Uploading - Rules modifications

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Uploading - Rules modifications

Postby longhairfish on Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:14 am

Hi everyone!

It's been a while since we officially announced any rules of uploading. So here I will tell you what the changes are and the reasons.

1. Each picture will be limited to 12 megs. Although we may drop that down to 10 megs. But let's just call it 12 for now.

Justification : Love em or hate em - GIF pictures are the biggest complaint I get. And I understand it. Really I do. But you guys need to know that not everyone has either a high speed internet connection or a good phone or PC. People who visit our site are here for what reason? Pictures. Picture sites are less taxing on a phone or PC. So this rule change had to happen because some members who upload GIF animated pictures are essentially turning the picture into a movie. Not good. Even though we have reduced the GIF to a small thumbnail, the initial 5 pictures still have to be downloaded to the phone or PC.

For the 'haters' of GIF pictures you can block those types in your blocking section. Now this will usually work IF the uploader has chosen GIF as a category when they upload. Some users do - some don't. To block the GIF pictures as well as other categories you can go here once you are logged in:


2. Each gallery will have a maximum of 1000 pictures per gallery.

Justification : There are a few. But honestly uploading of thousands of picture to a single gallery is annoying even to the most devoted user. To find someone who would look at 1000 pictures in a gallery would be hard to find. Your best bet would be to break down the galleries into groups. So for example My Favs 001 , My Favs 002 and so on. The next reason is for the user and us. Now some people don't know this, but you can display a gallery 24 pictures at a time or you can change your setting to "one page". The people who have switched the setting (knowingly or not) might be looking at the site as one page. I don't know why someone would do that. And honestly I don't know why we have the one page option. If someone starts to view a gallery and they view as one page it will drag down their phone or a lesser quality PC in a hurry. Knowing that, look for this group of words at the top of each gallery. Detailed View / One page

3. Each user is limited to 3000 pictures uploaded by day.

Justification : Another complaint we are familiar with is the members who mass upload. A common message I receive is like this "Hey, why don't you block that a-hole member from flooding the site with his galleries?". :roll:

This is a fine line as you might imagine. The reason why we are here is for pictures. We don't generate them ourselves. So we rely on you. While this rule isn't exactly put in place because we can't handle the load, its for the end user looking at the site to not be annoyed. Sometimes you will see 'some guy' upload what seems bazillions of pictures in one session. And (quite frankly) its the same theme and all galleries are pretty much the same thing. Either boring or annoying to the end user. And I get it - people like to show off their galleries with a "Look at me uploading a crapload of pictures!". Common sense says not to do that. You have plenty of time to upload during the week. You don't have to do it all in one session.

Now I know some people will complain and fuss about this rule #3. But this is how it will be. Actually this rule only affects a few uploaders. But in the end it affects all people who come to our site. Nobody wants to be annoyed by a single uploader.

Not to be a dick or anything but I am going to lock this topic. There will not be any discussion on it. We as a group of employees and site moderators feel these 3 rules are not going to be dreadful to anyone. Well - maybe a few. But that's ok. The site should be enjoyable for the majority of people, not just people who mass upload and become somewhat annoying.
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Re: Uploading - Rules modifications

Postby longhairfish on Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:36 am


The rule we had set for the individual picture limit of 12 megs. There was a flaw on our end and you were limited to only 10 megs.

This has been fixed. The 12 meg rule is now hard coded into the site.
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