Question about my exes sister

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Question about my exes sister

Postby Jackboot74 on Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:35 am

Let me start by saying I'm terrible at picking up on women flirting with me. I never see the signs I guess.

Let me give you some history of what my former sis-in-law has been doing. I'll call her "D" for this post.

First time I started to wonder was about a year before I divorced her sister. We were at my in-laws house playing cards. I was sitting across from "D" during the game and she was wearing a very short skirt. Every time I would get up from the table I would notice "D" would have her legs spread apart. Far enough I could get a very nice view. I chalked it up to her just being comfortable. So I wanted to see for sure. I "accidently" dropped a card to the floor. When I bent over to get it "D's" legs were together. I just assumed I was crazy.

The second time I started to wonder was in a conversation. We were at another family function not long after incident one."D" was telling a story to me and a couple of her female relatives about one of her daughters seeing her in the shower. She explained that her daughter, which was quite young at the time, asked why she was shaving her "private" area. After that almost every time I spoke with "D" it somehow turned sexual. I learned she very seldom wears underwear and she likes to have rough sex. All topics brought up by her.

This third time happened recently. I have been divorced from her sister for several years at this point. There was a ball game that I had went to and "D's" daughter was playing. I ended up sitting in the seat directly in front of "D." We talked and laughed at stupid jokes. Towards the end of the game "D" leaned over and started to rub my shoulders. This was completely unexpected! I never said my shoulders hurt or was sore. She just started rubbing them out of the blue.

I guess ny question is is "D" flirting with me or am I delusional? Yes I would love to fuck her and would love for this to be true. On the other hand I don't want to make a mistake. She is a couple years older than me, but still hot as hell!

Just needing some opinions. Also if I ever do fuck her I'll definitely have pics!
Thanks in advance
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