weight loss??

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weight loss??

Postby fares66 on Sat Jan 23, 2021 5:30 pm

guys, what do you do for weight loss> Any reccomendations are welcome??
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Re: weight loss??

Postby fares66 on Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:32 am

thanks for sharing own experience :D
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Re: weight loss??

Postby EJackuNation on Fri Feb 19, 2021 9:14 pm

It can be frustrating, but lots of exercise and eating impossibly boring food goes a long way.
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Re: weight loss??

Postby SaintMark on Mon May 10, 2021 5:45 pm

take a backpack and go hiking for several months.

take a surfboard go to the beach and paddle and surf every day.

reduce almost all carbs from your diet. only protein, vitamins.

get the food out of your reach, only eat if you really need to.

pattern your life so you live balanced and don't have stress.
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Re: weight loss??

Postby Rule34Ever on Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:38 am

Simply cutting out junk food (chips, ice cream, donuts, fast food, etc.) and sugary drinks will go a long way. Replace them with healthier snacks, like fruit, popcorn, and nuts. Carbs are not your enemy; you need carbs for energy. Just avoid carbs that are high in fat and sugar. Sugar-free soft drinks and energy drinks are also easy substitutions for sugary drinks.

Combine that with daily cardio or weightlifting, and you should see quick results. Everyone always says it, but consistency truly is the key. YouTube has all kinds of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) routines for quick cardio workouts. I personally recommend Heather Robertson's channel. Precision Striking's virtual-padwork videos are also a fun way to burn a lot of calories. Putting on muscle will also burn fat, but cardio is better if weight-loss is your goal.

Finally, it could take three or more months to lose your belly fat, so don't get discouraged. You'll lose fat everywhere else first. If you slip and eat some junk food, it isn't the end of the world. Cravings can be a bitch! Just be mindful of slipping back into old habits, and remind yourself why you started your fitness journey to begin with.

Hope this helps!
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Re: weight loss??

Postby Joli_Cul on Sat Oct 09, 2021 12:47 am

Rule34Ever wrote:Simply cutting out junk food (chips, ice cream, donuts, fast food, etc.) and sugary drinks will go a long way. Replace them with healthier snacks, like fruit, popcorn, and nuts. Carbs are not your enemy; you need carbs for energy. Just avoid carbs that are high in fat and sugar.

This is absolutely true.

Rule34Ever wrote:Sugar-free soft drinks and energy drinks are also easy substitutions for sugary drinks.

On the other hand, this is not. Your body will react to the sugarish taste and will starts storing whatever it can, so it's not a good idea. Energy drinks are a disaster for your body long term and usually full of sugar. Better stay away from it.

I have problem with too big portions, so I simply skip a meal once in a while. I know it's not an option anyone can consider, but it works for me.
Work out is very good for health, and should be done regularly. But it's ways easier to cut your calories income than to run miles and miles to remove the same calories amount.
But it's important to keep working out, both to keep your body healthy, and to prevent it to use your muscles when you are low in calories.

Most extreme case can stop eating for a full week, but be very careful with that. If spiking a meal (or even for a day) won't affect your health, doing a full week will need preparation (light meals the day before and after) and it's better to have your doctor opinion on it.

In any case, drink plenty of water (1-2 liters per day). It really helps your body working correctly. Obviously, don't drink a full liter in one stand, that would be bad for you. Drink a bit every now and then.
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Re: weight loss??

Postby nadyes on Sat Oct 09, 2021 2:25 pm

are you looking for a healthy way or a quick way?
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Re: weight loss??

Postby ErisVenti on Fri Nov 26, 2021 3:47 pm

My guy did surprisingly well with simply taking on 10-25 km walking per day and changing diet to cheap meat (where the good sinew stuff is still in it) a very few vegs, a few nuts in the morning (16/8), a lot of fats and every night in bad 100 gr chocolate. Lost 15 kg in under 2 month, didn't have a hassle sticking to his "plan" and kept it off.

Great, obvious and always overlooked trick, stick to what humans are supposed to drink.
Turns out it's a short list.
Water. (Sparkling water if your German, but only itc, lower races don't deserve sparkling yet, still waiting for a flying car or something cooler than a computer and - face it, no one delivered yet, quite disappointing tbf)
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Re: weight loss??

Postby HappyWifeLife on Fri Jul 29, 2022 7:27 pm

I've gone from 210 to 160 and she has gone from 140 to 120. We ride a Peloton.
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Re: weight loss??

Postby Chessknight45 on Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:49 pm

Keto diet: I have dropped 60# in 4 months. Give up sugar and keep carbs to around 25-30 grams per day max.
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