to and I would not disagree, but it is not fair to lump everybody together in one boat, especially people downloading by pressing a button on the site itself.

Re: Downloading Galleries

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 1:11 am
by longhairfish
Beta has a failed option. The option is disabled for now.

Beta means just that. Things will be added or deleted at our option.

There are many different types of ways to mass download. Scripts, add-ons, extensions and programs you can install on your PC or phone.

The small percentage of the mass downloaders is causing the site to run slow. We will not add extra bandwidth or hardware just to support those downloaders.

To summarize, its is much better for us to provide the fastest loading of pages and pictures than to cater to the people who download in excess.

Downloading of a gallery was "an ok" idea. But in the end for most users it makes no sense. If you like a gallery, you bookmark it or add it to your favorites. It will always be on the site. No need to download.

Re: Downloading Galleries

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 3:40 pm
by SomeRandomGuy01
longhairfish wrote:Downloading of a gallery was "an ok" idea. But in the end for most users it makes no sense. If you like a gallery, you bookmark it or add it to your favorites. It will always be on the site. No need to download.

Downloading ("save image as ..") is something I do all the time (not "mass downloading"!) because this webiste might not be around for ever ...
I have seen some awsome sites go down just a few weeks after I found them ...
(I hate it when things get "taken away" from me ...)
And also, I might not always have a working internet connection ...
That's why I download images I like. Not entire galleries (I don't have THAT much space to spare ...), just the pictures that I like.
(And I am very picky ... :) )

"Right click on image" -> "Save image as ..." shouldn't take up any more bandwith or resources of the servers anyway, because the image is already loaded in my browser, right? (Otherwise it wouldn't show up ...)

So what I do should be fine, right?

Re: Downloading Galleries

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:31 pm
by longhairfish
Anyone would still be safe if they individually saved over 100 pictures.

The problem with users downloading mass galleries was, they were doing it all day.

Who knows why they would do that? Some people just like to collect pictures I suppose. Or some people like to start their own web sites.

Re: Downloading Galleries

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:16 pm
by SomeRandomGuy01
What? :o
Well, I certainly don't have the bandwidth nor the desire or the storage space to do something like that ...
Yeah, if a few people do that all day, that takes up HUGE ammounts of bandwidth and resources on the "server" side of things ...

That explains why those "restrictions" (not really restrictions for the average user) are now in place ...

One or two galleries a day, I understand that ...
But downloading "all the galleries" "all the time", well, that's something else ...
(Would probably be easier and cheaper for everybody involved if somebody sent them the a full copy of the storage of this website ... :lol: )

Anyway, have a nice day and like I said, thanks for keeping this site going!